Basie's new band was more of an ensemble group, with fewer solo turns, and relying less on "head" and more on written arrangements. It was here that he was introduced to the big-band sound when he joined Walter Pages Blue Devils in 1928. 50 feet long, which was having trouble doing business in the summer because it had no air-conditioning. [27] According to Basie, "we hit it with the rhythm section and went into the riffs, and the riffs just stuck. During this period, Basie married dancer Catherine Morgan, with whom he would have a daughter. It is with a heavy heart that we share the news of the passing of Diane Lillian Basie (1944-2022), the beloved only child of the legendary jazz musician, William James "Count" Basie and his wife, Catherine Morgan Basie. The World of Count Basie. Basie [54] They also continued to record for OKeh Records and Columbia Records. a shrewd judge of talent and character, and he was extremely patient in Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. He said that Norman Granz got them into the Birdland club and promoted the new band through recordings on the Mercury, Clef, and Verve labels. [25] The band improved with several personnel changes, including the addition of tenor saxophonist Ben Webster. [68] He was a guest on ABC's The Pat Boone Chevy Showroom, a venue also opened to several other black entertainers. The broadcast was picked up one night by John Hammond, the jazz enthusiast who had discovered Billie Holiday and helped Benny Goodman start his band. His piano style, which often seemed bare and simple, was an exquisitely realized condensation of the florid "stride" style of Fats Waller and James P. Johnson with whom Mr. Basie started. Many other bands later adapted the split tenor arrangement. It positioned him with Earl Hines, as well as Duke Ellington. Jazz Musician. However, throughout the 1940s, he maintained a big band that possessed an infectious rhythmic beat, an enthusiastic team spirit, and a long list of inspired and talented jazz soloists. Jazz icon, Count Basie, was born William JamesBasie August 21, 1904in Red Bank, New Jersey. She died in 1983. [14] Before he was 20 years old, he toured extensively on the Keith and TOBA vaudeville circuits as a solo pianist, accompanist, and music director for blues singers, dancers, and comedians. While on one tour he became stranded They paced themselves to save their hottest numbers for later in the show, to give the audience a chance to warm up. The band survived Basie's death, with ex-Basie-ite trumpeter Thad Jones directing until his death in 1986. Mr. Basie's band, more than any other, was the It is with a heavy heart that we share the news of the passing of Diane Lillian Basie (1944-2022), the beloved only child of the legendary jazz musician, William James "Count" Basie and his wife, Catherine Morgan Basie. It was on one of these broadcasts that Bill Basie became Count Basie. Page, Mr. Basie and Mr. Rushing all joined Bennie Moten's orchestra, the leading big band in the Southwest, which became even stronger with their presence. [55] The war years caused a lot of members turn over, and the band worked many play dates with lower pay. Who taught Count Basie how do you play the piano? The couple kept her and cared deeply for her, and especially through her mother's tutelage, Diane learned not only to walk but to swim. In May 1970, Sinatra performed in London's Royal Festival Hall with the Basie orchestra, in a charity benefit for the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. They had direct lines to presidents, occasionally exchanging personal telegrams giving well wishes. How do I choose between my boyfriend and my best friend? "heads"arrangements worked out without planning in (traveling variety entertainment). This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. William James "Count" Basie (/besi/; August 21, 1904 April 26, 1984)[1] was an American jazz pianist, organist, bandleader, and composer. But in 2012, Manhattan Surrogates Court Justice Kristin Booth Glen removed Woodward from his guardian role after he failed to account for money that belonged to Diane. The Gonzel White show was stranded in Kansas City, Mo., a fateful location for Mr. Basie. century. Mr. Basie was, along with Duke Ellington and Benny Goodman, one of the pre-eminent bandleaders of the Big Band era in the 1930's and 40's. "He was the only leader in the business who ever went out of his way to help me," Mr. Basie said later. 1415. Basie's new band played at the Reno Club and sometimes were broadcast on local radio. "Count.". Bandleader, arranger and pianist Fletcher Henderson is one of the most influential and yet least-known jazz masters. Nicknamed "Lady Day" by her friend and music partner, Lester Young, Holiday had an innovative influence on jazz music and pop singing.Her vocal style, strongly inspired by jazz instrumentalists, pioneered a new way of manipulating phrasing and tempo. fame. Basie was often recognized for his understated yet captivating style of piano playing and his precise, impeccable musical leadership. