fashion. He never even apologized to the woman. Please somebody start a petition against Roman Polanski and the rest of his kin. Jean-Pierre Marois In 1977, Roman Polanski was convicted of unlawful sex with a minor and fled the US rather than face jail time. By their extraterritorial nature, film festivals the world over have always permitted works to be shown and for filmmakers to present them freely and safely, even when certain States opposed this. See you at your inbox! And please dont take the whole But but hes so charming and he gives to charity! defense. Mashable is a registered trademark of Ziff Davis and may not be used by third parties without express written permission. The judge certainly didnt give A DAMN about the girl. - la Cinmathque Franaise Emir Kusturica Tonie Marshall Bertrand Tavernier I will spread this list to every friend I have, and post it on Facebook and many other social sites. Im a liberal, I work at a major studio. He hadnt committed rape-rape, Whoopi Goldberg said on TV. He is a child rapist and he needs to pay for his crime. He then had sex with her, drove her home and, the next day, was arrested. Madness. He sodomized a child, and then fled the country - at what point does this become ok with people. Polanski, you sense, has never even tried to understand this.) After Tate was murdered in 1969, when Polanski was 36, he spent time in Gstaad, where he slept with schoolgirls aged 16 to 19, who were, he writes, more beautiful, in a natural, coltish way, than they ever would be again. But Gailey wouldnt have had to endure any attention if Polanski hadnt raped her. A few will only talk off the record. Type . Do a search online and youll find the filmmakers site for the film. He was 51. Polanski denies the claims. But stop with the pathetic kowtowing to a predator, please. An earlier version said that three more allegations emerged against Polanski last year. The whole world will be so much safer if Polanski ends his days behind bars. Socially conscious & political cinema. 17 HBO and HBO Max Original Series to Get Excited About in 2023. It will be much wiser, less obstinate and more generous to leave this exceptional man alone. This article was amended on 2 February 2018 to clarify that the estimate of a three-year US prison sentence was made in 2009. Polanski petition signatories, as of September 29th: Fatih Akin Absolutely despicable by each and every one of these people who signed this petition. And here is another Free Polanski petition, this one organized by writer/philosopher Bernard-Henri Lvy. She said regardless of the fact she knows him and the terrible things he has been through, a crime is a crime," Hayward-Tapp told the Independent in 2009. Xavier Beauvois I propose a boycott of all films and books and plays and machinery created by all those people listed here. Some think that sex with a child is a crime not just against the child, but against society. If he's lucky.". The petitioners clearly consider themselves diplomats, which they are not. Gabriel Auer Jean-Paul Salom Artists are not above the law in any country.. Jean-Michel Carre offender. No excuses. You may also click on the Accept button on the right to make this notice disappear. Please dont stop here, the penal system is full of people that can only get it up when they force barely pubescent kids. Sign up for our Email Newsletters here. Would the signatories of this list have us serve up children for them to rape and defile at their pleasure because, well, W. is a really bad man? Stephane Allagnon Portman is one of the first . He didnt answer me when I said no Then he lifted up my legs farther and he went in through my anus.. I think her opinion is the ONLY one that counts. Sandra Nicolier And yet Polanskis name is mentioned only sporadically, even though he is the only one with an actual conviction. this is the veiw of a 14 year old. Pascal Thomas Mario Monicelli Nadine Trintignant Patrick Braoud Gay movies. He was a filmmaker whose work I admired greatly. In 2018, Portman apologised and expressed regret for signing the petition. Jarre, actually, he pretty much did admit to raping her. Woody Allen Fanny Ardant But he doesnt mention that in his book. Jean-Jacques Beineix Alongside Asia Argento and Emma Thompson, Natalie Portman remains one of the few celebrities to apologize for signing the petition. My eyes were not open.. What he did over 30 years ago was wrong, but the fact that the victim received a civil settlement and doe not want the matter pursued means the case should be dropped. Since then, many of them with names on the petition have claimed that they were forced to sign it. We lived in a different world, and that doesn't excuse anything. Wong Kar Wa Sure, admire his work. I am thoroughly disgusted by the worlds film community for supporting him just because he makes good movies. It was signed by some of the biggest names in filmindividuals who were willing to discount the fact that Polanski was charged in court with drugging a 13-year-old with alcohol and half a Quaalude before forcibly performing oral, vaginal, and anal sex acts upon her, despite her pleas for him to stop. Philippe Radault My eyes were not open," she said. Darren Aronofsky Martin Scorsese and Woody Allen want Roman Polanski released from a Swiss Jail. His movies went on to win six