top: 0; .uabb-blog-posts .slick-list { padding-left: 0px;padding-right: 0px; } .fl-builder-content .uabb-button i:before { Is actor ray Romano related to the actor Lou Romano? -moz-transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%); font: inherit; } .uabb-top-row-separator.uabb-tilt-left-separator svg { -ms-transform: translateY(400px); It was right there on the surface. left: 0; It was Romano's own, real-life spiritual conundrum that sparked his movie-making journey. display: block; .uabb-animate_bottom-btn:hover{ clear: right; The best result to find their address, and more delisle and christy Romano sound Ray. He is the brother-in-law of Anna Romano. Romano: And Martin Scorsese directed the pilot. Romano: Ive been a golfer for a long time, but that doesnt mean Im good at it. -webkit-transform: rotateY(6deg); [fetch instagram= display=posts show=2 ]. It was pretty shady, pretty underhanded, pretty out there. What happened on the last episode of Everybody Loves Raymond? } [citation needed]. width: 25%; } } .uabb-blog-posts-description { left: 0; Mick Jagger is one of the executive producers. } .uabb-adv-accordion-content .wp-video, He created and starred in the . -webkit-transform-origin: 0% 0%; padding: 10px 15px; display: block; .fl-node-5da7954c99e92 .uabb-blog-posts-col-4, Raymond Albert Romano (born December 21, 1957) is an American stand-up comedian, actor and screenwriter. } Romano was the second actor from Everybody Loves Raymond to be reunited with Patricia Heaton on The Middle. But I was just a teenager back then, so I didnt really know about the industry. .fl-node-5da7954c99e92 .uabb-blog-posts .uabb-blog-post-inner-wrap { @media ( max-width: 768px ) { } 29 Reviews of Lou Romano. } From its debut in 1996, the series gave audience members an inside look into the life of sports writer Ray Barone (Ray Romano) and his very close-knit family. .uabb-animate_right-btn:hover{ Please check back soon for updates. Appearing virtually on Jimmy Kimmel Live! .uabb-thumbnail-position-right .uabb-post-thumbnail, -webkit-transition: all 200ms linear; .fl-node-5da7954c99e92 .uabb-blog-posts-col-2, They're curious, but sometimes too motivated by money. We just loved the music. -webkit-transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%); user-select: none; } lgi homes earnest money; Checkout; pros and cons of nist framework; bexar county magistrate court records. .uabb-creative-button-wrap a:focus { width: 100%; .uabb-blog-posts .slick-prev:focus, font-size: 13px; } People of this zodiac sign like physical challenges, taking on leadership roles, individual sports and dislike inactivity, delays, and work that doesn't use one's talents. bottom: 0; .fl-node-5da7954c99ed1 .uabb-responsive-mobile .uabb-side-left, -webkit-transform: translateX(-50%) scaleX(-1); content: ''; .fl-node-5da7954c9a192 > .fl-row-content-wrap { margin: 0 -0px; } .uabb-blog-posts-carousel .uabb-blog-post-inner-wrap.uabb-thumbnail-position-left, I didnt have go deep to find this. } /* Responsive Js Breakpoint Css */ Shelton is gone now lou. padding: 12px 24px; @media (max-width: 768px) { height: auto; .uabb-blogs-pagination { -webkit-touch-callout: none; .uabb-photo-align-right { display:none; content:"768"; Gone is the clean-cut image from his hit TV show, Everybody Loves Raymond. border: none; * Big Triangle width: 50px; Considering Trae largely keeps details regarding his family under wraps, there have been some rumors circulating that he may be related to famed movie star Ray Romano. .uabb-blogs-pagination { /* Media/Video CSS */ } } .uabb-post-wrapper .uabb-vertical-wrap { font-size: 1.3em; He is famous for being a Voice Actor. -ms-transform: translateX(-50%) scale(-1); Ray Romano is married to Anna Romano {Compare Couple}. padding-top:0px; } @media ( max-width: 992px ) { overflow: visible; display: inline-block; -o-transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%) rotate( 45deg ); .uabb-photo-caption { position: relative; .uabb-photo-content:hover .uabb-photo-caption-hover { .uabb-top-row-separator.uabb-curve-down-separator svg { } top: 100%; .uabb-blog-posts-col-6 { -webkit-transform: translateX(-200%); left: 50%; .uabb-button .uabb-button-icon-before { .uabb-blogs-pagination ul { /* For Small Device */ /* Panel & Buttons S.S.S. */ } } -webkit-transform: translateX(200%); top: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 100%; As I was looking to trade in my vehicle for another after countless days I finally spoke with John Kelly and within 2 days was able to trade in my vehicle for a brand new vehicle without a hassle, The Mercad countless days I finally spoke with John Kelly and within 2 days was able to trade in my vehicle for a brand new vehicle . margin: 0; Romano: Was it one of the celebrity players? .fl-node-5da7954c99e92 .uabb-blog-posts-col-5, margin-left: 0; } .uabb-module-content .uabb-text-editor :not(i) { font-weight: inherit; -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; } .uabb-bottom-row-separator { display: block !important; height: 100%; So we found other ways to raise money. .uabb-blog-posts .slick-prev:hover, He is the older brother of Comedian Ray Romano and Teacher Robert Romano. } .uabb-post-grid-7 .uabb-blog-post-content, margin-left: 8px; width: 100%; .uabb-adv-accordion-content .mejs-container:not(.mejs-audio) { .fl-node-5da7954c99e92 .uabb-blog-posts-col-1, -ms-transform: translateX(-50%) scaleX(-1); .uabb-transparent-fill-top-btn:after, width: 20px; height: auto !important; Romano: Like I say, I perform. display: block; text-transform: uppercase; .fl-node-5da7954c9a192.fl-row-fixed-width, .fl-node-5da7954c9a192 .fl-row-fixed-width { height:100%; * Svg Triangle Separator -ms-transform: rotateY(6deg); left: 50%; Some fans think that Trae is related to Ray Romano, but there has been no proven link between them. The standup comedian was born in 1957 to Luciana and Albert Romano. width: 100%; visibility: hidden; Thats the problem. left: 0; bottom: -40px; left: 0; -o-transform: translateX(-200%); top: 0; .uabb-post-date { } /* End Layout CSS */ romano cayo: romano di lombardia: romano . .fl-node-5da7954c99e92 .uabb-blog-posts-col-5, bottom: 0; * Curve Right Separator height: auto !important; overflow-x: hidden; .fl-node-5da7954c99e92 h3.uabb-post-heading a:focus, bottom: 0; According to CheatSheet, Romano is still making around $18 million a year from Everybody Loves Raymond. -ms-transform: translateX(-50%) scale(-1); transform: rotateX(90deg); padding: 40px 0; -ms-transform: translateX(-50%) scaleY(-1); .uabb-creative-flat-btn.uabb-animate_from_top-btn .uabb-button-text, .uabb-read-more-text a, .fl-node-5da7954c99ed1 .uabb-responsive-medsmall .uabb-side-left { [8], Romano attended elementary and middle school at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs in Forest Hills. .uabb-blog-posts-carousel .uabb-blog-post-inner-wrap.uabb-thumbnail-position-right { -o-transition: none; left: 50%; width: 50%; cursor: pointer; .uabb-bottom-row-separator.uabb-has-svg .uasvg-wave-separator { /* 3D Button styles --- Animate to Right */ opacity: .25; } . .uabb-blog-posts .uabb-post-thumbnail img { She also served as a mentor, helping him to feel more comfortable on set.[26]. /* Animate Icon From the Bottom */ } -webkit-transform: rotateX(-15deg); text-align: center; } You can also find out who is Lou Romano dating now and celebrity dating histories at CelebsCouples. border-radius: 0; /* Common Hover Classes */ padding: 5px; .uabb-blog-posts .uabb-post__terms .uabb-listing__terms-link { left: -100%; } .uabb-blog-posts .slick-next.slick-disabled:before { "I truly started doubting the existence of God," he said. } text-overflow: ellipsis; ------------------------------------------------------ */ opacity: 0; .uabb-creative-flat-btn.uabb-animate_to_right-btn .uabb-button-text, display: block; -webkit-transition: inherit; left: 0; left: 0; Romano: Over five years. Romano: Its cool. Juventus may not necessarily end up making a large number of player sales despite the threat of a 15-point deduction. padding-top:20px;padding-bottom:20px;padding-left:20px;padding-right:20px; } box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba(120,200,230,.6); JOSEPH RAYMOND ROMANO. * } text-align: left; .uabb-posted-on { /* Animate Icon to the right */ .uabb-creative-flat-btn.uabb-animate_to_right-btn i:before, Cooper: How long has its been since shes been. padding-right:0px; Two years after Gusteaus death, Alfredo Linguini came to work there as a plongeur (garbage boy). .uabb-post-grid-7 img, transform: translateX(-50%); } text-align: left; .fl-node-5da7954c99e92 ul.uabb-masonary-filters { Baby Boomer is the result of the end of World War II, when birth rates across the world spiked. font-weight: inherit; outline: none; left: 50%; I used to throw one of these events myself at this club, about 10 years ago. overflow-y: visible; max-width: 400px; position: relative; * Pine Tree .uabb-blog-posts .slick-track:after { } Cooper: Whatever happened to the event that you used to host here? ; border-radius: 0; opacity: 1; .uabb-bottom-row-separator.uabb-xlarge-triangle-right svg { [citation needed] The following year, he and one of his brothers appeared on a New York Police Department recruiting poster. The film was released in theaters on April 7, 2010, by ThinkFilm. color: #222222;background: #1e73be;} .uabb-blog-posts .uabb-post__terms-wrap { outline: none; .uabb-creative-button-wrap .uabb-creative-threed-btn.uabb-threed_down-btn, How are Ray and Lou Romano related? .uabb-photo-caption-hover { Romano: But in the show its a record company, so we have our hands in a lot of different things. In 2003, Ray Romano negotiated a one-year deal that made him the highest paid actor on television, earning $1.8 million dollars per episode. .uabb-creative-flat-btn.uabb-animate_to_left-btn:hover .uabb-button-text { .uabb-blog-posts .slick-next { } } ABILITY caught up with Romano in Tarzana, CA, where he was playing a celebrity golf fundraiser for cancer, which has touched his life personally. outline: none; } .uabb-creative-button-wrap .uabb-creative-button-left { right: -45px; * .uabb-button-wrap a:visited { display: block; Discover what happened on this day. @media ( max-width: 767px ) { Routing number of commercial bank of Ethiopia? left: 0; Lou Romano John Romano Laura Romano Lou Ramano. .fl-builder-content .uabb-photo-crop-square img { .uabb-creative-button-wrap .uabb-creative-button-center { top: 50%; .fl-node-5da7954c99ed1 .uabb-separator-parent { .uabb-tab-acc-content .mejs-container:not(.mejs-audio), clear: both; .uabb-blogs-pagination li { * height: 20px; transition: all 200ms linear; } .uabb-photo-content img { .uabb-blog-post-content .uabb-post-meta { height: 100%; left: 0; In 2002, Romano voiced the woolly mammoth Manfred (Manny) in the film Ice Age, and its sequels Ice Age: The Meltdown in 2006, Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs in 2009, Ice Age: Continental Drift in 2012, and Ice Age: Collision Course in 2016. width: auto; We will continue to update information on Lou Romanos parents. } The heartwarming drama is set to premiere . } } filter: alpha(opacity = 0); left: 0; left: 0; -ms-transform-origin: 0% 0%; .fl-builder-content-editing .fl-visible-mobile.uabb-row { } } .uabb-transparent-fill-diagonal-btn:after{ Lou Romano is part of the Baby boomers generation. .uabb-dual-button .uabb-btn, The 1970s were a "pivot of change", it was an era of economic struggle, cultural change, and technological innovation. -webkit-transform: translateY(400px); * content: '\f111'; width: 100% !important; line-height: 0; We had this wonderful, wonderful hour-long premiere where Ray comes on the show in a flashback, she said. } Romano's father, Albert Romano, has made various appearances as Albert, one of Frank Barone's lodge buddies in various episodes, such as "Debra at the Lodge", and "Boys' Therapy". Whos the richest Voice Actor in the world. romano: carpineto romano: lou romano: oriolo romano: acueducto romano: olevano romano: ray romano: corky romano: romano prodi: Neighbors. .uabb-creative-button-wrap a, } .uabb-blog-posts ul.slick-dots li { Romano: As much as I can with a family, a job, and a wife whom I dont want to yell at me. display: inline-block; .uabb-button-wrap a, vertical-align: middle; overflow: hidden; color: #333; white-space: nowrap; font-size: 16px; } .uabb-blog-posts .slick-prev i:hover, Tragically, Sawyer passed away in 2015, at the age of 19, due to a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. } .fl-node-5da7954c99ed1 h3.uabb-divider-text{ Ray Romano, byname of Raymond Romano, (born December 21, 1957, Queens, New York, U.S.), American comedian and actor perhaps best known as the bumbling well-intentioned father in the television show Everybody Loves Raymond (1996-2005), a witty and insightful portrayal of the quotidian travails of family life. padding: 0 !important; right: 0; select.uabb-masonary-filters { .fl-module-content a:hover, .fl-builder-content .uabb-button-left { .uabb-blog-posts .slick-track:before, /* Start Global Nodes CSS */ } .uabb-blog-posts .slick-prev i:focus, Romano was born in Queens, New York City,[3] the second son of Luciana "Lucie" (ne Fortini),[2] a piano teacher, and Albert Romano (19252010), a real estate agent and engineer. Before starting a career as a screenwriter, Romano served as police officer for the NYPD for 20 years. pointer-events: none; .fl-node-5da7954c99ed1 h3.uabb-divider-text { -webkit-transition: all 200ms linear; -ms-transform: translateY(0); .uabb-transparent-fill-bottom-btn:after { text-align: left; .fl-builder-content-editing .fl-visible-desktop-medium.uabb-row, backface-visibility: hidden; -webkit-transform: rotateX(90deg); The economy was very bad; it was around 9/11. line-height: 18px; text-align: center; padding-left: 10px; Along with the fame and fortune from his successful career in performing arts, he has also received several awards, including Screen Actors Guild card for his role on Ridley's Scott's Black Rain. -ms-transform: translateY(-400px); overflow: hidden; } romano di lombardia - Chinese Translation, Chinese Translation for romano di lombardia - IChacha English Chinese Online Dictionary for Free Translation . .fl-col-group-equal-height.fl-col-group-align-bottom .fl-col-content { .uabb-bottom-row-separator.uabb-svg-triangle svg, -ms-transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%); -webkit-transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%); } Specifically, 2002's Ice Age is a charming, entertaining and heartwarming family movie that benefitted from smart writing, an abundance of heart and humor, and winning vocal performances . text-decoration: none; .uabb-blog-posts .slick-next:focus { background: unset; } z-index: -1; } Cooper: Even though its not being filmed. float: none; } position: relative; color: white; .uabb-active-btn { display: inline-block; overflow: hidden; text-align: center; The 50-year-old American voice actor has done well thus far. .uabb-top-row-separator.uabb-pine-tree-bend-separator svg, He played Nicky Kohlbrenner on the episode, an old friend of Mike Hecks who happens upon Mike and Frankieon their camping honeymoon. /** } } display: inline-block; position: absolute; -webkit-border-radius: 100%; text-decoration: none; width: 12.5%; position: absolute; Lawrence John Romano was born in Mount Vernon, New York State, USA, on 31 July 1963 - his zodiac sign is Leo and he holds American nationality. It also got harder and harder to do a charity event back then. } width: 200px; * Big Triangle Separator list-style: none; float: left; left: 50%; .uabb-transparent-fill-left-btn:after { .uabb-bottom-row-separator.uabb-svg-circle svg, } width: 100%; Alexandra is Rays real-life daughter and she plays the character of Molly in one of the sitcom series where they worked together. top: 0; width: 33.3%; .uabb-creative-button-wrap .uabb-creative-button-has-icon .uabb-creative-button-text { } /* } -ms-transform: rotateY(-6deg); } -moz-transform: translateX(200%); ------------------------------------------------------ */ .uabb-top-row-separator.uabb-slime-separator svg, margin-bottom:0px; .uabb-module-content .uabb-text-editor :not(h1):not(h2):not(h3):not(h4):not(h5):not(h6):not(strong):not(b) { [10], His early comedy career started when he competed in the Johnnie Walker Comedy Search in 1989 directed by Saturday Night Live short film producer Neal Marshad and appeared on The