Rate Your Professor: Overall Quality (Good: 3.5-5, Average: 2.5-3.4, Poor: 1-2.4) A professor's Overall Quality rating should reflect how well a professor teaches the course material, and how helpful they are both inside and outside of the . 1 of the best Anatomy teachers. View the profiles of people named Brian Hill. NY USA Before we get to the details and supporting evidence, here is what we found. Grades fast. Any professor or subject that is difficult is rated as awful. This alone delegitimizes Rate My Professor as a tool to rate professors. But the sexism remains and we can prove it. Introducing Stonehills Newly Appointed Associate Provost for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. I would take his class again. The comments are not endorsed by and do not necessarily reflect the views of Cleveland Clinic. this is a site that for 17 years had a hotness rating that was regularly used to disparage and humiliate female professors. He also provides a lot of extra credit! Professors that are rated in the lower 3rd on Rate My professors (all those so-called awful professors) are on average rated as above average in true college evaluations. Lab is easy and you get group quizzes. I strongly recommend Dr. Hill. I decided to test this, and wrote a program to screen-scrape the RMP pages and compare those ratings to the course evaluation ratings that my official system collected. I usually bake cookies. Do you know why its made on Rate My Professors? Internal Medicine Chicago, Its database includes more than 7,500 schools across the United States, Canada, England, Scotland, and Wales. My thesis compared one professor who taught the same course for three semesters, two sections per semester. Quizzes w/ guides which help and allows one missed quiz. You can pass with the study guides but if you want an A, read the book. it? Some years ago, before I knew that "Rate My Professors" even existed, I found and looked at its page of comments about someone I knew. Show up for every class and get extra credit. Professor Hill was a direct and relaxed professor. He gives study guides and a lecture manual. Cleveland Clinic strives to make scientific advances that will benefit patient care and support outside relationships that promise public benefit. @ivanivan I don't think we make that data available, but that's a good question. The more quantitative a discipline, the more a professor was likely to be rated as poor quality and high difficulty. They classified the departments into hard and soft sciences, hard and soft disciplines, and quantitative and qualitative fields. In other words, difficult courses or courses taught by women are awful. If a course is easy, then the professor is awesome. Go figure. Associate Professor of Practice, Information Systems & Cyber Security, Assistant Professor of Practice, Marketing, Assistant Professor of Practice, Information Systems & Cyber Security, Assistant Professor of Practice, Management, Assistant Professor, Information Systems & Cyber Security, Assistant Professor of Practice, Management Science and Statistics, Assistant Professor, Management Science and Statistics, Associate Professor of Practice, Marketing, Assistant Professor of Practice, Accounting, Assistant Professor of Practice, Economics, Assistant Professor of Practice, Bicultural-Bilingual Studies, Assistant Professor of Practice, Educational Psychology, Associate Professor, Educational Psychology, Associate Professor & Chair, Educational Leadership & Policy Studies, Assistant Professor, Educational Leadership & Policy Studies/Economics, Assistant Professor of Instruction, Interdisciplinary Learning & Teaching/Professional Preparation, Assistant Professor of Practice, Interdisciplinary Learning & Teaching, Assistant Professor of Practice, Educational Leadership & Policy Studies, Assistant Professor, Interdisciplinary Learning & Teaching, Lecturer, Interdisciplinary Learning & Teaching, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Assistant Professor, Architecture & Planning, Ph.D., University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Assistant Professor of Practice, Mechanical Engineering, Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering & Chemical Engineering, Assistant Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering (starting Spring 2023), Associate Professor of Instruction, Biomedical Engineering & Chemical Engineering, Lecturer, Biomedical Engineering & Chemical Engineering, Assistant Professor of Research, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Assistant Professor of Instruction, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Ph.D., Washington University in St. Louis, Assistant Professor, Criminology & Criminal Justice, Associate Professor of Practice , Social Work, Assistant Professor, Public Health (starting Spring 2023), Ph.D., University of British Columbia, Canada, Assistant Professor of Practice, Public Health, Professor, Sociology (starting Spring 2023), Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles, Assistant Professor, Philosophy & Classics, Postdoctoral Fellow, College of Liberal & Fine Arts, Associate Professor of Instruction, Art & Art History, Professor of Instruction, Philosophy & Classics, Postdoctoral Fellow, English/Modern Languages & Literatures, Assistant Professor of Instruction, Philosophy & Classics, Assistant Professor of Instruction, Music, M.F.A., University of Texas at San Antonio, Assistant Professor, Political Science & Geography, Associate Professor of Practice & Community Art Education Specialist, Art & Art History, Visiting Asstistant Professor, Philosophy & Classics, Professor of Instruction, Computer Science, Assistant Professor, Neuroscience, Developmental & Regenerative Biology, Ph.D., New York University, Skirball Institute, Ph.D., University of Texas at San Antonio, Assistant Professor of Instruction, Mathematics, Assistant Professor of Instruction, Integrative Biology, Associate Professor of Instruction, Computer Science, Assistant Professor, Molecular Microbiology & Immunology, Assistant Professor of Instruction, Computer