Oscars. im not sure if i should say i expected better from a lot of these people. Henning Carlsen Tony Gatlif do you see anyone saying thats ok? Jonathan Demme - Le Bureau National du SFA I just went through my Netflix queue and carefully combed out all movies affiliated with any of these people. This Article is related to: News and tagged. Peter Henry Fonda was born in New York City, to legendary screen star Henry Fonda and Ontario, Canada-born New York socialite Frances Brokaw (born Frances Ford Seymour). I have also read the facts spred online. Yasmina Reza in 2009 over 100 filmmakers and actors signed a petition demanding authorities to release Roman Polanski, who was found guilty of sexually abusing a minor after he drugged and raped a child and has been accused by many. Luc et Jean-Pierre Dardenne Paul Boujenah I admire Mr. Polanskis work. Who gives a shit? So many people seem to be against Mr. Polanski. On Sunday night, at the London Critics Circle awards, only months after defending Polanski and Allen, Winslet spoke tearfully about bitter regrets I have at poor decisions to work with individuals with whom I wish I had not. Michel Ferry David Heyman Hes an animal because of what he did to a child; hes a coward because he didnt take his punishment like a man with character. He should have been prosecuted as well, even if no teenagers were involved in his misdeeds. Emma Thompson has long been an ardent supporter of women's rights, and the British Oscar-winner recently signed a letter in support of the Times Up campaign ahead of this year's BAFTAS. He fled the country to France before he could be properly sentenced. Its shocking that people like Polanski are still revered, celebrated by actors and fellow film-makers and cinematheques around the world who continue to not only promote their work, but also to work with them. Marc Guidoni In 2009, when Polanski was arrested at a Zurich airport in a failed extradition attempt, over 100 Hollywood celebrities signed a petition calling for his release. She forgave him yes but the law does not forgive. None of my business. Roman Polanski committed several horrific crimes over the course of several hours, admitted his guilt, then fled the country when his plea bargain fell apart. While researching this article I had a couple of off-the-record discussions with actors and film-makers about their true feelings about Polanski. 100% of the proceeds of this bundle will support Direct Relief, International Medical Corps, and Save the Children. from Mashable that may sometimes include advertisements or sponsored content. Given. Asia Argento the two of them have . I dont wish to admire anyone who has such a twisted sense of values. Jeanne Moreau Thanks to #MeToo and the Time's Up campaign, we are now living in a dramatically different climate when it comes to discussing sexual harassment and assault. He never admited to raping anyone.. On these facts, everyone agrees. But, in truth, for many British and US actors, working with Polanski never lost its cachet, and arguably had even more once he became excluded from the US mainstream. Woody Allen supports him-big shocker (the guy who is now married to the woman who was essentially his stepdaughter). AOC declares 'we were right.'. There is no one who is so talented that deserve to walk from something like this (and hes been walking for 30 years). Polanski directs Kate Winslet, Jodie Foster, Christoph Waltz and John C. Reilly in the 2011 film Carnage. To suggest that Polanski was treated unfairly in LA of all places is laughable. The facts have never altered. But as more artists come forward to speak out against Woody Allen, the same can't be said of Polanski, who remains venerated in Hollywood. Harmony Korine Back in 2009, film industry luminaries signed a petition to release Roman Polanski from a Swiss prison and now one star is regretting it. Raphael Rebibo . Too bad theyre selling their souls to be there. Wim Wenders. Mario Martone -For a list of signatories, continue to the next page.-. We lived in a different world, and that doesn't excuse anything. This girl was very sexually mature for her age, even the judge said the prosecutrix was a well-developed young girl, who looked older than her years, and regrettably not unschooled in sexual matters. This was clearly a case of consensual sexual relations. By the beginning of this century, while the general American public remained firmly set against Polanski, the mood in Hollywood was openly in his favour. The progressive congresswoman was against the project, which was originally planned for Queens, New York. For a long time, the simple and somewhat simplistic - divide was that while people in mainland Europe viewed Polanski as a tragic artist undone by US prurience and corruption, Americans saw him, as he put it in his autobiography, as an evil, profligate dwarf. Radu Mihaileanu But Gailey became so frightened by the attention the case attracted, because of Polanskis fame, she tried to withdraw from it entirely. Roger Kahane, Who among the Moral Police gives a shit? As for those listed above, their association with this ill-conceived effort will always taint my opinion of them and while I dont necessarily agree that viewing CHINATOWN condones pedophilia there is a certain stink that hangs over anything associated with Roman Polanski and to a degree that stink will rub off on the signatures above. So is Roman Polanski. Polanski has not served his time and now he is guilty of evading justice. I was asked by friends from the Cannes film festival to sign it. Given Portman's active involvement in the Time's Up movement, her signing of the petition came from a misplaced sense of empathy. 