And the results are clear. The first step is to stop digging, which we can do by bringing the states retirement benefit more in line with the private sector and other states. The voters should pick their leaders, not the other way around. Illinois law requires lawmakers to file financial disclosure statements, but not to declare when they face a conflict of interest before taking a vote. As Governor Jesse Sullivan Will Prioritize The Crime Crisis in our State on Day 1. As Governor Jesse Sullivan Will Prioritize The Crime Crisis in our State on Day 1. The results have been certified. Fixing this broken system is going to require partnering with and empowering the faith and civic leaders in our state; they are the key to solving this crisis. The Democrats knew that crime is a major issue for the people of Illinois, but they decided to pass a plan to give themselves political cover, rather than giving law enforcement the tools they need to truly make a difference. Opt-in for these sensitive topics will necessitate transparency and accountability to parents. I will issue an executive order Day One barring sitting lawmakers from moonlighting as property tax attorneys in front of the Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board. I am running for office on a platform of faith, family, and service, which is at the heart of who I am as a person. Candidate Jesse Sullivan participated remotely after testing positive for COVID-19 . We have a 5-point plan to restoring educational excellence in our schools, and educational accountability to our parents: DELIVER PARENTAL CHOICE BY FUNDING STUDENTS, NOT SYSTEMS. overflow-y: auto; Remove violent criminals from the streets by restoring cash bail and stringent pre-trial detention practices, ending electronic monitoring for violent offenses, and enforcing outstanding warrants. .inner_percentage.Republican { background-color: #6db24f; .non_result_row { So we selected every venture that we worked with, but rather than us putting capital in, then we would always match them with other capital providers and we would not get paid for that, Sullivan said. Jesse Sullivan. } After winning office in 2014, his tenure was engulfed in a devastating budget standoff with a pro-union Democratic legislative majority and plagued by internal staff upheaval, leading to his defeat after one term by Pritzker. Fight for a constitutional amendment for a fair legislative redistricting process, which would put redistricting in the hands of an independent commission rather than partisan lawmakers. IMPLEMENT STRICT TERM LIMITS FOR ELECTED OFFICIALS, PASS THE HARSHEST PUBLIC CORRUPTION PENALTIES IN THE COUNTRY, MAKE THE LEGISLATIVE INSPECTOR GENERAL A WATCHDOG, NOT A LAPDOG, END THE HONOR SYSTEM FOR CONFLICTS OF INTEREST IN SPRINGFIELD. $(".expand-all").on('click', () => { Questions about Sullivans background have surfaced since the little-known resident of Petersburg in central Illinois announced his first run for political office on Sept. 9. THE BUZZ. text-align: center; margin-bottom:0px; A defensive stalwart, Oswego Easts Tyler Jasek surprises Joliet West. Illinois has the second highest real estate property taxes in the country. People are leaving Illinois in droves, and today we are 1 of only 3 states that lost residents from 2010 - 2020. Jesse believes there is no better way to support the aspirations and needs of Illinoisians than having a robust, growing economy that offers a path to jobs, financial security, and the ability to care for our families. Five governors have resigned from office, and three have died in office. Eight candidates are running for governor of Illinois. Please lay out two ways that the state can provide a measure of relief to Illinois homeowners and citizens, and please be specific with your answer. font-weight: bold; But not his teammates. .inner_percentage { People are scared to visit, and without public safety, the flight out of Illinois will only accelerate. We think its time the regular folks in this state have their say. While Jesse Sullivan has been partnered with Silicon Valley elites, I have been creating jobs for working families right here in Illinois. JESSE SULLIVAN'S SAFE STREETS PLAN } . Sullivan is not the first businessperson to make the governorship a first-time political aspiration. font-weight: bold; Posts. overflow-y: hidden; float: left; Our 10-point agenda is the strongest ethics plan released by any gubernatorial candidate, and serves as our standing commitment to #CleanUp