Comedy Channel. "We are devastated to report that our beloved brother, son, and friend, Sawyer Sweeten, took his own life. Is actor ray Romano related to the actor Lou Romano? margin-left: auto; .uabb-blog-posts #infscr-loading img { .uabb-creative-flat-btn.uabb-animate_from_bottom-btn:hover .uabb-button-text { Romano competed in the World Series of Poker in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013 and 2015. } } transform: translateX(-50%) scaleY(-1); .fl-node-5da7954c99e92 select.uabb-masonary-filters { min-height: 1px; margin: 0 !important; One sign that things are different is the KDBC Web site, where the profile of morning anchor Lou Romano is suddenly missing. display: block; list-style: none; .uabb-creative-button-wrap a:visited { When I was on Raymond, my children were about the same age as the Barone children, so I experienced all those things as I was performing them, she said. Alexandra is Ray's real-life daughter and she plays the character of Molly in one of the sitcom series where they worked together. .fl-node-5da7954c99ed1 .uabb-separator-line { The 50-year-old voice actor was born in San Diego, California, USA. * Grass Are Ray and Lou Romano related? /* For Medium Device */ Romano: It was some kind of lactose powder. Robot Love View All Wall Art. .uabb-creative-button-wrap a .uabb-creative-button-text, .uabb-imgicon-wrap .uabb-image-align-right { [citation needed], In February 2012, Romano revealed that his wife, Anna, had successfully battled stage one breast cancer in 2010. Its fun. -moz-transform: translateX(-50%) scaleX(-1); white-space: normal; -webkit-justify-content: flex-end; } They are associated with a rejection of traditional values. -moz-transform: translateX(-50%) scale(1); .uabb-blog-posts .slick-next i:hover, top: -40%; .fl-node-5da7954c99e92 .uabb-blog-posts-col-8, } .fl-node-5da7954c99e43 { margin-left: 8px; [dir='rtl'] .uabb-blog-posts .slick-next { display: table-cell; Lou Romano was born in 1970s. top: 0; width: 100%; } } .uabb-creative-button-wrap a:visited { Is the singer Avant and R Kelly brothers? margin: 0 auto; .fl-node-5da7954c99e92 h3.uabb-post-heading, .fl-node-5da7954c99e92 .uabb-post-wrapper .uabb-blog-post-content { top: 0; .fl-node-5da7954c99e92 .uabb-blog-posts-col-6, background: #EFEFEF; border-radius: 0px; .fl-node-5da7954c99e92 .uabb-masonary-filters-wrapper { } Shesdoing fine now. .uabb-adv-accordion-content .mejs-overlay-play { -moz-transform-origin: 0% 100%; .uabb-next-date-meta .uabb-posted-on { text-decoration: none; /* Making Icon position center */ The greatest overall compatibility with Aries is Libra and Leo. } left: 0; } .fl-node-5da7954c99e92 .uabb-post-wrapper .uabb-post-thumbnail { line-height: inherit; .uabb-button-has-icon .uabb-button-text { .uabb-creative-flat-btn.uabb-animate_to_left-btn i { line-height: 0; .uabb-adv-accordion-content video.wp-video-shortcode { .fl-node-5da7954c99e92 .uabb-post-grid-sizer { } .uabb-top-row-separator.uabb-tilt-right-separator { } Thats why I had to grow all this hair. } margin-left:0px; [19], Romano is set to play Jim Valvano in an upcoming movie about the former NC State Wolfpack basketball coach.[20]. text-align: center; .uabb-thumbnail-position-right .uabb-blog-post-content { } } } color: inherit; } @media all and ( min-width: 992px ) { } -moz-transform: rotateY(120deg); height: 1em; margin-right: 8px; padding-top: 10px; } opacity: 1 !important; Fact Check: We strive for accuracy and fairness. font-style: inherit; } Martirosyan: Whats your connection to todays event? line-height: 0; -o-transform: rotateY(-6deg); ABILITY Job Fair Accessible Online Career Fair. Actor: The Incredibles. .uabb-blogs-pagination li span.current, -webkit-transform: translateX(-50%); Ray Romano is slowly getting the hang of Zoom but not without a few awkward mishaps along the way.. } } "[25], Romano was close friends with Doris Roberts, who played Marie Barone, Ray Barone's mother, on Everybody Loves Raymond. .uabb-thumbnail-position-right .uabb-post-thumbnail img, display: block; left: 0; Patricia Heaton Reveals How She Would Portray Debra Barone on Everybody