Whatever the individuals underlying problem, people who employ the coffee enemas into their detoxification program will most commonly experience flu-like symptoms such as low grade fevers, muscle aches, pains and rashes, as a response to waste material being released from body tissues. Over the course of his career, Dr. Gonzalez worked with patients who had many kinds of cancer, including Breast Cancer. Dr. Gonzalez was a strong advocate of food as fuel. He felt strongly that by eating the right foods and taking the right supplements, the body can achieve autonomic balance. As Dr. Gonzalez explains in his other book, Dr. Gonzalez was also a firm believer in using a method called, As long as we put the right fuel into our bodies by eating the right food for our metabolic type, the autonomic system will be in balance, both branches and the associated organs and glands will function efficiently, the body will work beautifully, and our health will be ideal,, Dr. William Kelley and the Birth of Metabolic Typing, Metabolic typing was not the brainchild of Dr. Gonzalez, although he was the physician most responsible for putting the concept on the map. It also showed in the results of his cancer treatment where he had significantly higher success rates than his mainstream competition. There was no one-size-fits-all treatment. Though I do NOT advocate all of Dr. Gonzalez's work, the enzyme portion of his therapy derived from Dr. Kelley's work is one that we readily incorporate, involving strict diet based on Sympathetic or Parasympathetic dominance, high-dose enzymes, and regular coffee enemas. Allowed protein includes fish one to two times a week, one to two eggs daily and yogurt daily, but no other animal protein. Whereas the typical medical doctor today is little more than a drug dispenser, taking input from the patient and prescribing drugsin a process that cant take much more than ten minutes, on average, because the doctor must see many patients each day to assure financial survivalDr. We use such supplements very specifically, in very precise doses and combinations as we use diet, to manipulate autonomic function and to bring about balance to an imbalanced system. In a warm bath, add one cup of organic apple cider. Enable collaborative features and customize widget: An error on our end has caused the item you were trying to add to your cart to fail, please try again or call, Chemistry Panel & Complete Blood Count (CBC). Press release. Such patients do extremely well with a diet based on animal products with minimal to moderate amounts of plant based foods, the particular design of the diet again depending on the individual patients metabolic make-up. He particularly recommended the chiropractic approach developed by Dr. Roy Sweat, who came up with a unique way of adjusting without actually touching the patient. 415-793-4575. Conners Clinic | Alternative Cancer Coaching, Minnesota, State and Website Practice Disclaimer. Be sure to get the basics about coffee enemas HERE. helpful for toxic headaches and goopy toxic symptoms, muscle aches and pains, and water retention in ankles and other parts of the body. Being tuned to the truth is like having supersonic hearing. Some simply did not follow the protocol correctly. I am Gonzalez the quack, the fraud, the doctor who lies to cancer patients, steals their money and kills them. I have collected a number of reports from that time in the major medical journals documenting tumor regression and long-term survival in patients treated with enzyme therapy. We have found that specific nutrients and foods have specific, precise and predictable effects on the autonomic nervous system. Dr. Kelley made most of his discoveries when he cured himself of metastatic pancreatic cancer after he was given two months to live. Dr. Gonzalez opened a private medical practice in 1987 in New York and treated patients for nearly 30 years. Mary Beth is a digital marketing executive with decades of experience in the advertising industry. The first section of Volume I covers pancreatic cancer cases. Tim Boyd was born and raised in Ohio, graduated from Case Western Reserve University with a degree in computer engineering, and worked in the defense industry in Northern Virginia for over 20 years. As long as we put the right fuel into our bodies by eating the right food for our metabolic type, the autonomic system will be in balance, both branches and the associated organs and glands will function efficiently, the body will work beautifully, and our health will be ideal, says Dr. Gonzalez. The regimen also includes prescribed diets, nutritional supplements, and coffee enemas (see Question 1 ). Metabolic typing was originally created by Dr. William Kelley, an American dentist who believed that each of us has a unique metabolic code. Dr. Kelley used the method to help hundreds of cancer patients during the