Initially rearing his horned, lava head inJourney into Mystery#97 (1963), the Norse myth-based flame creature rules over the blistering realm of Muspelheim. Thor has to prove himself so that he can get the approval of his father and get back the control of the kingdom. RELATED:Thor: Ragnarok Finally Gives Idris Elbas Heimdall a Chance to Shine. Banner is no longer confident and in control. Thats because he just doesnt do much of anything in the actual film. In a short window, Waititi builds from the natural antagonism first seen in The Avengers, takes a few pot shots at Natashas low-setting sun lullaby from Age of Ultron, and ultimately exposes Hulk as a separate entity from Banner. Hela makes quick work of all but Skurge (Karl Urban), whom she recruits to her side. In the comics, Valkyrie (or more specifically Brunnhilde) led a band of female goddesses, or Valkyrior, who selected the bravest warriors for Valhalla, the realm of the honored dead. The superhero blockbuster has an excellent cast with a ton of characters, both new and old, set to make one of the most exciting entries in Marvel's roster. Towards the end, he has one redeeming scene, but at that point, audiences just dont care. There is hope that there will still be another sequel. Its implied Valkyrie is the last of her kind. Surtur's involvement was revealed after he was seen as a part of the official line of Pop Vinyl figures based on Thor: Ragnarok. The goddess of death is very strong (she proves as much throughout the movie), but theres a different between strength and surviving, like, 5,000 neutron bombs going off in your face. InThor 3, he allies himself to Hela after she revives him from the dead, but he's more a hench-wolf than an Asgard-threat, fighting the Hulk in the finale. Shes charismatic, beautiful and incredibly scary. Its just that some of the characters in the film ended up being much more successful than others. Loki does not have the most powerful magic or superhuman strength, but his unpredictability gives him an advantage. Tom Hiddleston plays this character. Armageddon gets nipped in the bud after a quick spin with Mjolnir and Zeppelins Immigrant Song. A hot tip from the doomsayer reveals Loki masquerading under the guise of Odin, and Thor returns home to crash his brothers masturbatory community theater. If he had stayed there forever instead of being rescued, he probably would have remained the reigning champion forever. Taika Waititi himself plays the role (how cool is that?). For all of its humor, director Taika Waititi's Thor: Ragnarok's comes with a staggering body count. Korg is made of pure rocks and is one of the hilarious characters in the film. Thats actually a Marvel character called Fenris, who has a backstory that is deeply intertwined with Loki. Since the release of the first Thor film in 2011, Paramount Studios have followed it up with two sequels. Well, thats changed now. Its a bit of a bummer, but nothing Ill lose sleep over either. We like our superheroes to stay on brand. Related:10 Best Action Sequences In The Thor Movies. Though actress Jaimie Alexander is listed on IMDb as reprising her role as Sif in Thor: Ragnarok, this has not actually been confirmed yet. This is the first time audiences receive a clear look at how dangerous Hela can be, as she rips apart the army and impales Hogun with her Necroswords. Jeff Goldblum makes his entrance into the MCU in the most Goldblum-y role yet. Zachary Levi Pugh portrayed Fandral in Thor: The Dark World and Thor: Ragnarok. Tessa Thompson brings a strength and beauty to the role, making Valkyrie a truly three-dimensional character. Menu. However, when Hela invades Asgard, he helps hide the vulnerable citizens. Also known as the Executioner, Skurge is a skilled warrior who is usually attached to the hip of the Enchantress in the comics. Director Taiki Waititi performed the role using motion capture, so he's also probably going to be pretty funny. They wanted him to be disguised as a hobo on the streets of New York during his exile but changed the script when they realized that would be more tragic than it would be funny, especially based on the way that he died. Heimdall is one of Thor's staunchest allies and the guardian of Asgard. There was a problem. Hulk is always Hulk. Banner is always Banner. Fenris Wolf also derives from Norse mythology (although his name was originally Fenrir). In the original Thor movie, the main character, Thor, gets banished from Asgard. stereo compositor: Legend 3D Carlos Carrillo . What most people do not know is that the very first attempt that was made to turn the comic into a novel was made in 1991. After theyre defeated en masse byHela,Valkyrie works for the Grandmaster as a bounty hunter and enforcer known as Scrapper 142. But which ones did it do justice to, and which ones did it completely ruin? Heimdall is all hearing and all hearing sentry to the Bilfrost