Sie sind unterwegs in die junge Kolonie Hispaniola, wo Admiral Cristbal Coln ein erfolgloses Regime fhrt. Goncalo Coelho was chosen to lead the expedition and Amerigo Vespucci was recruited as a pilot. WebDas Jahr 1498, Karibik-Insel Babeque. Jaun Maria de Rivera was a european explorer who searhed for Ferdinand II of Aragon honored him by appointing him the pilot major of Spain in 1508, a position he held for the remainder of his life. According to the letter they passed through the West Indies, and didnt see any islands, then after 37 days arrived in the mainland of central america. 1. An Italian explorer of South America, He was part of an expedition of four ships sent from Spain under the command of Alonso de Ojeda. Most historians consider that Vespucci made only two voyages as they have serious doubts over the authenticity of the other document. Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer, he was determined to find a water route to Asia, but he never did. The British passed the Declaratory Act after they repealed the Sugar Act of 1764 and the Stamp Do All Wounded Soldiers Get A Purple Heart? Routing number of commercial bank of Ethiopia? After hitting land at the coast of what is now Guyana, the two seem to have separated. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. WebAmerigo Vespucci married Maria Cerezo, apparently in 1505. On the return journey he discovered Bahia and the island of South Georgia He established a trading agency for brazil wood at Cape Frio - it was located exactly on the Tropic of Capricorn, 1504 18 June Amerigo Vespucci returned to Lisbon in Portugal, 1505 14 April Vespucci becomes a naturalized Spaniard, 1505 Amerigo Vespucci married Maria Cerezo, 1505 / 1507 Amerigo Vespucci made a fifth and sixth voyage with Juan de la Cosa, 1507 German mapmaker Martin Waldseemuller, printed the first map that used the name America for the New World, 1508 August 6 Vespucci becomes Piloto Mayor (chief pilot) of Spain, 1512 Amerigo Vespucci died at Seville, 22 February, 1512, Dead He started his journies to gain information about the Atlantic currents and continued to seek faster trade routes across world. Like his alleged first voyage, Vespucci's last voyage in 15031504 is also disputed to have taken place. WebAmerigo Vespucci married Maria Cerezo, apparently in 1505. Vespucci fulfilled the contract to send supply ships to the lands discovered by Columbus. In April 1495, by the intrigues of Bishop Juan Rodrguez de Fonseca, the Crown of Castile broke their monopoly deal with Christopher Columbus and began handing out licenses to other navigators for the West Indies. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. This trip kindled a love for travelling and exploring in the young man. Amerigo was tutored by his uncle, Giorgio Antonio Vespucci who was a Dominican friar. On the way back he reached Trinidad, sighted the mouth of the Orinoco River, and then made for Haiti. The book accompanying the map stated: "I do not see what right any one would have to object to calling this part, after Americus who discovered it and who is a man of intelligence, Amerige, that is, the Land of Americus, or America: since both Europa and Asia got their names from women". After reaching the coast of what is now Guyana, they divided forces. Whatever might be the case, Amerigo Vespucci remains a pioneer of Atlantic exploration, an important figure in the Age of Discovery and his travel literature regarding the New World was instrumental in furthering geographic discovery. Amerigo Vespucci was appointed Chief Pilot, a role which made him responsible for the training and licensing of pilots for ships. Even the types of explorers they were are different from each other. He further wrote that the newly discovered land masses must be a New World, a previously unknown fourth continent after Europe, Asia, and Africa. The system was - Paul Revere told the Sexton of North Who Is To Blame For The Boston Massacre? ). On the night of their honeymoon, immediately after consummating their marriage, Vespucci rendered her unconscious with a large candlestick and tattooed on her forehead the diminutive America Vespucci, and again we digress. The intention was to sail around the southern end of the African mainland into the Indian Ocean. Henry Hudson and Samuel de Champlain were two great explorers. In an accompanying book, Waldseemller published one of the Vespucci accounts, which led to criticism that Vespucci was trying to upset Christopher Columbus' glory. He was the couples third son. His brothers Antonio and Girolamo were born earlier. At the moment, there is a dispute between historians on when Vespucci visited the mainland the first time. Amerigo was educated by his uncle Giorgio Antonio. The fleet sailed first to Cape Verde and from there travelled to the coast of Brazil. Husband of Maria Vespucci A man calledRegiomontanuswas famous as a Medieval Scientist, Mathematician and Astronomer. Der 19-jhrige Matrose Rodrigo aus Palos, der seit einem Schiffsbruch bei Eingeborenen ausharrt, wird von spanischen Schiffen gerettet. He was increasingly involved with Gianotto Berardi who had invested in the first voyage of. The following are additional facts and a timeline about the life and history of Amerigo Vespucci: 2021 - All International Rights Reserved his parents were Nastagio Vespucci and Lizabetta Vespucci, and his wife was Maria Cerezo. When he landed in the New World he had no idea what so ever where he was nor in which direction to go. Around 14991500, he joined an expedition in the service of Spain. in 1513- he struggled is way