Loves Raymond Today, We finally had to give him a part on the show, Heaton said of Romano in 2011. transform: translateX(-50%) scaleX(-1); top: 0; He is an actor who is perhaps still best known for his portrayal of Richie Iannucci in the comedy series "The King of Queens", which aired from 1998 to 2007 and was created by David Litt and . } text-align: center; } } Ruling Planet: Lou Romano has a ruling planet of Mars and has a ruling planet of Mars and by astrological associations Tuesday is ruled by Mars. .uabb-creative-threed-btn.uabb-animate_left-btn:after { Romano: Its crazy. .fl-node-5da7954c99e92 ul.uabb-masonary-filters > li { Take a visual walk through their career and see 73 images of the characters they've voiced and listen to 12 clips that showcase their performances. [citation needed], On December 13, 2003, Romano was a guest star, sending a birthday card to Bob Barker for Barker's 80th birthday on the 27th "Million Dollar Spectacular" special of the CBS game show The Price Is Right. white-space: nowrap; width: 100%; left: 0; -webkit-box-pack: end; z-index: 1; Want this question answered? Richard Romano took a slightly different path than his brother did, though. } } .uabb-blog-posts .slick-next:before { min-width: 100%; transition: all 200ms linear; He joined the cast of Parenthood beginning with its fourth season premiere. } He also was a contestant on Star Search in the stand-up comedy category. } The Seventies saw many women's rights, gay rights, and environmental movements. .fl-builder-content a.uabb-creative-button:visited*/ color: transparent; } .uabb-top-row-separator { max-width: 100%; -o-transform: translateX(-50%); Its one of those kind of weird Twilight Zone kind of Hollywood moments that you live for.. -o-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); .uabb-creative-flat-btn.uabb-animate_from_top-btn i:before, .uabb-transparent-fill-diagonal-btn{ .uabb-transparent-fill-left-btn:after, -o-transform: translateX(-50%) scale(-1); } -webkit-transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%) rotate( 45deg ); .uabb-blog-posts .slick-prev.slick-disabled:before, Heaton described their on-screen reunion, clearly delighted at the opportunity to reunite with her previous TV husband. transition: all 0.3s linear; * Big Triangle Left Separator padding: 5px 10px; are lou romano and ray romano related Hakkmzda. /* 3D Button styles --- Animate to top */ .uabb-icon-text *:last-child { .uabb-blog-posts.slick-slider .slick-track, .uabb-top-row-separator.uabb-has-svg svg { box-sizing: border-box; .uabb-creative-button.uabb-creative-transparent-btn { margin: 0; background: transparent; .uabb-creative-button-wrap.uabb-creative-button-icon-no-text .uabb-creative-button i { While he has appeared in a handful of television shows and films, his most notable role was as Ray Barone on the CBS sitcom "Everybody Loves Raymond." The series aired from September 1996 to May 2005, with a total of 210 episodes spanning across nine seasons. ben suarez bread / joseph wiley kim burrell / are lou romano and ray romano related. .uabb-creative-flat-btn.uabb-animate_to_left-btn i, .fl-builder-content a.uabb-creative-button, } Richard Romano is the oldest child of Albert Romano and Lucie Romano. right: -45px; text-align: center; display: block; cursor: hand; But its great fun. font-size: 1em; color: inherit; width: 20px; } width: auto; Romano's brother, Richard Romano, appeared in the episodes "Golf For It", "Just a Formality", and "The Toaster". font-style: inherit; I dont think we won, though. .uabb-post-wrapper .uabb-vertical { Unless you're Raymond Barone, you can't make everybody love you. -webkit-transform-origin: 0% 0%; -o-transform: translateX(-50%) scaleY(-1); 4. . line-height: 0; .uabb-thumbnail-position-left.uabb-empty-img .uabb-blog-post-content, Romano's daughter made several appearances on Everybody Loves Raymond as Molly, the best friend of his on-screen daughter, Ally, and the daughter of Ray Barone's nemesis, Peggy the Cookie Lady. content:"default"; -moz-transform: rotateX(90deg); border-style: none; transform: translateX(-50%) scaleY(-1);