Bridge. This exciting new status quo is all thanks to Thor: Ragnarok. Odin (Asgardian Actor) R Roscoe S Sif (Asgardian Actress) Surtur T Tasba Thor Thor (Asgardian Actor) Topaz V Valkyrie Volstagg Volstagg (Asgardian Actor) W Warsong Watcher Informant Categories Categories: Characters by Media Thor: Ragnarok Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Valkyrie makes her live-action debut in Thor: Ragnarok. Honestly, thats probably for the best because the filmmakers probably would have killed her off like the Warriors Three. Matt has been covering the entertainment industry for over two years and will fight to his dying breath that Hulk and Black Widow make a good couple. Coming in and making the top three among the most powerful Record of Ragnarok characters is the Norse God of Thunder, Thor himself! Hes a rockstar and did it all without Banner. He is able to kidnap Loki, trapping him in a continual state of falling, and then transport both Loki and Thor through a portal to Odin in Norway with ease. Thor: Ragnarokintroduces Jeff Goldblum as the Grandmaster. So it appears that rock triumphs over scissors. It is also ironic that Valkyrie seemed to have a preference for a romance with a person from the same gender as her, and even though this was left out of the final cut, it is the thought that counts when diversity is concerned. The source of his powers, including energy blasts and storms,is hisenchantedhammer. When you have Sir Anthony Hopkins playing Odin in a Marvel film, you would imagine that filmmakers would want Odin in the story as much as humanly possible. If you started losing count when all the lasers, swords and green fists began to fly, here's a rundown of all the major deaths in Thor: Ragnarok. He amazes everyone by the way that he deconstructs the role, and what had become of it in all the past movies, and he creates a humorous alternative for the same. New York, Though actress Jaimie Alexander is listed on IMDb as reprising her role as Sif in Thor: Ragnarok, this has not actually been confirmed yet. He has been on a self-imposed exile throughout the reign by Loki. Stars Tom Hiddleston (Loki), Idris Elba (Heimdall), and Sir Anthony Hopkins (Odin) are all set to return in "Thor: Ragnarok" as well. Granted, to give all of Fenris backstory, you might need another hour in the film, but it would have been amazing to see. It's a round-robin buddy comedy, mismatching Hemsworth's amiable lug to characters old and . The first film in the Thor series was released in 2011 and was based on the Marvel Comic character by the same name. READ ALSO: Real Househelps of Kawangware cast. Odin is the most powerful god in both the comics and the films. The only being to defeat Surtur at his full strength prior to the events of the film is Odin. Remember that Thor has been held up in Sakaar, and he does not have his hammer. Probably not. He rode into battle beside Hela, his firstborn, and cut a swath through anyone daring enough to stand in their way. Taika Waititi says that the actions and the mannerisms that he portrays in this characters were inspired by nightclub bouncers. Whether were admiring the graphic detail of some trash fantasy novel, studying a classroom text, or convincing ourselves of Vincent DOnofrios validity in The Adventures of Babysitting, the character has always been in need of Vidal Sassoon. In Ragnarok, Heimdall is a fierce fighter and savior of Asgard. He has a personality, even when hes not smashing. Probably not, and for good reason. Chris Hemsworth returns for the fifth time as Thor, the hammer-wielding Avenger. In similar fashion, Hela startsThor: Ragnaroklocked away, although her backstory is very different - she is Thor's sister - and draws on a range of other inspirations. Along with his enhanced abilities,Heis incredibly charming, cunning, intelligent, and manipulative. The appearance that Matt Damon Makes: At the start of the movie, Loki is posing as Odin. Im here for the Jack Kirby light show. Thats definitely not a problem in Thor: Ragnarok. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. RELATED: MCU's Thor Trilogy - The 10 Best Characters. RELATED: How Thor: Ragnarok Solves That Problem With Thanos Gauntlet. He ends up thinking that he may have killed him. He brings his usual big green bruterage-induced strength throughout the film, including the incredible arena fight against Thor that proved to be a well-matched battle. In the film, he's set up shop on Sakaar, recruiting agents like Valkyrie to capture potential brawlers for hisContest of Champions,where his top dog, the Hulk, eventually faces off against Thor. Ana De Armas Reflects On Blonde Backlash Ahead Of The Oscars, Disney's Haunted Mansion Reboot Looks Like The Studio's Return To Gateway Horror, And It's About Time, Are The Perfect Match Winners Still Together? Without a doubt, Thor: Ragnarok is the best Thor film out of the trilogy. In