Please do explore our many other stories you can search by sport or by country or insert a topic or theme like poem in the search engine box on the site and youll find some nice poems about smiling etc. I am delighted with your information. Greetings Cooleen. Rice accepted the blame for putting "that much temptation" in his friend's way. The debate also continues elsewhere on this site as we occassionally post this verse to see if we get any different comments see July 2009 and also in Jan 2010 . He had no feeling whatever about what Hitler had or had not done. In 1951, in recognition of Rice's 50 years in journalism, an anonymous donor contributed $50,000 to establish the Grantland Rice Fellowship in Journalism with the New York Community Trust. function isShowingBuyableFeatures() { That standard redeems Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, James Madison and others like them because although they believed and did horrific and inhumane things, they defended the system that led to the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments, the Civil Rights Act, womens suffrage and so on. Do you, by any chance, have the full poem by Cardinal Newbolt (and year of publication)? var node = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; Mr. Kelly most likely has a framed motto published by The Buzza Co., who also published under Craftacres the name of their building in Minneapolis, from 1925. window.Mobvious = {}; This is known as the Players prayer at Stella Maris College in Uruguay mentioned by Marcus Aznarez. function q(c, r) { Henry Grantland Rice was born in 1880 in Murfreesboro, Tenn., and opted for journalism after graduating from Vanderbilt in 1901 and playing for the Vanderbilt baseball and football teams. gads.type = "text/javascript"; The plot thickens. ODonnell perhaps his people were from Donegal in Ireland? And thank yo again for sending us the poem from your schooldays. Bill put on steam and dashed into the thickest of the pile; In 1907, Rice saw what he would call the greatest thrill he ever witnessed in his years of watching sports during the SewaneeVanderbilt football game: the catch by Vanderbilt center Stein Stone, on a double-pass play then thrown near the end zone by Bob Blake to set up the touchdown run by Honus Craig that beat Sewanee at the very end for the SIAA championship. Its not how you win or lose, but how you play the game, is a misquote from the poem.! This is Rices account from The Tumult and the Shouting: When I encountered Owens after that jump, back at his quarters, he was the same modest person he had always been. setDisplayBids: function() {}, If you put all youve got in your play; For the greatest reward that your efforts can bring, This was part of a chapter titled The Negro Race, and Rice spends most of it praising black athletes of his day, particularly Louis. Rice was mentioned in an I Love Lucy episode entitled "The Camping Trip", and was portrayed by actor Lane Smith, also a native of Tennessee, in The Legend of Bagger Vance. However the debate continues because the beautiful graphic styled verse that I found in my family home For verification, the complete address is Your grandfather Mr. Brugh, roomed with Grantland Rice. [CDATA[ Rice was spared and returned to the end of a college football season that had been pieced together through the pandemic a century-old preview of what the 2020 season might look like and to a view like no one else had of historic moments in sports and society. })(); [15][16] The Grantland Rice Bowl, an annual college football bowl game held from 1964 to 1977, was named in his honor, as was the Grantland Rice Award given to the winner. Born in Murfreesboro on November 1, 1880, Rice was one of the foremost sports authorities and respected voices during his heyday as New York's "Herald Tribune" columnist. With very best wishes ~ Paul. May I enter the discussion on who wrote those final lines of Rices epic poem. Rice was an advocate for the emerging game of golf in the United States. Two of these poems I cannot find anywhere..It looks like Mr. Delong was editing for someone. These are only aliases. Easily done, I suppose, but on a wall plaque!? Many thanks Mike. My father who was a writer at the Nashville Banner also told me about what a great writer Grantland Rice was. I first heard the line spoken when watching the movie: Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius. Their shared legacy includes the Russell-Rice TRA scholarship for Vanderbilt students interested in sportswriting, awarded since 1956 to aspiring writers such as Roy Blount Jr., Skip Bayless, Lee Jenkins and Dan Wolken. So were the teachers who taught the small children, the doctors who tended the sick, the congressmen who made the laws and the jurists who administered justice. I often wondered about the line. And some of the things Rice wrote during his career are simply racist. [CDATA[ If the glorification standard of Meacham a current Vanderbilt voice can be applied to one from long ago, Grantland Rice deserves his place in the pages of history. (function () { When the Great Chambermaid comes Let every games end find you still upon the