through Panama and became 1st person of Europe to visit and be at the Pacific. Vespucci began the journey home to Spain. It describes a voyage to South America in 15011502. WebAmerigo Vespucci was an Italian merchant and explorer who conducted several voyages for Spain in the Age of Discovery, including voyages to the Atlantic and modern day Brazil and Honduras. WebAmerigo Vespucci carries out mainly two kinds of activity: training campaigns for Naval Academy cadets and showing-the-flag in support of national diplomacy. Childhood America is the feminine Latin form of his name. Amerigo passed away on month day 1512, at age 57 at death place. Death: Immediate Family: Wife of Amerigo Vespucci. Sein 1454 Born in Ognissanti, Florence born - 9 March, 1451, 1478 to 1480 He was attached to the embassy in Paris, working for his relative Guido Antonio Vespucci, ambassador of Florence to King Louis XI of France, 1483 Amerigo became steward in the house of Lorenzo de Medici, 1491 - 1492 He worked in Seville, Spain for the de Medici family where he learnt about the voyages of exploration and the men who were searching for a northwest passage to the Indies, 1497: He was granted permission to undertake a voyage of discovery by King Ferdinand of Spain, 1497 10 May The First Voyage of Amerigo Vespucci, 1497 10 April He reached the mainland of Guiana, 1498 15 October Amerigo Vespucci returned to Cadiz, Spain, 1499 16 May The Second Voyage of Amerigo Vespucci with Alonzo de Ojeda set sail for Cape Verde. He married Maria Cerezo. One day in April of 1496, after a long and undistinguished career as a cartographer, Vespucci was drowning his sorrows at a local tavern, when he happened to eavesdrop on the following conversation: At this, Vespucci leapt from his seat and screamed, half-drunk, "Half the world?? Amerigo Vespucci (March 9, 1454 February 22, 1512) was an Italian cartographer. Christopher Columbus retured to Spain. Amerigo Vespucci was educated by his uncle, Fra Giorgio Antonio Vespucci, a Dominican friar of the monastery of San Marco in Florence. Vespucci was resident in Seville and had been given Spanish citizenship. Amerigo Vespuccis role in his cousins staff remains unclear to historians, but evidence exists pointing to him serving as a secretary for his cousin. At the same time, Vespucci was suffering troubles at home. WebVespucci became a naturalized citizen of Spain in 1505, the same year in which he married Maria Cerezo. Vespuccis colorful description of everything that he witnessed in the new world, starting from the beautiful places he explored, the strange race of people he encountered, to the animals and the favorable climatic conditions of the lands, inspired many to explore the new territories to obtain power, land, and riches. Born 9th March 1451 In 1505, Vespucci became a naturalized citizen of Spain. WebAmerigo Vespucci was born on May 9, 1454 in Florence, Italy. Wiki User 2009-01-07 04:36:57 Comparing Christopher Columbus And Amerigo Vespucci, Who is the greater explorer Christopher Columbus or Amerigo Vespucci? Amerigo Vespucci was married twice to Maria Cerezo in 1473 and Maria Dolfaccini in 1479. Vespucci had financed two of the four ships that made the expedition. However, it is not independently confirmed Vespucci was aboard and there are some difficulties in the reported dates and details. Colloquially referred to as the New World, this second super continent came to be termed "America", deriving its name from Americus, the Latin version of Vespucci's first name. Portuguese maps of South America, created after the voyage of Coelho and Vespucci, do not show any land south of present-day Canania at 25 S, so this may represent the southernmost extent of their voyages. Sadly, this plan was ill-advised from the beginning, because Pisa has only one major landmark, and it was still under (extremely incompetent) construction at the time. The last certain voyage of Vespucci was led by Gonalo Coelho in 15011502 in the service of Portugal. It then sailed along the coast of South America from Cape Sao Roque to Patagonia, discovering present-day Rio de Janeiro and Rio de la Plata along the way. Vespucci then worked for the Medicis, first as a banker and later as a supervisor of their ship-outfitting business, which operated in Seville, Spain. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. WebA Florentine navigator and pilot major of Castile, Amerigo Vespucci (1454-1512), for whom America is named, is no longer accused of having conspired to supplant Columbus; but interpretation of documents concerning his career remains controversial. He was married but had no children. Probably due to getting married at old age, he was not able to have children. Maria Carolina Maria Christina Maria Amalia Maria Anna Maria The letter, to Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de' Medici, claims that Vespucci determined his longitude celestially on August 23, 1499, while on this voyage. Vespucci thought he had hit extreme eastern part of Asia during his first voyage. Just around this time (149596), Vespucci was engaged as the executor of Giannotto Berardi, an Italian merchant who had recently died in Seville. He received his primary education from his paternal uncle, Fra Giorgio Antonio Vespucci, a Dominican friar of the monastery of San Marco. They crossed the Equator and explored the coast of Guiana and Brazil. Vespucci failed to foresee the implications of this act. Amerigo Vespucci marries Maria Cerezo. Amerigo Vespucci 1451 1512. He was an Italian explorer like Christopher Columbus.
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