Science, Assistant Professor, Physics & Astronomy (starting Spring 2023), Ph.D., Iniversite de Technologie de Troyes, France, Professor & Chair, Earth & Planetary Sciences, Ph.D., University of Western Ontario, Canada, Assistant Professor of Research, Chemistry, Assistant Professor of Instruction, Chemistry, Assistant Professor of Practice, Academic Inquiry & Scholarship, Associate Professor of Instruction, Academic Inquiry & Scholarship, Assistant Professor of Instruction, Multidisciplinary Studies, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy. (not proctored). They took it down only after a female professors story of humiliation went viral. It was found that female professors are rated up to 28% lower than males across all disciplines and all number of comments, when compared to their real college evaluations. "Aerospace Engineering"), Professor - By selecting this option, you can search for professors by name, Class - By selecting this option, you can search for professors by classed they teach/have taught, Department - By selecting this option, you can search for professors based on their department, Keyword - By selecting this option, you can search for professors by any words that might be associated with them. :), Never heard about that. 2008, Medical Education - University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine Academic Integrity Group servers continuously visit Rate My Professors and collect data. Make sure to record his lectures every time you go to class and read the book because test are made by the author of the book. I cheat - I bring donuts on final exam night (presentations actually) so I have good ratings on RMP :) When these sites first appeared I made the argument as both a student and an adjunct faculty member that it wasn't obvious to students how the internal "student course satisfaction survey" was used, or if the results were available. One of the evaluation criteria is "hotness", and the comment section is just a cesspit of unreflected noise. Did you ever ask the folk down the road at the U of S about some (in)famous RMP-related shenanigans 10-15 years ago? These are the evaluations that are most important for tenure and other professional reasons. The data conclusively shows this relationship. He is a father, friend, business owner However we make the claim that in this case it makes no difference. Always gives out extra credit points and is always willing to explain anything. Theoretically Correct vs Practical Notation, Is there a solutiuon to add special characters from software and how to do it, Replacing broken pins/legs on a DIP IC package. My negative reviews include the following: "The amount of homework was unreal. They are rating "hardness.". Join us for a virtual information session about the Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Master's Degree Program on March 10. We also receive semesterly course visits from our dean before tenure, then once every three years thereafter to make sure we are doing our jobs properly and professionally. Its all about reading the chapters and linking it to the info he provides during lectures for the study guide. They didnt take it down for ethical or moral reasons, they did it to avoid a lawsuit and a boycott. Prerecorded lectures on canvas to review, concise study guides for every exam, and a lot of opportunities for extra credit. Cleveland Clinic publicly discloses the names of companies when (i) its physicians/scientists receive $5,000 or more per year (or, in rare cases, equity or stock options) for speaking and consulting, (ii) its physicians/scientists serve as a fiduciary, (iii) its physicians/scientists receive or have the right to receive royalties or (iv) its physicians/ scientists hold any equity interest for the physician's/scientist's role as inventor, discoverer, developer, founder or consultant. Brian Hill. Take this student for example. They define hard science subjects such as math, computer science, biology, chemistry, engineering, etc., and soft science as subjects like psychology, sociology, history, etc. In 2021, Stonehill College is proud to bestow the Outstanding Faculty Service Award on Laura T. Scales. Launched. I don't know whether [ratemyprofessor] or [koofers] are in this category. Instead, universities run their own evaluations, which are then taken into account for tenure and promotion decisions (to varying degrees). Luton. @Pharap: My reading of that sentence was, "taking his class won't help you learn [i.e. I went through all kinds of hoops getting this process up and running. Makes sense. For the faculty RTP (retention, tenure, and promotion) process, the official student evaluations were the only ones considered. Similar to how Quality-Difficulty was analyzed versus discipline, the data was split into male and female and also cross referenced against discipline. Prof. Hill is amazing if you want to learn and have a strong foundation. There is nothing in the post above about this math professors teaching. When discipline is added into the analysis, female professors in hard sciences were rated up to 38% lower than their male counterparts! He offers optional zoom meetings if any questions. PubMed is a third-party website with no affiliation with Cleveland Clinic.). Therefore I see little point in reading them, as I will not be able to take that feedback and improve my teaching from it. Rate My Professors also allows you to tag a professor with tags like Funny, or Extra Credit or Tough Grader. The most popular tags for professors who are rated as awful are Lots of Homework and Skip Class, You Wont Pass. There is a .87 correlation between awful and those tags. Faculty at the time could opt for paper evaluations distributed in the last two weeks of the semester, or online evaluations. He was clear about the grading criteria and provided timely and in-depth feedback on assigned work. It's not easy but it really shouldn't be. IL USA The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Students are not rating professors! On the anonymous course evaluations, 16 students wrote good to very good remarks, and one student wrote "everything wrong". One faculty member claimed students would go home, get drunk, and submit negative evaluations; he wanted the evaluation system to only be available 8am to 7pm. I do recommend to record his lectures. Do professors discuss about grad students (not necessarily their students)? Do professors care about their rating on websites such as RateMyProfessor or Koofers? Another comment that violates the so-called terms of service for this trash site. Search for prof by first and/or last name. Boycott Rate My Professors. Fairly easy (: A lot to study but he is very helpful he gives a study guide for all the exams. Probably not. So thats all Rate My Professors is, its just a rating of difficulty. Rate My Professors contributes to a culture of anti-intellectualism and sexism. