The rabbis viewed Rahab as a worthy convert to Judaism, and attested that Rahab married Joshua following her conversion; their descendants included the prophets Jeremiah, Hilkiah, Seraiah, Mahseiah, Baruch, Ezekiel and the prophetess Hulda, [22] although there is no report in the book of Joshua of the leader marrying anyone, or having any family If she didnt, theyd be free from their promise to her. An old man named Noah, who was really old. First, Rahab demonstrates the power of faith. Even today, she is an example of how God can use anyone no matter their past for His purposes. While I dont support this viewpoint, it was fascinating to get a glimpse of what life may have been like for Rahab, not only as she lived behind the walls of Jericho, but later when she was integrated into the Israelites camp. You will want to dive into the story of Gods people to remind you of His awesome power. A Biblical prostitute or just an innkeeper? Now Joshua the son of Nun sent out two men from Acacia Grove to spy secretly, saying, Go, view the land, especially Jericho., So they went, and came to the house of a harlot named Rahab, and lodged there. Rahabs house was located in the city of Jericho. The Bible doesnt give any conclusive evidence and it is in this gap that Ms. Taylor pens her story Rahab Woman of Jericho. 95 Fun Facts That Will Amaze You By Karin Lehnardt, Senior Writer Published August 19, 2020 American flags left on the moon will eventually get bleached white by the sun. The Law of Moses states without ambiguity: 'No Ammonite or Moabite shall be admitted to the assembly of . Definitely look into the Midrash! Rahab found God, ran to Him, and didn't let ANYTHING keep her back. Forgive my blunt language but when it all boiled down to it, that was the choice Rahabs family had to make: To save her familys lives, Rahab managed to convince her whole family two things: The story of Rahab is about one womans courage and her actions that saved her entire family. Archi. Her documented profession as a prostitute keeps her from being a Sunday School staple like Jonah and the Whale or David and Goliath, but her story draws people back over and over again. In conclusion, there is reason to believe that Rahab did have family in Jericho. The Bible tells us that she married an Israelite named Salmon (father of Boaz) and had a son named Boaz. I love how beautifully these lyrics reflect that. Second, Rahab specifically mentions her father and mother in her conversation with the spies. She trusted that God would see beyond what everyone else saw and choose to save her over all the people in Jericho. Ultimately, she was used by God to play a role in forming the lineage of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Rahab herself draws the conclusion: "I know that the LORD Yahweh has given you the land." And further that "He is the God in the heavens above and the earth beneath" (vs. 9, 11). Thank you for posting, truly helpful. CHAPTERS: 4 VERSES: 85 By including these four women in Christ's genealogy, Matthew is making the claim that God's great plan of salvation includes Gentiles, even unrighteous Gentiles. He had sexual relations with his daughter-in-law that produced . 4. But instead, she protected them and helped them escape. When she was bargaining with the spies for her life, she wasnt selfish about it. Xhosa. <3 Glad to hear this post was helpful! His parents are Amram and Jochebed from the tribe of Levi. Below is a list of common discussion questions for the story of Rahab and Joshua 2 Bible study questions. (the head of Lets Talk Bible Study) unless otherwise stated. It may very well have been that Rahab was "a religious prostitute in pagan practices. But not Rahab. Lets imagine it together. The spies are taken in by a woman named Rahab, who hides them from the authorities and helps them escape. Read More 5 Ways to Let Go and Let God Handle ItContinue. Rahabs story isnt long though its longer than many stories in the Bible, but what little there is of the story is profound. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Actually, lets rephrase that. Moses birth place was Egypt and the names of his parents were Amran and Jochebed. As Christians, we are taught that we should live lives that please God. - Let's Talk Bible Study | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Thats what I think of when I see the Jesse Tree. In the 19th century, experts warned women about a disease called bicycle face, which meant getting stuck with the awkward faces they made while biking. An invading army was gathered out there the forces of Israel. Rahabs livelihood was her security. Covenants In the Bible (Starting In Genesis), Nimrod and the Story of the Tower of Babel, 6 Examples of True Repentance in the Bible. The story of Rahab is a powerful reminder of Gods love and grace. }); While the Canaanites were living large and partying doing all the things that were grotesquely sinful things (child sacrifices, idol worship, pagan rituals including but not limited to sexual perversions), God was faithfully bringing the Israelites to the land He had promised them in Genesis 15:18-21 and Exodus 33:1-3. COPYRIGHT 2023 Tanner Ministry Outlets, LLC. In the Book of Joshua, Rahab (a heroine nonetheless known as "Rahab the Harlot") assisted two Israelite spies in escaping out a window and down the city wall of Jericho. Rahab was afraid of Hebrew God.women are very intelligent.first God is great he never considered her corector.he used her in his plan.praise God. The confidence in Rahabs statements here astounds me. In addition to the hurdle of finding actual work, Rahab would also have to find enough favor with the Israelite people to be allowed to dwell among them. Prostitution was probably not Rahab's first choice for a profession. "When we heard of it, our hearts