Cuz Id stuff you. Then do you wanna strip? Because youre a total knockout! Whats your favorite drink? Do you want to be one of them? If you would be a steak, you are definitely well done. So, when youre using a pick-up line, you must be mindful about a few things before hitting the send button, including. (pointing towards your private area). Pick up lines are a type of conversational starter. Is it true that youre the same lovely and intelligent girl my mother promised shed find for me? I thought I saw you checking out my package. I havent visited Australia yet, but Id love to go down under. But you can call me yours too. Do you know why you are beautiful? Do you use the same Hi, Hello? I am glad I am wearing gloves because you are a bit too hot for me. Because its a long way from here to heaven. I play travel softball and a new girl joined our team and her name is also Chloe so it gets really confusing sometimes, so one of my coaches started calling me C.C which is what I want everyone to call me but all my friends on my team have known me for 3+ years so they only know me as Chloe so that cant really happen. Quick, somebody needs to call the bomb squad. [What?] I think of you every time I see something beautiful. Coz you have tied my heart into a knot I cant untie. Because I see you in my future. Are you a sea lion? Because Im about to fall for you. 11. There are plenty of fish in the sea, but you are the one I would like to catch. Hey, I misplaced my underwear; may I borrow yours? Yes! 8. So, is this racy enough or are you craving for more? Because whenever you pass, I fall like leaves. Welp! 6. You remind me of a box of chocolates, gurl. Why dont you join me for dinner? You must be a pile of dinosaur bones, because I dig you. Me with an impeccable list of the funniest and corniest knock knock jokes ever! So, when was the last time you went on a date that you wished would last for eternity? I have 1-ply, and 2-ply, but I want your re-ply. In her experience as a content writer, she has had the opportunity to work on several fields with Psychology being her favorite. Girl, you look amazing in that dress; it beats the sharp and vibrant retina display any day. It doesnt matter to me if you a gay, bi or both. 7. Want to be my nothing? Read our. I could say that I wandered lonely as a cloud before I met you, but what are these Wordsworth if you wont go out with me? Are you my heartbeat? Copyright 2011 - 2023 IncNut Stylecraze Private Limited. Because every time I look at you, I smile. My bed is a little uncomfortable. 3. Were not pants, but wed make a great pair. Wanna know whats my first? If I win, you take me out. I usually go for 8s, but I guess I can settle for a 10. 69+ Best Alphabet Pick up Lines (U & I) ?. 10. Try to think of them as if they're jokes. The material on this site can not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of Solid Ventures, Inc. Oh! Ill forgo my morning cereal in order to spoon you. Your body is 70 percent water, and I am hella thirsty. Because I feel irrational near you. When in doubt, try something like: Of all your curves, your smile is my favorite, which is just corny enough without being over the top. Cause I can see myself in your pants. Its messing with perfection! Learn more about our Review Board. What are you doing after this? Would you mind if I carry your babies, or do I just swallow tonight? I bet stoplights turn red every time you pass by. Oh you look so hot to me! What phone number should I use when I text you goodnight later? Old is Gold! Plus, most of the time youd be cringing so lets not waste time and get our minds corny! Baby, theres no one like you, in the whole wide world. I heard you are into magic tricks. Are you tired? Pick-up lines are great conversation starters and can help break the ice when you have met someone you want to impress. Were your parents bakers because thats the juiciest pair of buns I have ever seen! Is it possible for me to help you with that? Hey, Im going for a stroll. Because you look like a rare gem to me. You must be the COVID vaccine because I need you in me. Whos there? When you have kids, I am confused about who will get more kisses. Why dont we return to my house and form a covalent bond? Hello! Which would you rather have: makeup or a makeout? Today, Chloe is a popular name for girls in the Western world. Adam. Owl be seeing you soon, right? I have 70 ways to make you happy, ask me how? You must be from Star Wars because YODA only one for me. My friends just bet that I am too shy to start a conversation with the hottest guy in the bar. Is heaven aware that an angel is missing? Constantly inside me. 4. Whos there? So here are some. Cause youre looking Gouda! Whos there? Yes, you, the man of my dreams! Oh my! Roses are red, violets are blue. Aside from stealing hearts, what do you do? Do you know what has 142 teeth and holds back the Incredible Hulk? . 