Illinois. Absolutely. Restore norms so criminal actions have consequences. Sullivan, 37, will focus on three core issues: strengthening the Illinois economy, leaving the states historic corruption in the past, and addressing the crime hurting Illinois families, according to his campaign. } font-weight: 300; text-align: center; I will focus on addressing this epidemic of violent crime by restoring cash bail and stringent pre-trial detention practices, ending electronic monitoring for violent offenses, and enforcing outstanding warrants. But for decades, politicians in charge of Illinois education system have put teachers union bosses ahead of the interests of our students. The rigged redistricting process has been a key tool in electing and protecting a Democratic super-majority in Illinois, and inoculating politicians against having to face the voters. } margin-top: 1em; } | This fight is about insiders, who talk a good game, versus us outsiders, who actually want to solve problems and deliver results for our neighbors in need, Sullivan says in the campaign video. top: 2px; Its about power. He can shoot it., Justin Steele and 6 Chicago Cubs relievers combine for the 1st spring training no-hitter in franchise history, Leah Palmer experiences grand time as Geneva grinds out victory in Class 4A third-place game. Rabine, Schimpf and Bailey all entered the race in February or March. Sullivan moved back to Illinois the following year and continues to . Its going to take a true outsider, and Im the only one in this race who truly doesnt owe anything to anybody. The fellowships last six months and people are paid by their employers like an internship, he said. } CHALLENGE - HIGH CRIME Who is to blame for this failure? Alter Global made limited financial investments and was heavily dependent on cryptocurrency for its funding. And that corruption isnt limited to any one party. Sullivan raised $10,780,000 from seven out-of-town supporters in just five days. Id list it as an entrepreneurial support organization, nonprofit.. color: #0645ad; font-style: italic; Running for Governor to end this era of high taxes, corruption, & crime in Illinois. margin-bottom: 1px; $('.collapse').collapse('hide'); In fact, more kids were shot in Chicago than died nationwide from COVID-19 in 2021. - Nickname - Wednesday, Jan 26, 22 @ 2:47 pm: Kind of a crappy thing to do to Jesse Sullivan. The Alter Global Sullivan founded five years ago was a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization as approved by the Internal Revenue Service. much-needed area of education that can help kick-start career success while limiting the amount of college debt. Poll Date display: inline; Ballot measures, Who represents me? $('.showResponses').on('click', () => { Records dont show any charitable grants made by Alter Global as a nonprofit. Source. } What should Illinois do to turn this trend around? Alaskans interested in applying for a vacant position on a board or commission can apply here. } It has resulted in more crime, in pressure on judges to release even violent defendants right back onto the streets, and crucially, it sacrifices the best opportunity we have to intervene with criminals and addicts - at their most vulnerable point, when they are first jailed. display: block; } Those were questions being asked across Illinois last week when Jesse Sullivan announced he was seeking the Republican nomination for governor. padding-bottom: 8px; height: 100%; CHICAGO (WLS) -- All six Republican candidates for Illinois governor met to debate on ABC7 Thursday night. font-size: 16px; Nicole Obi Black Economic Council of Massachusetts Jordan. Pritzker who in . The Michael Madigan indictment highlighted the need for genuine ethics reform in Springfield that restores Illinois citizens confidence in government, and prevents the abuses of power that have become all too common in the state capital, and have persisted for decades. Other politicians will say theyre pro-life or pro-family were living it. Central Illinois venture capitalist Jesse Sullivan, who launched a bid for the Republican nomination for governor, is seen Sept. 10, 2021. His campaign website describes Alter Global as a venture capital firm that finds and scales the best companies in emerging economies around the world, to reduce extreme poverty and spread the benefits of the new, innovation economy to the developing world.. .race_header.democratic { .external_links_table { width: auto !important; } It also attempts to match Alter Global