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Now Joy Rosenthal, a court-appointed lawyer who is Dianes replacement guardian, wants to jail or fine Woodward, 68. Who Can Benefit From Diaphragmatic Breathing? Catherine Basie, wife of Count Basie, the jazz musician and band leader, died of a heart attack yesterday at the couple's home in Freeport, Grand Bahama Island, according to Mr. Basie's agent.She was 67 years old. It was at this time that he began to be known as "Count" Basie (see Jazz royalty).[19]. (Lockjaw) Davis, Frank Wess, Jimmy Forrest and the blues singer Joe Williams. William Basie was born to Lillian and Harvey Lee Basie in Red Bank, New Jersey. I thought he was kidding, shrugged my shoulders and replied, 'O.K.' Dropping out of junior high school, Basie learned to operate lights for vaudeville and to improvise piano accompaniment for silent films at the local movie theater in his hometown that would eventually become the Count Basie Theatre. They had direct lines to presidents, occasionally exchanging personal telegrams giving well wishes. They had one daughter, Diane, in 1944. rehearsal and then written down later. played drums in his school band and took some piano lessons from his, Basie made his professional debut playing piano with vaudeville acts Fletcher Henderson's band was playing at the Grand Terrace just before the Basie band arrived there. Count Basie is considered one of the greatest bandleaders of all times. You never got tired of that business at the end.". dealing with the egos of his musicians. Your email address will not be published. Good Morning Blues: The Autobiography of Count Basie. Rutgers is an equal access/equal opportunity institution. To help it through the Grand Terrace engagement, Fletcher Henderson, who had provided Benny Goodman with Even more important was the fact that the Famous Door had national and local radio wires. Count Basie, byname of William Basie, (born August 21, 1904, Red Bank, New Jersey, U.S.died April 26, 1984, Hollywood, Florida), American jazz musician noted for his spare, economical piano style and for his leadership of influential and widely heralded big bands. Advertisement Further Reading on Count Basie The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Before he was 20 years old, he toured extensively on the Keith and TOBA vaudeville circuits as a solo pianist, accompanist, and music director for blues singers, dancers, and comedians. Jimmy Rushing sang with Basie in the late 1930s. They had one daughter. On the West Coast, in 1942 the band did a spot in Reveille With Beverly, a musical film starring Ann Miller, and a "Command Performance" for Armed Forces Radio, with Hollywood stars Clark Gable, Bette Davis, Carmen Miranda, Jerry Colonna, and the singer Dinah Shore. Once the musicians found what they liked, they usually were able to repeat it using their "head arrangements" and collective memory.[44]. Basie was a true innovator leading the band for almost 50 years and recording on over 480 albums. The couple had an only daughter, Diane Basie, whos now a 74-year-old disabled woman. In 1976, Mr. Basie suffered a heart attack. At thirty-four, he was dead from years of drug and alcohol use. Basie then formed his own nine-piece band, Barons of Rhythm, with many former Moten members including Walter Page (bass), Freddie Green (guitar), Jo Jones (drums), Lester Young (tenor saxophone) and Jimmy Rushing (vocals). He developed a new style of jazz called bebop. The big band era appeared to have ended after the war, and Basie disbanded the group. See, Basie couldnt read music, so it was Eddie Durham who orchestrated his ideas for the Moten band and then later for the Basie band in New York for those Decca recordings. Hes survived by his disabled daughter, Diane, who was allegedly the victim of a robbery at the hands of her late father's friend. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. [61] Basie also added flute to some numbers, a novelty at the time that became widely copied. Basie reorganized the Orchestra in 1952 and this new band was in high demand and toured extensively around the world. After a decade long courtship, Basie married dancer Catherine Morgan, his second wife, on his birthday in 1942. During this period he also recorded with music greats, Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr., Jackie Wilson, Dizzy Gillespie and Oscar Peterson. traveled to by bus). [11] Soon, Basie met many of the Harlem musicians who were "making the scene," including Willie "the Lion" Smith and James P. Johnson. The pianist Count Basie died at the age of 79. In May 2019, Basie was inducted into the Blues Hall of Fame at a ceremony in Memphis, TN, presented by The Blues Foundation. pillsbury company net worth; does gotomeeting work in china; tanner mark boots website Mechanic Street, where he grew up with his family, has the honorary title of Count Basie Way. band in 1950, juggling combinations of all-star musicians. Mr. Basie's wife, Catherine, died in April 1983. The swing era band On Moten's death in 1935, Basie and several other core band members formed their own ensemble, the Barons of Rhythm. He is survived by a daughter, Diane Basie of Freeport. Many musicians came to prominence under his direction, including the tenor saxophonists