20. He must have been showing off when he made you. Do-ya want to be my girlfriend? One of my friends told me girls hate oral. Chloe has been a top 100 name since 1998 and was a top 20 name from 2005 through 2016 before dropping slightly below. Your lips must feel heavy. Forget the butterflies, I feel the whole damn Zoo when Im looking at you. Pauline who? Can you pass the coffee and sugar because you just made me cream in my pants? So Ive been trying to come up with a good psychology pickup line for you, but Im aFreud I couldnt come up with anything. 6. Your lips look like they need a friend. LITERALLY! We wont spam you. That show off! Your dress would look fantastic on my bedroom floor. 8. It is not my fault that I am falling for you, you literally tripped me! Do you have a hard time coming up with good pick-up lines? I need a motivating quote, and you look like someone who could motivate anyone. Please enter the name of the person in the field below: Show NSFW pick-up lines (I am 18 or older) Name: Noelle Are you the devil? Im not an organ donor, but Id be happy to donate my heart to you. I wasnt playing cards, but I still picked a Queen. Are you a college professor? Cause weed be cute together. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Have you got 8 seconds? Note: This is meant to whittle down on the "Pickup Line for xyz" posts. I am not a photographer, but I can picture you and me together. My phone isnt working, can you try giving me a call? Watch as her eyes light up and her smile turn into an impressed grin. A Herd who? Youre not alone. Cause Ive got a feeling Im gonna occasionally talk to my other friends about how annoying you are. Do you want to eat cookie dough together someday? Lets be honest, guys with glasses look like SNACC! I could take a picture of it and send it to you. I dont think you were created by God. People often confuse me with a tic-tac. The sun must be jealous of the bright sparkle you have in your eyes. This is the same prefix in the word chlorophyll, the substance that gives plants their green color, and through which they convert sunlight into energy. So she hopes to contribute her bit to this revolution. Originally, Chloe came into common use after the Protestant Reformation, which led to a resurgence of christening babies with biblical names. "I'm not used to approaching strangers but your smile invited me to talk to you.". Hi, My name's Jimmy, now I'll start lying. I am sure as hell that my mouth will be perfect for your thingy. I heard a plane is there an airport nearby? Wait. Do you have a fever? Then heres a list of some really good pick up lines that you would want to keep up your sleeve. She has also done a certificate Certified Emotional Intelligence Practitioner, Relationships, Beauty & Lifestyle, Health & Wellness. You got something on your chest. So, walk in with your head high, look into their eyes and now say it out loud! If you want me to take you out to dinner, dont tell me. Because that ass is calling me! I think I am suffering from a lack of Vitamin U! Do you have a crush on a friend? Planets must be constantly orbiting around you because youre as bright as the sun. Wendy who? Id say youre the bomb, but that might lead to a dangerous conversation. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. My cats name is Chloe but sometimes I call her Clois. You want to know whats double and inviting? You are astoundingly gorgeous, but I can tell thats the least exciting thing about you. Did you know Im kind of like a Rubiks cube? A must-read if you're a fan of the Zelda game series. is a part of THE CALYPTE Media. 2. Dirty ones dont always elicit the best responses. Well, if you dont start cringing while reading this then you must be an alien. Do you work for UPS? Cheese who? Since youre here with me, Heaven might accuse me of stealing an angel. Cuz Ive been waiting for you all day. It was a huge mistake to leave my inhaler at home. I understand you have a lot on your plate today, but could you please add me to your to-do list? Make these pick up lines written for the different common girls name work for you! Even it would want to stare at you a bit longer. It appears the tree is missing its angel. Life without you is like a broken pencil: pointless. Are you in my cart? Guess youre acute-y. You have no idea how many times I had to swipe left in order to find you! I love you! Ooooooooh! You must be from Tennessee because youre the only 10 I see! 2. Want to freshen your breath? Someone said Laughter is