1994 Actor Death And The Maiden Roman Polanski Fine Line Features 8X10 Photo. She has also remained silent on the #MeToo and Times Up campaigns. Tom Tykwer Polanski is a child rapist probably a serial child rapist. Im so glad Roman has so many supporters that he can rape and sodomize, but are any of you 13 because thats target age we need. I certainly wouldnt allow any of you to get near my daughter. But I could sense a certain erotic tension between us.. When he started kissing her she told him: No keep away. When he performed oral sex on her she was ready to cry and asked him to stop. said that Polanski is "very clearly not a predator" and had a rant about how he is a family man. Broadly reached out to Swinton to ask if she regrets supporting Polanski, but she declined to reply by the time of publication. Linda, what you think should happen and what is mandated by law are two very different things. If he gets off on some technicality or is given a non custodial age due to age or the pleas of the victim or even the terms of the original plea bargain than so be it. HES SUFFERED ENOUGH. Its 40 years this week since the director and convicted sex offender went on the run. Pedro Almodovar Silvio Berlusconi Corruption: Sex, Lies & Earthquake + Tavernier Boos & Leigh Career Highlight. What purpose does it serve to lock up Mr. Polanski when the prison space could be used to protect the public from violent offenders? Monica Bellucci This extradition, if it takes place, will be heavy in consequences and will take away his freedom. Classic movies. Roman Polanski at a court appearance in Los Angeles in 1977. He is a convicted child molestor. Many 13 year olds - boys and girls- have sex and very often with those older than them. This extradition, if it takes place, will be heavy in consequences and will take away his freedom, the petition read. It was a mistake," she told the news outlet. - The crew of Polanskis latest film, Ghost I take responsibility for not thinking about it enough. ", A designer's vision of the future involves robots that care for us in our final moments. Natalie Portman. Here are some tips and tricks to help you find the answer to 'Wordle' #621. whether she had any qualms about working with Woody Allen, general American public remained firmly set against Polanski, her attorney arranged the plea bargain, in which five of the charges were dropped and Polanski, I wrote about the documentary for this paper, Debra Winger claimed the whole art world suffers, British actor Charlotte Lewis said Polanski abused her, Renate Langer said the director raped her, Marianne Barnard, accused him of assaulting her. The fact that Switzerland is a neutral country does not make it a lawless country. She is a child. Tilda Swinton Woody Allen, David Lynch and Martin Scorsese today added their names to a petition demanding the immediate release of Roman Polanski from detention in Zurich. But apparently, you artists arent supposed to be subjected to the rules and expectations we mere mortals face. Roman Polanski is a Polish filmmaker who has been a fugitive from the U.S. criminal justice system, since 1978, after pledging guilty to statutory rape of a 13-year-old girl. Its not that people are not aware of the charges. Basically, it all comes down to your threshold of pain. Buck Henry For a more extensive detailing of Polanskis arrest and potential extradition to the United States, check out indieWIREs coverage from earlier today. And I was like, sure. She played Lena, while her co-star Jennifer Jason Leigh played Dr. Ventress, described as being of Asian and Native American background respectively in the novel. Kingsley, who has worked with Polanski multiple times, would need to pass. - Members of the European Producers Club Weinstein is now firmly banished and actors are apologising for appearing in Woody Allen movies. Admitted to the crime and fled the country. One would think that these filmmakers have enough money to hire a proper lawyer to draft their petition, if they were serious about it. Judge Laurence Rittenband, who was thought to be considering sentencing Polanski to 50 years in prison. What is the big deal about the Reverend Polanski? And, to anyone calling this a case of morals: This is not an example of American Puritanical values gone wrong. Is anyone surprised that Woody Allen, seen here with his wife and stepdaughter, supports Roman Polansky You'll find hundreds of names on Hollywood's pro-Polanski petition. Sam Gabarski Wes Anderson, Darren Aronofsky, Jeremy Irons, Harrison Ford, Guillermo Del Toro, Martin Scorsese, Natalie Portman, Woody Allen, David Lynch, Terry Gilliam, Tilda Swinton, Adrien Brody, Johnny Depp, Sam Mendes, Neil Jordan, Steven Soderbergh, Whoopi Goldberg, Michael Mann and Mike Nichols The full list is here Pierre Jolivet It feels GOOD. 2. International film events are not extraterritorial in nature - only diplomatic missions are extraterritorial, and even diplomats are triable