Fellows, people with specialized expertise, with firms needing guidance. .widget-row.Democratic { Jesse Sullivan (born c. 1966) is an American electrician best known for operating a fully robotic limb through a nerve-muscle graft, making him one of the first non-fictional cyborgs.. His bionic arm, a prototype developed by the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, differs from most other prostheses, in that it does not use pull cables or nub switches to function and instead uses micro . .results_table { }) }) Rather than making traditional financial investments in emerging businesses, Sullivan, in an interview, compared the nonprofit Alter Global to a matchmaker that connects financial investors to business ventures. border-bottom: 1px solid grey; Our administration will ensure that Illinois teachers have a proper and comprehensive understanding of American civics to teach these core principles to their students. } What shocked me was that to a person, they said that Governor Pritzker and the Democrats never gave law enforcement a seat at the table. $('#candidate-connection-email-103302').on('click', () => { ga('send', 'event', 'surveycta', 'surveycta-click-email'); }); color: black; John O'Sullivan shares the . The gas tax has more than doubled under Pritzker, but his only response was to push the next hike off until after the election and force gas station owners to run campaign ads for the Democrats. Every child who graduates high school in Illinois should have mastery over at least one skill that will lead to high-wage employment. } Jesse is committed to his Citizens First Agenda, to take power away from corrupt politicians, and put it back in the hands of regular people. $('#candidate-connection-twitter-103302').on('click', () => { ga('send', 'event', 'surveycta', 'surveycta-click-twitter'); }); Enforcing our laws, 2. A healthcare system that offers great care at affordable prices. He was born downstate and has raised more than $11 million, mainly . display: inline-block; The 2022 Republican candidates for Illinois governor include, clockwise from top left, Darren Bailey, Richard Irvin, Gary Rabine, Jesse Sullivan and Paul Schimpf. } We need to fix it. Fmr DoD, Founder @alter_global. .race_header.libertarian { word-wrap: break-word; Step three is rooting out corruption. . padding-bottom: 5px; font-weight: 300; font-weight: bold; J.B. Pritzker has refused to provide basic, commonsense protections against sexual abuse in schools, while pushing radical gender curriculum throughout the state. The source of the funding was largely donations of cryptocurrency. Florida has a six-year ban on legislators moving into lobbying positions. }) }, 100); An education system that prepares our students to work and earn a living for their families. Census 2020 figures showed that Illinois was just one of three states in the country to lose population over the previous decade. Defending our law enforcement heroes, and 3. Sullivan is one of four announced candidates for the Republican nomination and the right to take on Democratic Gov. Last Name Sullivan #2. Alters filing said none of the donors stand to benefit from the charitys actions. Runaway inflation continues to be a major source of concern for Illinois families. San Francisco venture capitalist Jesse Sullivan kicked off his campaign for governor on Thursday, giving Gov. Source. .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h5.votebox-header-election-type { } Central Illinois venture capitalist Jesse Sullivan launched a bid for the Republican nomination for governor, Sept. 10, 2021. } background-color: #003388; display: block; 0:56. Let's end Illinois Corruption and make our state the Land of Lincoln again! } vertical-align: middle; Alter Investments is not in good standing with the California Department of Justice for failing to file copies of its tax returns with the agency. } Venture capitalist Jesse Sullivan joined WMBD As a job creator who has found and invested in some of the best entrepreneurial talent and job creators around the world, I know what it takes to grow the economy. Give us your assessment of the overhaul of the states criminal justice system that was passed by the General Assembly in January 2021. A law enforcement and criminal justice system that keeps our streets safe. Larsen has a net worth of $3.4 billion, according to Forbes. PILLAR #2 - RESTORE ACCOUNTABILITY. font-style: italic; Fully staff and support State and Local Police officers, by filling every vacancy, staffing