the best medicine and I couldnt agree more. Today I finally realized why I was feeling empty. Are you a Pokemon? Because your ass is outta control! The Olympics still happens once every four years, but the chance of meeting a person like you happens only once in a lifetime. Nice legs! She is also a career coach, consultant and a certified mediator for individuals, families, couples and small businesses. I think this is the most important tip that you need to know when youre using a pick-up line. Im pretty and youre cute, so I think wed be PRETTY CUTE together. If you were heroin, Id sniff you all day. Care to be my penguin? I have good taste, so show me what youre wearing. Is there a name for you, or should I call you mine? For your morning coffee, do you prefer a French Press or a Bialetti? Tinder isnt just a hookup app. (She says yes I do) Oh fuck! By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Happy birthday, stud. So, lets not waste time and get down to the FUNNY business. If we were chromosomes, would you be my homologous pair? Because youre mm mm good! My name is Peter Pan, cuz I can take you to Never Never Land. No one saw it coming and we moved fast. But guess what If you have a fun pick-up line up your sleeve, youre at an advantage because these one-liners are great for clearing the air and leave them wanting more and more! Your smile is more contagious than the COVID-19 virus. Because you look magically delicious! These are some of the best (and corniest) pickup lines of all time: 2. Hey, is it just me, or you too feel that are we destined to be married? Repeat your number once! Is it really less than a mile away? The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Since dating majorly happens in the online world, these are the best pickup lines to use over text to get that foot in the door. Some are: If there is any cute or funny pet name for Chloe, we missed, be a dear, and add it in the comments section. Cheese a cute girl! 12. Sorry, what is your name again? Because youre incredibly attractive and Im craving smore. My names Mr. Please use this thread to post the name you'd like a pick up line for, that way anyone can ctrl-f a name when they need it! How would you react? 22. Are you a birthday balloon? Simply smile if you want to say yes, or do a backflip if you want to say no. Is there a chance Ill catch you naked tonight? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. When, where, who? Because I want Santa to know exactly what I want for Christmas. Cause we Mermaid for each other. How many girlfriends have you had? If you were a fruit, youd be a fine-apple. Thats a nice shirt youve got there. It pays to play it safe and keep it light before diving into the raunchier side of the pick up line world. (yes) Wanna frost my flakes? And you would too after youve skimmed through this super fun list of pick up lines. Just to be clear, Im a felon cause I felon love with you. If you want to make your partner/friend/crush go awww and make them blush, check this list of pick-up lines that are sweeter than honey! Cause you have me hooked. Coming through Another list of the worst pick-up lines you can find on the internet! Her focus targets the integrative mental health and wellness approach in psychotherapy and behavioral health. I am planning for babies, will you be their mother/father? Other times, pickup lines are our way of satirizing or making light of the bumbling awkwardness of first connections. You float my ark. Im curious as to what the LHospitals limit is when Im over you. Was that an earthquake or did you just rock my world? If life was a deck of cards, you are the queen/king of my heart. Can I ride you instead? Do you have a map? Hey, baby, how often would you want to come within 6 feet of me? right? Because I want you Altima self. Well guess what Ive got you covered. people call me cocomo and i HATE it like the beach boys song. If youre the Sahara, then I am the camel. Roses are red, violets are blue, how did I get so lucky to match with you? If youre a burger, can you be the buns to my meat? Im going to need to step outside because you just took my breath away. I know it sounds confusing but you know whats more confusing to pick the right pick up line for girls. Because you have got Full Beauty! Let me hit you! Cause I Mustang with you. Because without you, I would die. Id say God bless you, but it appears that he has already done so. You should have been a phaser on Star Trek, youd be set to stun! I hope you know CPR, because you just took my breath away! 2. Are those space pants? The common variation, Chlo, uses a diaeresis mark over the letter e to indicate that it should be pronounced separately from the o, rather than being silent. 