many decades he was in practice. It is clear from our extensive clinical experience that pancreatic proteolytic enzymes have a profound anti-neoplastic effect, but we do not know how they work. Do not brush the face. In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez (developer of The Gonzalez Protocol for the treatment of cancer and many other degenerative diseases) explains the importance of nutrition in maintaining and restoring the autonomic nervous system balance that is so crucial to good health. It is recommended that you do your own research and consult your physician before making any decisions on what to do for your health and wellbeing. Some of his patients were in their eighties. According to Gonzalez, unless the body is properly detoxified it cannot work at optimal levels or efficiently process the various therapies being used. The formulation is specially prepared under strict organic conditions and made at enhanced potency. Do not brush the face. There are several studies from the 1960s showing, in an animal model, that orally ingested pancreatic enzymes have an anti-cancer effect, and might work through immune modulation, but these studies were preliminary and were never followed-up. Furthermore, a largely vegetarian diet tends to be very alkalinizing, and the neurophysiologic research documents that in an alkalinizing environment, sympathetic activity is reduced and parasympathetic activity increased. To get started with the Gonzalez Protocol, I suggest checking out the latest book from Mary Beth and The Nicholas Gonzalez Foundation, For more information on the Gonzalez Protocol in general and to find out about their new Metabolic Questionnaire, click, well-known, information-packed presentations, The Maverick. What matters is that many not all, by any meansof my patients are alive when they should be dead. After Dr. By Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D. wrote Ty Bollinger. It involved using sonic forces to gently realign the atlas in particular, and the results were usually long-term or permanent. Dr. Gonzalez studied Dr. Kelley's concepts thoroughly during the 1980s when he was just starting out in oncology. This comes not only from the alternative community, but from mainstream medicine as well. The vinegar will help to pull out toxins from the skin. NJG: I didnt come up with the idea to use pancreatic enzymes to treat cancer. Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez lecture of Dr. William Donald Kelley's Research Nutritional Diet for Cancer For Dr. Kelley cancer began with eye problems. Gonzalez heard about Kelley's methods from a friend, and during his second year in medical school, he visited Kelley in Texas [3]. When I was completing my immunology fellowship, I had an interesting correspondence with the then editor of theMerck Manual, who confirmed that the coffee enemas had been advocated in theMerck Manualfrom about 1890 right up until 1977, when they were removed more for space considerations than anything else. I did my premedical work as a postgraduate student at Columbia University, and received my medical degree from Cornell University Medical College in New York. His protocol also proved helpful for people who suffer from the following: To get started with the Gonzalez Protocol, I suggest checking out the latest book from Mary Beth and The Nicholas Gonzalez Foundation, The Maverick. Dr. Gonzalez was a strong advocate of food as fuel. He felt strongly that by eating the right foods and taking the right supplements, the body can achieve autonomic balance. As Dr. Gonzalez explains in his other book, Nutrition, and the Autonomic Nervous System: The Scientific Foundations of the Gonzalez Protocol (which I highly suggest as well), it is really the two branches of the autonomic nervous system the sympathetic and the parasympathetic- that run our bodies. By Nicholas J. Gonzalez In 1911, Beard published a monograph of his work, entitled The Enzyme Therapy of Cancer. He also found that fiber had little effect on colon cancer. In terms of pancreatic patients specifically, a plant-based diet provides all the nutrients to correct autonomic dysfunction. John Etcheverry, D.C. With that understanding, the war is obvious. Lie in bath 20 to 30 minutes. Some patients wake up at night to take more enzymes. What we ingest absolutely affects how these two systems function. Eskimos lack enzymes needed to digest complex carbohydratesan aspect of their unique make-up. Although Beard used injectable enzymes, it now appears that this form of enzyme is not necessary. There are three subtypes of vegetarian-sympathetic diets, four levels of the balanced metabolizes diet and three subtypes of meat-sympathetic diets. Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D., is a practicing physician in New York City who specializes in treating cancer with a treatment originated by Dr. Kelley, D.D.S. After three weeks, Dr. Gonzalez has the patients take a few days off for additional detoxification. In comparison, in a recent trial of the newly-approved drug gemcitabine, of 126 patients with pancreatic cancer not a single patient lived longer than 19 months. The pioneers of progressing nutrition in the right direction include Weston A. Price Foundation,Fall 2017. Salt and soda baths helps vegetarian and balanced type patients mobilize toxins out of the skins during times of intense toxicity. And if they do, I could not care less whether it involved moon dust or microbes from Pluto. After a pleasant and satisfying run in the electronics field, he decided he wanted to do something more important. Nestec (the Nestle Corporation) agreed to fund the trial, which began in January 1994. Periodically, alternative therapists have rediscovered Dr. Dr. Gonzalez was one of my instructors in the Fellowship program through the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. This is what the Gonzalez Protocol is all about. Gonzalezs Nutrition And The Autonomic Nervous System saying it was one of: the two most important health books ever written. Currently, she runs the Nicholas Gonzalez Foundation, whose mission is to preserve the legacy and continue the work of this great natural health pioneer. In the world of natural health and cancer, nobody compares to the late Nicholas Gonzalez. Swander is the former Poet Laureate of Iowa and artistic director of, In a nutshell, Dr. Gonzalez promoted the concept that cancer is really a. I can say with 100% certainty that whenever you have cancer growth, you are going to have some kind of damage at the level of the mitochondria! Get Chapter 1 of "Stop Fighting Cancer & Start Treating the Cause" FREE! [2] https://nourishingtraditions.com/weird-diets/ Replace a few parts, tighten a few screws, change the fluids, maybe remove some of the more troublesome spare parts and youre good to go, right? Discover nutrients you need for optimal health, Stay informed with Life Extension Magazine, From basic health panels to genetic testing. In my first article, I mentioned that in 1911, Dr. During the first two decades of this century, a number of physicians, both in Europe and in the United States, used injectable pancreatic enzymes to treat advanced human cancer, often times (depending on the quality of the product) with great success. KH: Is it possible that the positive effects from the coffee enemas are a result of a "caffeine high" versus a metabolic benefit? Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez's Enzyme Therapy . Gonzalez wrote another book that goes into much more detail, called The Trophoblast and the Origins of Cancer. This 96 question self-test auto-calculates all responses and results in assessing ones Gonzalez Metabolic Type. In a basin of warm water, add one tablespoon of dry mustard and one tablespoon of cayenne pepper. Required fields are marked *. Dont miss out! Weaponization of Coronavirus by David Martin. I am a male 65 year old healthcare professional who Read More, "My doctors told me this morning my blood pressure is down so low that I Read More, Feeling lethargic lately? Be sure to check out this latest Wellness Warrior podcast HERE. Are there any training to learn this protocol? Some believe all humans should follow a high meat, high animal fat diet; others, one emphasizing plant foods; still others, a more balanced "Mediterranean . The autonomic nervous system is a portion of the nervous system that controls unconscious or automatic body functions. It is clear that the medical industry, like any other industry, cares first and foremost about money. As Mary Beth explains, the Gonzalez Protocol is not just about the different foods to eat, but also the different nutrients and supplements to take. This system governs all aspects of our physiology, including immune function, the cardiovascular system, the endocrine system and the digestive system. He was a total visionary who was often called the guru of integrative medicine. I recently had the privilege of interviewing Dr. Gonzalezs widow, Mary Beth (Pryor) Gonzalez. Price Foundation extends heartfelt sympathy to all patients, health care workers and those adversely affected economically by public health measures. KH: What would you like to see in the future with regard to evaluating this protocol as far as studies go? Well-intentioned high school students who are running for the cure are partially supporting wealthy lifestyles of the ACS executive leadership. Dr. Gonzalez was a true pioneer in the field of cancer research, bringing to light a whole new way of looking at the disease as a function of an imbalanced metabolism at the cellular level. diet, Dr. Gonzalez aims to bring about balance to the autonomic system. Several coffee enema are performed per day to detoxify the liver