every crime lab, and deploying National Guard assets, so that law enforcement can best deter, arrest, charge, and prosecute criminals. Faith in our government is at an all-time low; just 25% of Illinoisians have confidence in our State leadership -- thats the worst in the nation -- and for good reason! padding-left: 10px; .percentage_number { .clearfix { } Punish predators in schools: Make it a crime for school employees to have sexual contact with a student, regardless of the students age. Appoint members of the State Board of Education who value local control, to ensure curriculum decisions are made at the local level wherever possible, rather than mandated by the state.
   .contact_entity {font-size: 1.5em ;margin-top: 0.6em; margin-bottom: 0em;margin-right: 0.5em;} Illinois massive pension debt is the number one reason for our high property taxes, the number one reason for our sluggish economic growth, and the number one reason for the poor quality of our government services. This page was current at the end of the individual's last campaign covered by Ballotpedia. 	width: 57%; But on Thursday, much of the focus was on fundraising. If you agree that Illinois needs faith, family, and service, and less of the insider corruption that has gotten our state to where it is, Im asking for your vote and your support on June 28th. Anti-politician and job creator Jesse Sullivan is running for governor of Illinois to fight against high taxes, corruption, and crime. Learn more and sign u. The LIG should have publishing power, subpoena power, the power to proactively pursue a case rather than simply respond to filed complaints, and the jurisdiction to hold legislators accountable for any egregious actions inside or outside of their official capacity. Sullivan said he ran Alter Global from his Petersburg home, though he used a California address on his tax documents. San Francisco venture capitalist Jesse Sullivan kicked off his campaign for governor on Thursday, giving Gov. Sullivans GOP rivals sought to make Sullivans cash advantage a liability, focusing on the home addresses of Sullivan and his contributors.  		padding-left: 10px; Education funding should follow the child. 0:00. The same old insiders and professional politicians arent going to solve this problem. Our plan will: Streamline the donation process for investors, Move from a 75% tax credit to a dollar-for-dollar tax credit, Advocate for allowing donors to deduct the contribution on federal taxes. So, Im a long-term believer in the potential of the technology.. .widget-row.Green { 	.votebox_bp_logo {  The Sullivan administration will: PASS ILLINOIS FIRST PARENTS BILL OF RIGHTS. He can shoot it., Justin Steele and 6 Chicago Cubs relievers combine for the 1st spring training no-hitter in franchise history, Leah Palmer experiences grand time as Geneva grinds out victory in Class 4A third-place game. Sullivan said a nonprofit subsidiary was created to make direct cash investments, allowing a financial return to the charity if it was successful. } Sullivan filed his nominating petitions alongside his running mate, Kathleen Murphy, who said she has stepped aside as Jeanne Ives' business partner while she runs for Lieutenant Governor. The answer for me isnt an example or an anecdote  its who I am at my core. Deter crime and bring criminals to justice. 	font-size: 1.2em; Sullivan County man featured as TBI 'Fugitive . 		background-color: grey; .widget-row.value-only { 	margin: auto; Yes. var nTimer = setInterval(function() { The campaign for Jesse Sullivan for Governor recently published a campaign advertisement, which we believe constitutes improper electioneering - not only by Sullivan but also by all of the Sheriffs who appeared in uniform with their publicly owned vehicles behind them, while endorsing Sullivan. One of Illinois' strengths is its diversity. 		border-radius: 50%; He lost  in the Republican  primary on June 28, 2022. Im a coachs son; I grew up in a sports family, not a political one. The race for the Republican nomination for governor of Illinois is heating up as the candidates approach the June 28 primary.  Opt-outs only work in situations where parents know about the curriculum.  		top: -1px; .widget-row.Republican { A Menard County man who is founder and CEO of a San Francisco venture capital firm confirms to The Illinoize that he is considering running for Governor. 		position: absolute; "Jesse Sullivan's campaign is clearly surging at a huge moment in this race, and the momentum is going to carry all the way to Election Day .  