7. Here are our top best old School pickup lines of 2021. Knock, Knock. How to ask a girl for her phone number through pick-up lines? Can I borrow your phone? No, why? Further, irrelevant and out-of-the-line pick-up lines can be a huge mood-killer, so BEWARE! Youre like a Pringles. Do you want to make a lasting impression on that special someone? Are you made of apples? If I was a watermelon, would you spit or swallow my seeds? Me neither. The smile you gave me! Is it true that you are Santa Claus? Please let me show your picture to the scientists because I desperately wanna prove that angels do exist! Are you the square root of two? Do you wanna start with dinner or go straight to dessert? You would be the richest person on Earth, if beauty was currency. 2022 ThePleasantConversation. Let me hold your hand because it appears to be heavy. I know we have chemistry together. Im going to make you come with a toy inside because you remind me of a Happy Meal. My zipper. Im good at mending. Whos there? I have done the hard work, and compiled a set of pick-up lines that are not so common yet hit straight home. Without you, life is as dull as a broken pencil. Are you a boxer? Oh, so you are the reason women fall in love! I am a chocolate! I have Great Expectations for our future tonight. Cause I got lost in your eyes. I can make six inches disappear in a second. So, I have added some cheese on this list too with these cheesiest pick-up lines you can ever find! My Heart was a Lonely Hunter til I met you, girl. So how do lesbians have sex? 4. Your right leg is Easter and the left leg is Christmas. If I'm vinegar, then you must be baking soda. Hey baby. Yes, my love, you read that right. She splits her time between NYC, Paris, and New Zealand, constantly on the hunt for todays latest trends, Meet Eddie By Giddy The Best Way To Boost Your Sex Life, Connect With Timeless Style: Find The Best Nixon Watches and Accessories Here, 51 Gift Ideas: What To Ask For This Christmas (Updated 2023), 22 Best Chains For Men: Necklaces for All Budgets and Styles 2023, 18 Best Blazers for Men: From Casual To Black Tie, 83 Unique Gifts For Men: Our Best Picks in 2023. Finally, a creative use for the Im 63 if it matters line you probably already have written in your bio. Are you craving Pizza? Together, we could create such a lovely library. I couldve called heaven and asked for an angel, but I was hoping youre a slut instead. Use them whenever the situation allows! I think theres something wrong with my eye. Is that a two-sided vibrator in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me? Your Lightness is Unbearable, and its doing something to my Being. Shitty, terrible, worst does this list ever end? Knock, knock. Cause ma-damn, youre fine. Our love will be like the number Pi: irrational and endless. Other than being insanely beautiful, what do you do for a living? Tie your shoelaces because I want you to fall only for me. Because youre my Juan and only! Your eyes are like the ocean and Im a great swimmer. Im not attempting to impress you in any way, but Im The Batman, and Im here to help you. When it comes to breaking the ice, theres nothing quite as effective as one of the best pickup lines. Youre in the bone zone, baby, so be careful! Beautiful! I will let you be my gynecologist. and for that heres a list of smooth pick-up lines that will hit straight home. . Im not a dentist, but I bet I could give you a filling. If you dont like my kisses, you can just return them to me. Sticks and stones may break my bones, But whips and chains excite me. Are you claustrophobic? Elisa is a well-known parenting writer who is passionate about providing research-based content to help parents make the best decisions for their families. Is that a mirror in your pocket? We have prepared some clever and funny pick up lines. The secret to coming up with pick up lines that work is context. If youre looking for a creative way to connect with your crush/partner, then these pick up lines can be a great start and make your conversation interesting! (Licking his finger and wiping it on his shirt) Lets get you out of these drenched garments. 