melted in fear and everyone's courage failed because of you, for the Lord your God is God in heaven above and on the earth below" (Joshua 2:11). Wouldnt the Father ensure a pure lineage for His Son? When the Israelite spies came to her city, she could have easily turned them over to the authorities. Learn more by visiting my Disclosures Page. When playing with female puppies, male puppies will often let them win, even if they have a physical advantage. But these are barren lands with plants that have adapted to freezing cold winters and harsh soil conditions. Can you imagine being that girl? The one who was known for sleeping around? The word for "window" appears three times in the Rahab narrative (Josh 2: 15, 18, 21) when she helps the men escape and marks her house so it will be spared destruction.Windows have a prominent role in the stories of several other biblical women: Michal (2 Sam 6:16), the mother of Sisera (Judg 5:28 -31), and Jezebel (2 Kgs 9:30).All these women are looking through their palace windows . This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright 2023, Rahab, or Rachab (wide), a celebrated woman of Jericho who received the spies sent by Joshua to spy out the land, hid them in her house from the pursuit of her countrymen, was saved with all her family when the Israelites sacked the city, and became the wife of Salmon and the ancestress of the Messiah. She is also the author ofHalloween: Harmless Fun or Risky Business? What if she had had an unrealistic impression of her own strength? Jesus' own lineage shows how God powerfully uses us despite our past. Some, like Welsh, are only spoken by less than 20% of a single region or country's population. This was in keeping with Gods command that all the inhabitants of Canaan be destroyed. He is the ultimate judge of character, and He can redeem even the most unlikely people for His purposes. 5. Random Fun Facts About Geography 63. She was a Canaanite woman who lived in the city of Jericho during the time of the Israelite conquest. 3. The people of Jericho were terrified of the Israelites, and they barricaded themselves inside the city walls. I agree! Rahabs husband is chronicled in both the Old and New Testaments (1 Chronicles 2:10-11, Ruth 4:20-21, Matthew 1:4-5 and Luke 3:32). 3. But what happened to Rahab after that? This week was my week to lead. Because she was ready for the real deal. She is remembered for the remarkable transformation. Judges would sit at the city gate to hear cases and render verdicts (Deuteronomy 21:19, Ruth 4:1-2, Psalm 69:12). (We'll wait while you go get that globe.) I always thought that too! I always assumed she was younger since she goes on to have kids. Learn more about theStory of Rahab from She wasnt a woman in the highest echelons of society, yet she was willing to risk her life for what she believed. The people would gather at the city gate to praise God and thank Him for His goodness (Psalm 100:4). I am not yet a mother myself. In fact, that is a big part of why God chose to destroy the Canaanites in the first place. Her circumstances are unknown, but her family may have experienced brokenness that deeply affected her. The American flag. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. She received her B.A. Rahab is best known for her role in helping the Israelite spies escape from Jericho, and for her subsequent marriage to Salmon, an Israelite. All polar bears are left handed. Download our free Rahab Bible Study pdf worksheets and join us! she turned out to be amazing. Ive always wondered, but I think Rahab had enough flax to completely cover the two Israelite spies. Thanks for sharing your experience with me , I used to think Rahab was only a prostitute and she wanted to sleep with the Christian spies. This leads us to Rahabs real shining moment;the role she played in helping the Israelites conquer Jericho. 8. Its not the tree that stands out, but the stories attached to it, each pointing to the faithfulness of God and His love for us. 9. In return, the spies promised to spare her and her family when Jericho was destroyed. Sexual sin was deeply embedded in Canaanite culture. But we see Rahab taking a bold step towards her destiny leaving her past behind. Her identity. Rahab. Do not give the enemy ground that Jesus has already taken. Rahab helped the spies escape over the city wall with the aid of a crimson cord lowered through her window, but not before the spies told her that she needed to hang that same scarlet cord in her window when they invaded. When we read the story of Rahab we assume that she was a Canaanite. In Psalm 87:4 Rahab is likened to Babylon which was destroyed in the sixth century BC. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. The biblical account of the fall of Jericho describes a miraculous event in which the walls of the city came tumbling down after Joshua and the Israelites marched around them for seven days. History You probably have more hair than you think. Believers can glean from Rahab's life as she was a woman of faith, courage, and love. By hiding them on the roof (under stalks of flax)of her house, Rahab was able to protect them from being discovered by the soldiers who were searching for them. 2. Rahab helped the Israelite spies escape after their mission was complete. And the words He speaks never return void. The name Rahab is most likely a shortened form of a sentence name rb-N, the god N has opened/widened (the womb?). Salmon begot Boaz by Rahab, Boaz begot Obed by Ruth, Obed begot Jesse, (Matthew 1:5 NKJV). Fun Facts about Rahab Villacres's Birthday. She let them shrivel and fade and was completely content in that because she knew what was hers going forward; LIFE. (NIV) Hebrews 11:31. She shows that with forgiveness there is no need to live in guilt and stay in our sinful ways.