Its first-year revenues from donations and . The largest donation was $5 million from Chris Larsen, billionaire co-founder and board chairman of San Francisco-based global financial firm Ripple. Governor Pritzkers election-year gimmicks are an embarrassing ploy to push off the pain until after Election Day. Here in Illinois, we pay some of the highest taxes in the nation, and get some of the worst outcomes in return. First Name Jesse #14. 4 talking about this. Central Illinois venture capitalist Jesse Sullivan launched a bid for the Republican nomination for governor, Sept. 10, 2021. Restoring accountability to the system, so that criminals are held accountable. 	} head coaches Erik Sullivan and David Hunt and volunteer assistant Jessica Brannan as well as director of operations Nathan Mendoza, video coordinator Jesse Sultzer, senior associate athletic trainer DeAnn Koehler, and assistant athletics director for athletic performance Donnie Maib; and WHEREAS, Playing with exemplary skill, determination, and . Cities | Close the obscenity loophole for Illinois public schools: We will amend Illinois obscenity statute (720 Ill. Comp Stat.  		margin: 8px auto; But other statewide hopefuls didn't survive challenges, Illinois election . Jesse Sullivan, a Republican candidate for governor, speaks to the audience at a gathering at the Prairie Central Cooperative grain elevator west of Chenoa Wednesday. Filing Deadline (Write-In Candidates): September 2024. Our Clean Up Illinois agenda is an anti-corruption roadmap that will address the most severe ethical problems facing our state. My name is Jesse Sullivan, and Im running to be the next governor of Illinois.. Self-interested teachers union bosses in Illinois prolonged the shutdown of our schools, funded extremist politicians that have made our streets unsafe, protected sexual predators, and have harmed the noble reputation of the teaching profession. Our plan calls for actively enforcing the laws that are on the books; defending our heroes in law enforcement so that we can fill every vacancy, and put well-trained, well supported cops on the streets; and restoring accountability at every level of the system.  Republican Illinois governor candidates on the issues. 		background-color: #6db24f; State campaign finance reports show Sullivan has not made any donations of more than $1,000  from his own wallet;  donations of amounts less than that were not yet available. The billionaire Democrat spent $171 million of his own fortune on his 2018 bid to oust then Republican Gov. GOP Candidates: Darren Bailey, Richard Irvin, Jesse Sullivan, Gary Rabine, Paul Schimpf, Max Solomon Dem Candidates: J. 		width: 50%;  .widget-row {  That's an impressive amount, said Kent Redfield, an expert in . 		padding-left: 0; Require curriculum transparency: We will require public schools to post all gender and sexuality education materials online for parents to be able to access. 			width: 100%; Sullivan said with his experience in cryptocurrency as a funding source for his charity, he wants to make Chicago a leader in creating the future of the internet and all the jobs that come with it., Now, its like people think its fake money but its really the future of the internet and whats going to be created and all the jobs that come with it, Sullivan said.        .contact_entity {font-size: 1.0em ;margin-top: 0.6em; margin-bottom: 0em; margin-right: 0.5em;} BAN SITTING LAWMAKERS FROM COMING BEFORE THE PROPERTY TAX APPEALS BOARD AS PROPERTY TAX ATTORNEYS, PUT AN END TO THE REVOLVING DOOR BETWEEN LEGISLATORS AND LOBBYISTS, POWER TO THE PARENTS By 2020, Alter Global lost more than $1.4 million in investment income and reported its net assets at $1.2 million, records show. 	} font-size: .9em; Born on August 19 #33. NEW SALEM, Ill. (NEXSTAR)  A political newcomer with billionaire backing jumped into the Republican primary race for Governor on Thursday, banking on Illinoisans "to have enough common sense to moderate these crazy extremes on each side not to get into them." Jesse Sullivan, a 37-year-old venture capitalist who grew up in Petersburg, knows he [] Central Illinois venture capitalist Jesse Sullivan launched a bid for the Republican nomination for governor, photographed in Petersburg on Friday, Sept, 10, 2021. Most Popular #6932. J.B. Pritzker, a billionaire heir to the Hyatt Hotel fortune. Lew Segall. A year later, he founded Alter Global in Redding, California, a venture to try to back some of the