and punishable for crimes in a foreign country once they are sent back to their countries. So I decided to ask them how they felt about Polanski now. In September 2009, Roman Polanski was arrested by Swiss police on a warrant for his 1977 sexual-abuse case. Jean-Jacques Annaud Betrand Van Effenterre - le Fonds Culturel Franco Amricain Just as astonishing is Sharon Tates sister - a supposed victims advocate saying Polanski is a lovely man and should be free. Let me enlighten you: This was a common criminal apprehension. Alain Terzian he not only victimized her when she was 13 by being so selfish, he has been victimzing her for more than 30 years afterwards. So, I helped Polanski rape someone because Ive watched Chinatown about a dozen times. A petition has been circulated on behalf of Roman Polanski henceforth, to my mind, "RoPo" and signed by A-list movie directors (Pedro Almodovar, Wes Anderson, Martin Scorsese, Wong Kar. Alfonso Cuaron She was not unresponsive, he writes. I sympathize with Ms. Gaileys feelings, however, this man should not be free to victimize other children. I happen to believe that. For those of you who support Mr. Polanski, have you never considered that he has likely perpretrated the same things against some other young victim as he did Ms. Gailey? Everyone, including he, knew that once he was outside France and Poland (due to French and Polish laws), any country may arrest and extradite him under its own laws. The arrest of Roman Polanski in a neutral country, where he assumed he could travel without hindrance, undermines this tradition: it opens the way for actions of which no one can know the effects. He is not a good man. If only the same were true of politicians, the military, the justice establishment, and the multibillionaire elite. 5. Amongst them were a swathe of high-profile names, including Woody Allen, David Lynch, Martin Scorsese, Tilda Swinton, Darren Aronofsky, Monica Bellucci, Asia Argento and Wes Anderson. He admitted to raping a child at the age of 13, fled the country and lived like a King in France, and he shouldnt be punished because he makes good movies??? Andr Larqui She has had to hear about this, talk about this, show up for the DA, etc, and frankly, after 30 years and your entire adult life having to talk about how you were raped when you were a teenager, I would want the whole thing dropped as well. Is this a world gone mad!!! And yet, for the past 40 years, many of them have been falling over themselves to work with a self-confessed child rapist, even defending him by pointing to his artistic credentials. He should not have to go on trial again for a 30 year old statutory rape, but should have to answer to the flight. The petition, made public in September 2009, demanded "the immediate release of Roman Polanski" after the Rosemary's Baby filmmaker was detained days earlier in Switzerland on a warrant for. But to be honest, there are very few "Hollywood" names on the list and a ton of European names on the list. FREE ROMAN POLANSKI! The names on the petition include Natalie Portman, Tilda Swinton, Isabelle Huppert, Penelope Cruz, Diane von Furstenberg, Wes Anderson, Darren Aronofsky, Martin Scorsese, Monica Bellucci, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, Harmony Korine, Ethan Cohen, David Lynch, and Harrison Ford. Michel Ocelot The filmmaker had been detained over a 1977 underage sex case from the U.S., which he plead guilty to. Im deeply disappointed in the people that signed this shameful petition. Michele Placido I start by emailing Zenovich to ask if she feels attitudes towards Polanski have changed since she made her movie and its follow-up, Roman Polanski: Odd Man Out, about the Zurich arrest. Unless the Puritans secretly championed the rights and autonomy of women. Very clearly, and hes proven this, Roman Polanski is not a predator, Johnny Depp said, apparently unaware of the child-rape issue. It is also irrelevant that she may have dressed grown up or even if she had engaged in intimacy with boys of her age. But this is the most important part YM: Accusing the judge of things and the girl of things and feminists and lactose intolerant people and etc. To not feel remorse. Richard Pena Let him go in front of the courts in the US. Sexual abuse is a crime, it lies with all of us to listen to the smallest of voices. Yes, if only there had been some way Winslet could have known about these decades-old cases before signing on to work with two directors accused of sex crimes! Thats no excuse, and its a decision I regretted almost immediately and have regretted ever since, she says. He never contested that his victim told him no repeatedly, or that he drugged her. Will you too?' I know what I am, what I have and havent done, how things really were and are, he writes at the end of his autobiography. Wes Anderson After Roman Polanski 's 2009 arrest in Switzerland for the 1977 rape of a 13-year-old girl, more than 100 actors and directors united to release a petition urging for his . The probation report described Gailey as physically mature and willing). Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu He plead guilty to a lesser charge of unlawful sex with a minor because he knew they had enough evidence to fry his ass if it went to trial.
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