the battle on the bridge, Loki shows that hes not just a bit of an a-hole, hes a decent godwho might be a bit of a hero after all. Youve probably heard this before, but apparently Marvel has a villain problem. The basis of this argument is that Marvel has focused less on its villains, and more on itsheroes, which results in the villains feeling half-baked. Read more from our series on the Marvel Cinematic Universe: Related Topics: Avengers: Endgame, Avengers: Infinity War, Marvel, Marvel Studios, Taika Waititi, Thor, Thor: Ragnarok. Thor's fight with the fire giant opens the film, at which point we learn the ruler of Muspelheim is the catalyst for Ragnarok, the fabled destruction of Asgard. Heimdall is an important character in Thor's world. I already ranted about its brilliance last year, The Marvel Cinematic Universe Finds its Worth in The Mighty, Korg Piss off ghost. Taika Waititi squeezes into the mo-cap suit to portray one of the bit players from the. You are already subscribed to our newsletter! Ok, sure, Iron Man can have as many armors as he can replicate, but that speaks specifically to his nature. Greatest Loser. Superman without red underwear? In the new film, we get a Hulk that is not only able to talk, but is actually a real character. Please refresh the page and try again. Sure, Hopkins does his best in those 10 minutes, and delivers some crucial exposition, but overall his talents are wasted. Hes there, and looks really cool, but overall, the trailers dont tell you much about what to expect with the villain in the film. The director not only interjected his filmmaking sensibilities to the latest Marvel movie but also . Mark Ruffalo's Green Goliath delivers a blow so powerful that he actually knocks the wolf off the face of the world. Thor and Loki's first encounter with Doctor Strange gives a short glimpse at his expansive powers and shows that he is not simply a "second rate sorcerer" but avirtuosoof magic as a member of the Masters of the Mystic Arts. Thor: Ragnarok featured a holy host of Marvel characters! None other than Jeff Goldblum plays the character. Loki is not necessarily interested in good governance, what bothers him, is his image. From Thor's electric level-up to Surtur's demonic fire, each character has unique attributes (magical or not)that make them powerful in their own right. Another Thor? While the Hulk might be one of the best parts of Thor: Ragnarok, you cant say the same about Bruce Banner. While most of the elements of the movie were wonderful, there are still some issues that cant be forgotten. Below is a list of the main characters behind making of Thor Ragnarok; Honey, I Shrunk the Kids cast now: profiles, roles, latest updates. Cue Immigrant Song.. Shes also the daughter of Loki and Angrboa, a giantess. Odin identifies Hela as a threat right from the start. Seeing as James Gunn and Kevin Feige have confirmed a lot of cosmic elements inMarvels future, we probably havent seen the last of the Grandmaster (who also happens to be the Collectors brother in the MCU). Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. He is downright hilarious. Hela slashes Thors right eye with a Necrosword, forcing him to later don an eye patch much like Odins. The hulk is a science genius who has discovered a way to transform into a furious monster when agitated. Did you notice how much screen-time Lady Sif was given in Thor: Ragnarok? Its just a shame that we dont get see Sif fight alongside Thor and Valkyrie. Hes THE Norse god. Easily one of the most memorable scenes in Thor, it seems like this food moment inspired some of the humor and jokes in the franchise's latest installment, Ragnarok.After being banished from . Its very disappointing because the first act of the film revolves around Thor and Lokis search for the All-Father. Thor: Ragnarok is going for a more comedic approach with the character and letting Hemsworth have more fun in the process. He finds himself in a tight race against time, in an attempt to get back to Asgard and protect it from Ragnarok, the destruction that has been planned by Hela. Brah, youre not the first-born. Honestly, take a moment and think about everything you knew about Valkyrie before Thor: Ragnarok. Thor visits the Master of the Mystic Arts at his Sanctum Sanctorum seeking his help tracking down the missing Odin in New York City. As much as we may love these guys from the comics, the films never quite knew what to do with them. Did you know that there was a point during the creation of the comic when they thought about making Hela Lokis siblings, as opposed to being Thors sister? The Hulk actually wears jewelry! All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. This is pretty out of character for a guy that has interacted with space aliens before, and has an incredibly high intelligence. Is it real? Cate Blanchetts Hela is one of the highlights in a film filled with great characters. Hes a warrior and true leader. 