best entrepreneurs around the world, he told the Cook County GOP last month. .survey-result {padding:10px;} It is backed up by our Safe Streets Leadership Council, a group of 20+ law enforcement officers from across the state who agree that our team is the only one that can deliver real safety to our home. Trust and collaboration between parents, administrators and teachers is the key to student success. Thats a massive deficit that wreaks havoc on the states long-term financial stability, and discourages employers from bringing jobs to Illinois. Please explain why or why not. 		padding-bottom: 7px; Lawmakers and others should not seek to undo laws meant to protect people from gun violence. Jesse will embody what a political leader can and should be.  I will act firmly to curtail the violent crime epidemic that is plaguing our communities. Jesse Sullivan, the fourth person to declare for the 2022 Republican primary, is a venture capitalist from Petersburg - near Springfield and the home of Lincoln's New Salem - who says he . The native of downstate Petersburg reported taking in $10,780,000 in donations between last Friday and Tuesday from five California contributors and two others from Texas and Colorado. 

, See also:Illinois gubernatorial and lieutenant gubernatorial election, 2022. overflow: hidden; font-size: 12px; width: 100% !important; This fight it will not stop, I promise you, until this era in Illinois of high taxes, crime, corruption comes to an end. Rising violent crime continues to be Chicagos top priority. Harmful material is defined as the quality of any description or representation, in whatever form, of nudity, sexual conduct, sexual excitement, or sado-masochistic abuse, when, taken as a whole it (i) predominantly appeals to the prurient interest in sex of minors (ii) is patently offensive to prevailing standards in the adult community in the State as a whole with respect to what is suitable for minors. 16 of the 41 governors to date were actually born in Minnesota. } Sullivan paid himself $88,000 as its chairman and CEO. The overall margin of victory in 2022 for Pritzker was 12.5% while in 2018 Pritzker won by 15.7%, which is a 3.2% decrease for Pritzker. Another $4 million came from Kevin Taweel, CEO of Asurion, in San Mateo, California, described on the company website as the worlds largest provider of technology protection services.. Also running are Bull Valley businessman Gary Rabine, state Sen. Darren Bailey of Xenia and former state Sen. Paul Schimpf of Waterloo. District of Columbia (board of education),, Conflicts in school board elections, 2021-2022, Special Congressional elections (2023-2024), 2022 Congressional Competitiveness Report, State Executive Competitiveness Report, 2022, State Legislative Competitiveness Report, 2022, Partisanship in 2022 United States local elections. Before leaving to join Team Israel, Cubs prospect Matt Mervis shared why this WBC means so much to him. Republican Jesse Sullivan kicks off his campaign for governor today with more than $10 million in the bank from his California friends, including $5 million from billionaire tech . The Sullivan administration will: END POLITICAL INDOCTRINATION IN ILLINOIS SCHOOLS. .race_header { Despite ample legal trouble, Sizemore had steady film and television credits. Central Illinois venture capitalist Jesse Sullivan launched a bid for the Republican nomination for governor, photographed in Petersburg on Friday, Sept, 10, 2021. She . And we need to deliver regulatory certainty so that more businesses invest and more jobs are created right here in Illinois. padding-left: 0; Take ownership and lead in the fight against crime, by appointing an Anti-Violence Director who reports directly to the governor, and taking an active role in strengthening partnerships between sheriffs, police chiefs, and prosecutors. Like Rauner, Sullivan has said, We need to run the state like a business.. What should Illinois do to fix this problem? In launching his candidacy for the Republican nomination for governor, 37-year-old political unknown Jesse Sullivan has touted his background as a venture capitalist as a key pillar of his campaign. We cannot tax our way out of the financial mess created by Illinois politicians. Leadership on property taxes starts with a real change at the top somebody who will finally put the taxpayers ahead of the tax spenders. For decades, Illinois politicians have used their positions to curry favor and enrich themselves, and every day Illinoisans suffer.