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. It's an interesting data point. He serves as the Chairman of the Pharmacy & Therapeutics (P&T) Committee within the Department of Hematology and Medical Oncology, Co-Director of the Lymphoid Malignancies Center of Excellence and serves on the editorial board of several peer reviewed journals. That's a great answer, provided with data! Brian Hill at East Los Angeles College - RateMyProfessors.com 4.8 / 5 Overall Quality Based on 68 ratings Brian Hill Professor in the Life Science department at East Los Angeles College 78% Would take again 3.4 Level of Difficulty Rate Professor Hill I'm Professor Hill Submit a Correction Professor Hill 's Top Tags Skip class? Class did not have any unnecessary busy work. This is not surprising. His clinical and research focus is in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and lymphoma. It was very easy getting in and out of my appointment and Dr. Brian Hill is great. The second correlation that is more interesting is Difficulty versus Quality ratings. Study what he tells you and your grade will show. We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. "Only take this class if you like learning on your own." Professors who are rated easy are also rated awesome and vice versa. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. @pieterb: "you can only measure" - why is that? This option and others can be accessed by going to the options menu of the extension by right clicking on the icon and selecting Options. That job is to gain as much information during your business meetings December 20: COVID-19 Protocols for Spring Semester. The ratings are unreliable and unethical. May 1999; 23 years ago. In general, patients should feel free to contact their doctor about any of the relationships and how the relationships are overseen by Cleveland Clinic. Ratings are simply made by students who dont like being challenged. With causality in either direction, the conclusion is the same; Rate My Professors is inaccurate, highly biased, and favors either the worst student opinions or the most personally likable professors. Stonehill Alumni Magazine WINTER | SPRING 2021. What they found was a strong and consistent reinforcement of the conclusion from above. NH USA Sound smart? The relationship between Difficulty and Quality in either direction draws the same conclusion. Stay tuned. :-D. To be fair: In the great answer, the user may have cherry-picked the "non-helpful answers" (to make their point): Indeed, if you google for these statements, you find a ratemyprof-page where many students complain about their instructor not being able to explain calculus clearly and write that one has to have had calculus before to understand anything. If you participate on Rate My Professors then you are contributing to a culture of discrimination against women, especially women in science, technology, and math. No new professor ratings will be accepted, and some functionality will be removed and/or disabled. London Borough Of Waltham Forest. Their initial data suggests (but does not yet prove they are still investigating), that Black professors in predominantly white colleges and universities have a substantially lower quality rating than all other classifications. dont take this class he gave alot of mid term with 100 points with less energy if you gonna take this class good luck. If a student truly believes the professor is a racist, the accusation should be taken to the institution itself for disciplinary action, not made on a for-profit website such as Rate My Professors. Students are simply biased against hard work, and when the hard work is in areas with strong quantitative components its even worse. in Adult EducationNational Louis University (2007). Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Gabelli School of Business adjunct faculty are selected from the New York City professional community. Has study guides for exams which can seem long just study there are no trick questions/surprises. Rate My Professors also allows you to tag a professor with tags like Funny, or Extra Credit or Tough Grader. The most popular tags for professors who are rated as awful are Lots of Homework and Skip Class, You Wont Pass. There is a .87 correlation between awful and those tags. He is both brilliant AND compassionate - a rare combination - and I feel confident that I am In the best hands I could be for my healthcare . They continuously visit every professor profile and update their information, capture ratings that violate the terms of service (they have thousands already), constantly recalculate their statistics, and present them to the public. I've never looked at another one; in particular, I've never looked at my own. At my college, we all have internal review surveys that go out to students every semester before tenure . To make this point even stronger, when the analysis is restricted pure quantitative disciplines like math, engineering, and computer science, the negative relationship between Difficulty and Quality rose another 12% above the same relationship for pure qualitative subjects like art and theater! As of 6/1/2022, Dr. Hill has reported the financial relationships with the companies listed below.
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