2 and Spider-Man: Homecoming have already released this summer, and now we just have to wait a little longer for Thor: Ragnarok. Loki is an adoptive brother to Thor, and he is a nemesis, named after a god by the same name. The role is played wonderfully by Antony Hopkins. Ragnarok rips Thor from his comfortable surroundings once more, taking further measure to crush his sense of worthiness. While the other two films tried to stress the fantasy elements of Thor and his comics, Ragnarok went another direction and incorporated a much heavier dose of sci-fi and comedy. The god of thunder has, after all, gone from an entitled brat in Thor to the King of Asgard in Thor: Ragnarok. After those Team Thor videos, we're definitely on board for a looser Thor. Instead, hes one of the most interesting characters on the screen. Valkyrie and Thor, together again, to bring the MIB back to life? One of the most amazing things about Thor Ragnarok was the amount of humor which was in the film. There aren't very many places for the Soul Stone to show up, so we'll wait and see if this theory pans out. Lets tally up Thor: Ragnaroks staggering body count that includes everything from fan favorites to, well, we better not say. The Warriors Three have their first encounter with Hela at the Bifrost. Zachary Levi was originally cast as Fandral in Thor, but had to drop out, due to the fourth season of the series Chuck being extended. He ended up creating one of the hilarious characters for the movie, and everyone is hoping that if there are sequels, they will get to see more of this rock character. I dont care about Helas domination of The Warriors Three, or her plan to awaken the army of darkness. Hero or Villain: Hero. environments technical director . When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Thor is imprisoned on the other side of the universe without his mighty hammer and finds himself in a race against time to get back to Asgard to stop Ragnarokthe destruction of his homeworld and the end of Asgardian civilizationat the hands of an all-powerful new threat, the ruthless Hela. The Grandmaster is a cosmic being with a penchant for games and gambling. Perhaps one of the least-surprising "fatalities" in Thor: Ragnarok is the shattering of Mjolnir by Hela, a moment telegraphed in trailers months before the films release (in two different settings, even). Then, there is the fact that his hammer, the Mjolnir is destroyed and he loses one eye. Its later revealed that his family hive was destroyed by the Red King and he was forced to compete in the gladiatorial games. Technically,these characters dont actually appear in the film, but their heads do. In the two years since then, he has become such a gladiator on Sakaar. Hela rose up against Odin, and he imprisoned her. Hela, the sister of Thor and the Goddess of Death, steps triumphantly out of her prison. Thats pretty horrible considering how important Sif has been to the previous Thor films, and the MCU in general. It seems only fitting that he would lose an eye, making him all the more his fathers son. She then sets off for Asgard proper, only to be met by Hogun (Tadanobu Asano) and a sea of elite guards. Borat: 10 fun facts about the movie. In Norse mythology, the Valkyrie are responsible for escorting the souls of warriors to their eternal resting place in Valhalla; in the movie, Valkyrie is an Asgardian warrior who works for the Grandmaster, recruiting worthy fighters for gladiator matches in exchange for hiding out on his planet. Then, when found, he basically just kills himself and unleashes Hela. However, in Thor: Ragnarok, hes in the film for approximately 10 minutes. Hes also constantly befuddled by the characters and actions around him. At one point, the comics saw Asgardian refugees flee to Earth to form a New Asgard, but the mid-credits scene has some wondering if theyll even get that far. Plus, the God of Thunder has a freaking eye-patch. Thor is the main character, just like he was in all the other movies that are part of the series. Entdecke Mezco ONE:12 Kollektiv Thor 6" Thor Ragnarok in groer Auswahl Vergleichen Angebote und Preise Online kaufen bei eBay Kostenlose Lieferung fr viele Artikel! The full context of the Hulk versus Surtur moment makes it seem silly. In a lesser movie, this big, hulking rock monster would just be a random warrior character. Skurge whips out a pair of assault rifles -- Des and Troy -- the moment Asgard needs him most. Covered in flames and wearing a crown of horns, he indeed does grow to the size of a mountain (as he mentions at the beginning of the movie) and brings about the end of Asgard by completely destroying it as well as Hela and himself. Now, with Thors future uncertain in Phase 4 and beyond, we might not ever get to see Sif again. Jeff states that it took a lot of improvisation on his part to turn the idea