3. Tis the season. My lips are like Skittles. Lets play iPhone games! Anyone who claims that Disneyland is the happiest place on the planet has obviously never stood next to you! Please let me know what time youll be back at my place. Even if youre not, you will be after checking out the most perverted one-liners and pick-up lines that I have listed out for you! Gotcha! You are unreal like the square root of -1. You have GPS, right? Be confident, be cool, be sassy and most importantly be you because theres no one like you! Knock, knock. This opener lasted way too long, but 10 points for the respectful tone and actually setting an IRL date. Please be a good chef because Im in the mood for some thick sausage with two eggs on the side. You have the best smile Ive ever seen. Your hair is as beautiful as a full moon night. Because you blew me away! What can I do for you? Zelda Pick Up Lines. If youre as good at cuddling as you are at looking good, Ill put my name down for a date. 8. My cell phone isnt working properly. Whats it gonna take to get India pants? Do you work at build-a-bear? Norma Lee I dont say this, but I think Im falling in love with you. Do you wanna help me prove him wrong? Were like hot chocolate and marshmallows. i used to hate it but now kinda like it, My name is Chloe and my family and friends call me coco or clo, my family and friends call me chlobo but some people make fun of me for it , my friend chloe likes the nickname clomosexual, she think its sounds smart, shes a chloe, what about clobster its Chloe and lobster or just something that randomly pops into someones head. For example, Wine (Stella or Rosa), Flower (Lily, Daisy, Jasmine), Princess (Cindy, Ella), Flattering (Precious, joy, honey). Are you the first edition of a book? Quick, have your way with me! Because you add a glimmer to my life. Ahhh Im guessing your crush is a stickler for details? Hi, I am The One, someone said you were looking for me? Of course, you want to bowl them over with your sexy and sassy tongue technology. Yes, they can be corny, funny, and romantic, but your purpose will only fail if they are offensive. I want someone to look at me the way I look at chocolate cake. I am not wearing any underwear. I honestly dont know where he got it from but he made weird nicknames for everyone. You must be Trumps wall because I cant get over you. Because I am checking you out. My one friend is more considerate about that stuff so he started calling me cloclonut. What a stupid (wo)man he would have been. Honderdmusic 5 yr. ago. I must be a beaver because I am dying for your wood. Now, all I need is an U! Cause Im not going to use you! 8. Honeydew who? Im sure youre an archaeologist because I have got a bone for you to examine. Some people get offensive and cannot handle the spice of these pick up lines. Hey, sexy! Do you have a job at Dicks? You cant expect a positive reaction and a genuine connection unless you know how to build off and continue the conversation. If I were a lottery, I would make sure you win. Knock, knock. I will let nothing but latex stand between our love. I was wondering if you were an artist because you drew me in so well. Im not staring at your b**bs. I always thought happiness started with h, but turns out it begins with u.. Cause youre stunning. When you want to make them smile, use funny pick up lines but in an attempt to make them laugh, dont go overboard and ruin everything instead. So, this one is for the ladies. You are just like my little toe. Do you wanna come over? But, okay, lets look at the bright side with these, shall we? Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Would you hold it against me if I said you had a good body? God put just as much effort into you as he does into a fine artisan cheese. 7. Do you like Disney movies? Lets commit a crime together: Ill steal your heart and youll steal mine. Whos there? Youre a 9 out of 10, and Im the 1 you need. So, next time when you use a one-liner at the time your partner is trying to tell you something serious, beware of the consequences. Because youll be here shortly. Below are some popular nicknames: People get excited when called adorable nicknames, and thats why we have provided you a list of some cute nicknames for anyone named Chloe: if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'findnicknames_com-box-4','ezslot_1',142,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-findnicknames_com-box-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'findnicknames_com-box-4','ezslot_2',142,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-findnicknames_com-box-4-0_1');.box-4-multi-142{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}These words suitably have the same rhyming sound with Chloe and could serve as a nickname: Since the name starts with a consonant letter, it is always easy to have a nickname coined from joining C to the initial letter of the persons middle name. Can I take your picture? Even though you want to be funny and flirty, its not always possible not with everyone. Could you please call an ambulance? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. lupersio 6 yr. ago. Is it possible for you to give me directions to your apartment? You cause my dopamine levels to skyrocket! Candice be love Im feeling right now? Will you please take this (my hand) and hold it for me? The next set of pick up lines actually has the ability to turn your dream date into a nightmare! Im Kevin, can I buy you a drink? Nothing more attractive than a person who knows their history and apocalyptic conspiracy theories. 3. Im not into watching sunsets, but Id love to see you go down. If you were a vegetable, I bet you would be cute-cumber. We have so much in common! India! Every single time I see you, my heart gets all worked up. He was afraid that the angels would be envious of you. But as I got older my friends just started calling me Chloe and I hate that because I HATE my name. Keep reading to level up your one-liner game with the 117 best options. (How?) Popular Baby Names. Do you want to pick up girls after introducing yourself and your name? Of course, you can get creative and tweak the ones given above to make them more relatable. Wear nothing today; Ill take them off anyway. I just finished my Amazon wishlist last night, and you were at the top. Describe your sex life with a movie line. Just remember that your pick-up lines should not offend anyone. You see, Im getting old. I dont have any pillows at home, can you lend me your b**bs? document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Nicknames can be used in several positive ways. Things get corny, when youre in a maize field. Cause that ass is Gigante Aye girl, they call me Snow Day.. Well, now you will because Ive got pick-up lines up my sleeve, that will make you bawl. For others, happiness might start with h, but mine starts with you. If you agree to be my Santa, Ill let you slide down my chimney tonight. If you were a fruit, youd be a fine-apple. I am sure 5-stars must have been jealous of you. Its always increasing. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, lets have sex inside my car. Nothing says holiday spirit quite like a naughty pickup line. You remind me of a library book, and I love checking you out. Hi, Im Mr. You can try something snarky and sarcastic, but dont offend anyone. Knock, knock. Youre everything that Ive ever dreamt of and SO MUCH MORE. 7. What is such a beautiful lady/man like you doing without me? Because youre a dope, baby! The best Tinder pick-up lines on Reddit 1) Titanic references Screengrab via Reddit Imgur Alternatively, start off by asking your match if Jack would have fit on the door. Penguins stay with their mate their entire lives. Chill, the pick-up lines that I have compiled for you will practically BLOW your. You must be campfire. Your eyes are like Ikea: easy to get lost in. Asking because I want to spend my life with you. No? Whos there? Pauline! Is your name Molly, cause your making me overdose. Four and four become eight, but you and I can be fate. Ive always hated my name and Id rather have a nick name. I dont do drugs, but Im high on you. 3. I like to imagine myself as the polar opposite of your mother; you slid out of her, but youll slide inside of me. The new iPhone costs $700 and youre priceless. Now, all I have to do is get up in the middle of the night to get a load of man milk. Now that we have it all sorted for you, go ahead and make the best use of the examples that fit your purpose perfectly. Cuz Yoda-Licious! Super Mario Bros. Do you know what my shirt is made from? Cheese. Founder of Building Stronger People Foundation and sits on the board of directors for the mental health and wellness program for US Dream Academy Houston. Well then welcome to 21st century buddy where women arent just at par but also better than men. The initial impression you make is memorable, so make it count. Do you work as a florist? Lets show these pick up lines some love! Because I want to take you home and show you to my mother. Reviewed by I'm no photographer, but I can picture us together. It peaked as a top 10 name between 2008 and 2011. Will you be offended if I tell you I like you? If you want to take on a challenge, then try and seduce me in 5 minutes. For you I would slay two Goliaths. Are you reconsidering your affiliation with the communist party? I have these chicken b_rgers. Kiss me! You exactly appear to be the naughty girl I was looking for. 6. Is your name Chamomile? Chloe was a top 1,000 name from 1880, the earliest year the Social Security Administration has data available, through 1943. 15. Youll have a place to sit as long as I have a face, baby. I just scraped my knee falling for you. Youre hot, and I want to be on top of you. Im Nike and youre McDonalds. Member since Sep 2016. So, lets find out how cringe-resistant you are! Works every time. Or, are you always this hot? Because youre the only ten I see.