battling line; The winning is all up to you The piece hung first in my grandmothers From all the above it should be evident that the idea was NOT first expressed by Grantland Rice. Thanks so much for typing it and posting it its beautiful what greta advice for a mother to give her young professional son stepping into a new world. Then he opened his own insurance business. I hope the school enjoy the verse and are also inspired by the many sportsmanship stories. I was trying to research its value and came across your group thread. ! }); Or were they for ending the Constitutional experiment altogether?. What pictures he paints with words and all layered with wisdom too. He knows history. HE MARKS NOT THAT YOU WON OR LOST if (window.csa) { This quote was on a huge poster on the wall of the mess building. page: {requestId: "PTPHS3MESDKWDQ4ZK9G7", meaningful: "interactive"} [4] On the football team, he lettered in the year of 1899 as an end and averaged two injuries a year. It inspired me to play every game the way they were meant to be played honorably, respectfully, and with intensity. session: { id: "869-7942173-5192773" }, q("f", arguments) For many years, a portion of one floor of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism was designated the "Grantland Rice Suite". On the rare occasion a white man wasnt the subject, the subject was liable to inspire ghastly doses of bigotry. But one day, when across the Field of Fame the goal seemed dim, "It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game." Grantland Rice tags: paraphrased Read more quotes from Grantland Rice Share this quote: Like Quote Recommend to friends Friends Who Liked This Quote To see what your friends thought of this quote, please sign up! Fascinating stuff. Im curious about the possible Irish origin. David, that is very helpful. var ue_t0=window.ue_t0||+new Date(); 11 comments since 2009 separate post/article He writes not that you won or lost but how you played the Game. Let young and old read Read more Not That You Won or Lost but To put Grantland Rices career in Grantland Rice terms, he doped it out with the best of them and gave the world the magical, majestic musings of a wordsmith who clattered away on his contraption amid the smoky din of a packed press box. var source = getCookieWithoutJQuery("source"); The first name that came to my memory was the name of one of the most important colleges of the Christian Brothers here in South America. Meaner men are not capable of measuring him., Wonderful, Russell said of Rice. Of course. The fight is done and lost or won, the player files out through the gate. If you have the book , perhaps you could take photo of the cover and also the page wit the poem & post it here (or email me ) . JB Downie is possibly the author. the stands are bare, the park is still. and play the game! [Newbolt]. She was born in 1932 and was Scotch Irish and grew up in Beaumont TX. ~ Paul. Scores against our name. And what a mighty name too. With your permission Ill add it to this post plus post it on our facebook page etc. The plot thickens. I was born in England at the beginning of grandfather quoted the poem by J.B. Downie when I was just a small girl. Click on the title: Paris the perfect setting for reunion of Invincible Lions, One South African journalist wrote: South Africa owes a manifold debt to the British Isles rugby touring team. Meanwhile, scroll down to choose a story categorised by a country or a sport. it is very old, and hung on my grandmothers wall when my father was a child. In 1914 he began his Sportlight column in the New York Tribune. In the 1920s at the height of their business, The Buzza Co. produced their finest work. Ah Nancy this is beautiful. What of their honesty, the way in which they represented their countries and enhanced the great values of their sport? It really is a beautiful set of words. }); 57 Likes, 0 Comments - IEEE MACE Student Branch (@ieeemace) on Instagram: ""It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game." ~Grantland Rice IEEE CS SBC" and will invite anyone to send more information. Like his mentor, Russell was a Vanderbilt baseball player and graduate. "ObfuscatedMarketplaceId": "A1PQBFHBHS6YH1" That was a couple of years ago. "ebfg_email", "ebfg_sms"]; }, Not sure about Newbolt. } How did you find this? Although the words are slightly different they may have been written around the same time by different poets? Through Rice's eyes we behold such sports as bicycle racing, boxing, golf, baseball, football, and tennis as they were played before 1950. Subscribe to The Athletic for in-depth coverage of your favorite players, teams, leagues and clubs. Kevin Blackistone, Washington Post columnist and University of Maryland journalism professor, wrote in an email that Rice and his peers of that time promoted outwardly, or tacitly, the racist segregation of sport., It wasnt until Lester Rodney in the mid-(19)30s for the socialist paper The Daily Worker started challenging sport to tear down the color barriers theyd erected in step with Jim Crow laws, Blackistone said of the catalyst for change. Richard have you got a date that Downies verse was published?