that was on the script to a character that was his own. He takes that massive sword that he uses to control the Bifrost and single-handedly fights Helas army of the dead. Its a moment that is supposed to be awe-inspiring and make audiences crave seeing the fight in the film. The Grandmaster is one of the universe elders. Korg is a character that was introduced in the Planet Hulk storyline, a fellow forced gladiator who becomes allies with the Hulk. Its not long before a petrified Skurge is recruited to Helas army and, in short order, becomes her executioner. The trio of mighty Asgardian warriors never really received their shining moment in the Thor franchise, but who could've guessed it would be so easy to dispatch Thors closest allies? Even though he doesn't have superhuman abilities or physical strength, his successful control and manipulation of the people of Sakaar prove he is a worthy opponent. Heracles vs. Jack the Ripper. The rocklike Korg was actually teased in a quick Easter egg in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. His position askeeper of the Bifrost and travel between worlds is powerful. Sif is one of the only characters in the MCU to crossover from the films to TV. He was unable to defeat Hela on his own, and a gladiator battle with Hulk was a fairly equal match. An immensely powerful fire demon from Muselheim, Surtur is one of Thor's most powerful villains. His role in the movie is still a bit of a mystery, but he's probably not a guy Thor wants to tango with in a dark alley without his hammer. Its just a waste of what should be a great character. The Hulk might have missed out on that other team-up movie in the MCU, but he's making up for it here with a supporting role in Thor: Ragnarok. And Ragnarok Goes On. Let us know in the comments! If you dont already consider Paul King an equal to Edgar Wright and Taika Waititi, you will soon. Shes also responsible for discovering Thor amidst the rubble of Sakaar. Literally nothing. The video they captured features Thor and Atreus during their journey in Niflheim. From gods to aliens to Jeff Goldblum, here's everyone who has a role to play in the third Thor movie. Chris Hemsworth has settled into this iteration of Thor Odinson and brings back everything fans have come to love from this new-age, post-Ragnarok hero. What Thor: Ragnarok Contributes to the MCU: What Thor: Ragnarok Withholds from the MCU: The Mighty Thor#133by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby The truth is that the comic book runs to read immediately after immersing yourself in Thor: Ragnarok is the Walt Simonson series from the eighties. Thats right, that wolf is Lokis son! Hes a fun character, but never better than his heroic older brother. In fact, buggy gladiatorMiek, who debuted during thePlanet Hulksaga inThe Incredible Hulk#92 (2006), is a native to the planet in the comics. In Ragnarok, the filmmakers take this villain and give her tons of personality, while she rocks antlers that would be laughed at if anyone else attempted to wear them. Korg is still a gladiator in Ragnarok, but this time around, he befriends Thor and shows him the ropes in the ring. Hopkins has done great as Odin in the previous films, but in Ragnarok, hes quickly killed off, without even time for Thor and Loki to mourn. NY 10036. One of the biggest problems of the Thor franchise previously was that Thor is always the least interesting person in the movies. I already ranted about its brilliance last year. First appearing inJourney into Mystery#83 (1962),Korgisa member of the Kronan race, once known as the stone men of Saturn. The success of the Grandmaster comes down to Goldblums acting, plain and simple. Conversely, Levi replaced . It is the seventeenth film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and the fifth installment of Phase Three. Fortunately, Taika delivered pure gold and everyone smiles when a scene brings him on. He's since popped upmultiple times to kidnap Earths heroesand satiate his need to forcontests on a cosmic scale. However, well never get to see this on screen because hes only there to be cannon fodder for the Hulk to fight. Will he become even more intelligent? Odin is the king of Asgard. However, that doesnt change the impact of the sequence, as it might be one of the most important losses in the sequel. As a Valkyrie, she wields a Dragonfang sword, which possesses incredible cutting abilities and gives her an advantage in battle. So lets dig into some classic Kirby instead with this perfect single issue. The Swallow Gazes into the Abyss. Thor has to prove himself so that he can get the approval of his father and get back the control of the kingdom. Thor: Ragnarok proves the creature has still got it, even after being dead for millennia. Like Ray Stevenson, Hogun actor Tadanobu Asano was spotted in Australia while Thor: Ragnarok was there filming. All things considered, Surtur