which can become overloaded with tumor debris and toxins. All kinds. KH: What feedback have you gotten from the traditional oncology community with regard to your work? On behalf of them and all real humans who care more about that than about the money to be made, I say: Thank you, Dr. Gonzalez. Nicholas J. Gonzalez: I graduated from Brown University, Phi Beta Kappa, Magna Cum Laude with a degree in English literature. To provide the best experiences, we use technologies like cookies to store and/or access device information. Working with colleague Dr. Linda Isaacs, Dr. Gonzalez advocated a nutritional regimen similar to that of Dr. Kelley. Gonzalez includes one case of male breast cancer. Survival rates after diagnosis vary, but the average is two to three years. The Gonzalez regimen was developed by Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, who became interested in the use of pancreatic enzymes and dietary protocols as a possible treatment for cancer as a second-year medical student when he learned of a cancer treatment approach developed by a Texas dentist, William Donald Kelley, D.D.S. Many of Dr. Gonzalezs patients survived over twenty years and unless I missed something, all thirty-six cases survived at least four years. Skin brushing stimulates and cleanses the lymphatic system and detoxifies the skin. Adding supplements or foods that may even be very good for most people can stop progress and cause trouble for people with specific kinds of cancer. Please log in again. In subsequent models, there are 9 different metabolic types: Sympathetic Fast, Sympathetic Mixed, Sympathetic Slow, Balanced Fast, Balanced Mixed, Balanced Slow, Parasympathetic Fast, Parasympathetic Mixed, and Parasympathetic Slow. Slow oxidizers can gain vitality by including more healthy, whole foods-based carbohydrates in their diet. Dr Gonzalez formulated pancreatic enzymes with the help of a vendor in order to offer large quantities of enzymes at a reasonable cost to his patients, they can be found here: Nutricology Pancreas, Natural Glandular Enzymes. 2016 Breast Cancer ConquerorNaples, FL, United States, 34120. Gonzalez firmly believes in biochemical individualitywhat is the best diet and treatment program for one individual may be totally wrong for another. Throughout his career, Dr. Gonzalez took metabolic typing to the next level with his own patients. Sit in a comfortable chair and soak you feet in the basin for 20 to 30 minutes. The Board of Directors In our discussion, Mary Beth talked about the work she has done over the last five years to preserve the legacy of this incredible physician (who was also her husband of fifteen years). A graduate of Cornell Medical College, with post-graduate training at Vanderbilt University, Gonzalez is well grounded in traditional medical training, but refreshingly open to the theories that are often apart of non-traditional healing. Scattered throughout are a number of useful bits of information. While I am not going to go into detail about pancreatic enzymes and Breast Cancer, I encourage you to head to this blog to understand why pancreatic enzymes are so important in creating vibrant health. In this era of fast approaching changes in cancer treatment, an alternative approach is gaining serious mainstream recognition. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Today histologists and molecular biologists have identified Beards misplaced placental cells in every organ. Beard published a monograph entitledThe Enzyme Therapy of Cancer, which summarized his therapy and the supporting evidence. I dont know how many total patients Dr. Gonzalez saw in his career, but given such a low number of new cases per year, I would have to believe that the cases presented in these two volumes must represent a significant percentage of the total. Something completely different is going on with the enemas. NJG: When I first began my research efforts, I was very surprised to find that the coffee enemas, often portrayed as one of the most bizarre aspects of alternative medicine, came right out of theMerck Manual, a revered compendium of orthodox treatments. KH: How compliant were your patients to this regimen? Price, William Kelley, Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez and Dr. Joseph Mercola. The second volume of Conquering Cancer sorts numerous cancers into two categories: sympathetic- and parasympathetic-dominant cancers. We have not had the resources to support basic science research, but with appropriate funding we do not believe it would difficult to set up animal models to explore the molecular action of the enzymes against cancer cells. 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The trial is the outgrowth of a Congressional hearing last summer encouraging intensive government evaluation of promising alternative cancer treatments, and is currently up and running.