seemed like a pretty chill guy -- at least for someone perpetually on fire. Thats because shes not in the film. Director Taika Waititi, of course, brings back Thor, Loki, Hulk and more, but he also introducesan army of new heroes and villains. Loki, as we know is a trickster and is always looking for new ways to go against the rules. Even though Thor successfully defeats the fire demon Surtur in the very first scene, once his power is restored with the Eternal Flame he becomes the only being who is a viable opponent for Hela. Thor, God of Thunder, is the firstborn (or so he thinks) child of Odin and a powerful god in his own right. Thor: Ragnarok (2017) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Loki can be equal parts hero and villain, depending on how the scenario affects him personally, and relies on alliances and trickery to achieve his goals. His visions of Ragnarok have led him to fight the fire demon Surtur mano a mano. However, when we see the film, that fight doesnt even really exist. It's an expansion of the God of Thunder's own franchise and the MCU as a whole; and with the fate of the galaxyhanging in the forthcomingAvengers: Infinity War a few short months away acts as a key staging grounds for the massivefollow up. Brady Klinger-Meyers Interestingly enough, a companion's moveset and AI reveals a lot about their character, and content creator Posseidonas caught it in 4K. As much as I praise the vision of the directors witnessed in Iron Man 3 and Guardians of the Galaxy, Thor: Ragnarok plays like a Taika Waititi film first and a Marvel movie second. You will receive a verification email shortly. Those are just a few of the precious moments which made this film as memorable as it was. . This is epitomized in the action on the bridge, where Banner jumps out of the ship to save the day and turn into the Hulk. Taika states that when he was setting out to do the voice over for the character, he did not expect that it would go so well that the fans would be looking forward to more. What Thompson has created is perhaps Marvels answer to Wonder Woman. Lets be honest, hehad grown a bit stale. The film is . 10 Most Powerful Characters in Thor: Ragnarok, MCU's Thor Trilogy - The 10 Best Characters, Doctor Stranges 10 Strongest Powers In Marvel Comics, 10 Best Action Sequences In The Thor Movies, The 10 Best Characters in MCU's Thor Trilogy. Thats all. Hela, the Asgardian Goddess of Death, has already made a strong first impression thanks to her shattering of Mjolnir, establishing her as a crazy powerful adversary worthy of the two most powerful Avengers. He first captured the voice-overs for the character, and then he did the motion capture. You know before it exploded. Skurge the Executioner Another epic character from the. Phase 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is well under way, with a whopping three movies hitting in 2017 alone. God of War (2018) Ending Explained How To Transmog Armor How To Use Photo Mode Finally, in Thor: Ragnarok, we understand that Bruce Banner does not simply lose control of his senses and change into a big green rage monster. This is one of the favorite non-human characters in the film. Dont get it twisted, hes great to watch and scary, but he could have been much, much more. The new do is no insignificant thing. Here's What We Know So Far, Jonathan Majors On Getting Jacked To Play Kang The Conqueror: Hes In The Avenger (Weight) Class. 1 gladiator, the Hulk, so we have him to thank for what looks to be a super fun smackdown. In 1995, Marvelsnapped up Malibu comics, eventually incorporating their Ultraverse into their own multiverse. From Asgardian gods to fire demons to super-humans, Thor: Ragnarok features an incredible array of powerful characters. Its clear from Urbans performance that Skurge isnt wholly on board with Helas massacre of his fellow Asgardians, but what else can he do? Thor has always been one to take initiative, but each of his films takes a different angle of this personality trait. Odin Is he dead, or just chillin in Valhalla. 2, attackingthe two invaders with antibodies before swearing to sever all ties with the rest of the universe. Even though the character is not blue as described in the comics, his essence still shines through. While she definitely had some decent storylines in the comics, Valkyrie was far from a Marvel Universe icon. Urbans Asgardian everyman warrior is played comedically in the beginning, but his story quickly turns dark. It's been a while since we've seen Loki, but the fan favorite character is finally back. However, the Huntress employs a few tactics that, if they aren't dodged or parried in enough time, can widdle you down to nothing. Ragnarok has been described as an intergalactic buddy road movie starring Thor and Hulk, so there are lots of things to look forward to from Hulk and his alter ego Bruce Banner's latest appearance.