Lester Young and Herschel Evans, the guitarist Freddie Green, trumpeters Buck Clayton and Harry "Sweets" Edison, plunger trombonist Al Grey, and singers Jimmy Rushing, Helen Humes, Thelma Carpenter, and Joe Williams. Within less than six months, however, Mr. Basie was back at the keyboard. Mr. Basie's musicians had been playing "head" arrangements in Kansas City--treatments of the blues or pop tunes that were worked out 132 West 138th Street. To go on the road, Mr. Basie expanded his nine-piece band to 13 pieces. Press ESC to cancel. During a broadcast the announcer wanted to give Basies name some style, so he called him Count. Little did Basie know this touch of royalty would give him proper status and position him with the likes of Duke Ellington and Earl Hines. to bite with real guts. The "One night the announcer called me to the microphone for those usual few words of introduction," Mr. Basie once recalled. Around 1920, Basie went to Harlem, a hotbed of jazz, where he lived down the block from the Alhambra Theater. He married Catherine Morgan on July 13, 1940, in the King County courthouse in Seattle, Washington. He has had an unprecedented four recordings inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame One OClock Jump(1979),April in Paris(1985),Everyday I Have the Blues(1992), andLester Leaps In(2005), along with a slew of other awards and honors not only for his music, but for his humanitarianism and philanthropy around the world. "I wanted my 13-piece band to work together just like those nine pieces," he explained. who was Duke Ellington's drummer from 1919 to 1951, discouraged young Basie and he switched to piano. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". there were a couple of well-known bandleaders named Earl Hines and Duke Ellington. Their daughter, Iska, died at the age of 14 after a series . His father played the mellophone, and his mother played the piano; in fact, she gave Basie his first piano lessons. with a particular soloist or two in mind. [60] The jukebox era had begun, and Basie shared the exposure along with early rock'n'roll and rhythm and blues artists. [26] A year later, Basie joined Bennie Moten's band, and played with them until Moten died in 1935 from a failed tonsillectomy. Encyclopedia of Jazz. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Basie gave up her career to care for their daughter, who was mentally retarded, and their two adopted sons. What Is The Origin Of Springerle Cookies? Basie made a few more movie appearances, such as in the Jerry Lewis film Cinderfella (1960) and the Mel Brooks movie Blazing Saddles (1974), playing a revised arrangement of "April in Paris". Many of the band's arrangements were However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. At a theatre in Newark he was able to hear regular performances by the bands of Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Stan Kenton and others. When Young complained of Herschel Evans' vibrato, Basie placed them on either side of the alto players, and soon had the tenor players engaged in "duels". [46], The publicity over the big band battle, before and after, gave the Basie band a boost and wider recognition. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. It is with a heavy heart that we share the news of the passing of Diane Lillian Basie (1944-2022), the beloved only child of the legendary jazz musician, William James Count Basie and his wife, Catherine Morgan Basie. silent movie theater, he joined Walter Page's Blue Devils in His father, Harvey Lee Basie, was a coachman and a groundskeeper, and his mother, Lillian Childs Basie, was a laundress. with disabilities are encouraged to direct suggestions, comments, or complaints concerning any When Bennie Moten died in 1935, the band disintegrated and Mr. Basie organized a small band to play at the Reno Club in Kansas City that became the nucleus of the band with which he gained his initial With the New Testament Basie band in full swing, and arrangements written by a youthful Quincy Jones, this album proved a swinging respite from her Songbook recordings and constant touring she did during this period. Individuals Their neighbors included Lena Horne, Ella Fitzgerald, Jackie Robinson and Milt Hinton. Another boost was provided in the late 1950s by the recording of Well, the Roseland is still standing". He also scored a series of Top Ten hits on the pop and R&B charts, includingI Didnt Know About You,Red Bank Blues,Rusty Dusty Blues, Jimmys Blues,andBlue Skies. Provide Feedback Form, Rutgers, The State University of Count Basie was an extremely popular figure in the jazz world for half a In 2005, Count Basie's song "One O'Clock Jump" (1937) was included by the National Recording Preservation Board in the Library of Congress National Recording Registry. [21] In addition to playing piano, Basie was co-arranger with Eddie Durham, who notated the music. was the reworking of a standard tune"I Got (Basie later played organ at the Eblon Theater in Kansas City). How old was Catherine Basie when she died? Hollywood, Florida, on April 26, 1984. We collect and tell stories of people from all around the world. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. [30], In that city in October 1936, the band had a recording session which the producer John Hammond later described as "the only perfect, completely perfect recording session I've ever had anything to do with". Page, a bassist--Jimmy Rushing, the blues signer, both of whom would be key members of Mr. Basie's band. Count Basie Birthday and Date of Death. Count Basie, the jazz pianist whose spare, economic keyboard style and supple rhythmic drive made his orchestra one of the most influential groups of the Big Band era, died of cancer yesterday. Catherine Basie, wife of Count Basie, the jazz musician and band leader, died of a heart attack yesterday at the couples home in Freeport, Grand Bahama Island, according to Mr. Basies agent. onenighters, and the bebop revolution of the mid-1940s all played a role But by 1952 he reorganized the band, and the second Count Basie Orchestra was considered as exciting, vibrant and even more important than the first. The Count Basie Orchestra recorded and played live with many iconic artists like Duke Ellington, Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Tonny Benneth and Sarah Vaughan. While Count Basie worked over 300 nights a year, Mrs. Basie was very active in charitable and civil rights organizations, and was recognized for her work by the major leaders of the day. But the obvious talents of another young Red Bank drummer, Sonny Greer, Another Basie innovation was the use of two tenor saxophone players; at the time, most bands had just one. Then he said, 'Bill, I think I'll call you Count Basie from now on. Basie occasionally lost some key soloists. Age at Death: 79. From that time on, I was a daily customer, hanging The sound was almost frightening. What was the greatest era of the Basie band? The Black Music Association honored Mr. Basie in 1982 with a gala at Radio City Music Hall. Basie studied music with his mother and was later influenced by the Harlem pianists James P. Johnson and Fats Waller, receiving informal tutelage on the organ from the latter. What disability did Count Basies daughter have? "Can you imagine a man who kind of romps around the piano," Mr. Shearing said, However, the man ended up betraying Basies trust, and he stole from Diane. went to Kansas City to hear it and support it and brought it to the attention of booking agents. "April in Paris," which became the trademark of the band written by Basie himself in 1937. When the band voted Moten out, Basie took over for several months, calling the group Count Basie and his Cherry Blossoms. Basie was a member of Omega Psi Phi fraternity. recipient of Washington's Kennedy Center honors for achievement in the performing arts. The "book" of this early Basie band was based on blues and riffs developed on a blues structure. Basie, Count. [22] New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1980. How did the bands of Count Basie and Duke Ellington differ? His wife, Catherine, had died in 1983; they had one daughter. Credit: GettyImages/Global Images of Ukraine. Jones also arranged and conducted 1966's live Sinatra at the Sands which featured Sinatra with Count Basie and his orchestra at the Sands Hotel in Las Vegas. He led the group for almost 50 years, creating innovations like the use of two "split" tenor saxophones, emphasizing the rhythm section, riffing with a big band, using arrangers to broaden their sound, and others. In fact, the only reason I enlarged the brass was to get a richer harmonic A group that included some Basie sidemen was on stage, playing in a ragged, desultory fashion, when Mr. Basie arrived. Count and Mrs. Basie were true socialites often gathering with friends including celebrities Frank Sinatra, Jerry Lewis, Sammy Davis, Jr., and Basie protg Quincy Jones. He constantly parried Chick's thundering haymakers with tantalizing runs and arpeggios which teased more and more force from his adversary. He was a fine pianist and leader of one of the greatest jazz bands in history. New York: Chelsea House, 1992. structure. Jump" (his theme) and many others now considered jazz classics. When You Breathe In Your Diaphragm Does What. "and those tiny tinkling things. showcase the band's brilliant soloists. Is the Count Basie Orchestra still alive? Discography of American Historical Recordings,, Best Jazz Instrumental Performance, Big Band, Best Jazz Performance by a Soloist (Instrumental), Best Performance by an Orchestra For Dancing. Count Basie and his Friends, Okla., a band that included--in addition to Mr. When the Page band broke up in 1929, Mr. In 1937 Basie took his group, Count Basie and His Barons of Rhythm, to New York to record their first album with Decca Records under their new name, The Count Basie Orchestra. As a result, the band got a date at the Grand Terrace in Chicago. He reformed his group as a 16-piece orchestra in 1952. The following year, in 1929, Basie became the pianist with the Bennie Moten band based in Kansas City, inspired by Moten's ambition to raise his band to match the level of those led by Duke Ellington or Fletcher Henderson. When his own band folded, he rejoined Moten with a newly re-organized band. His personnel around 1937 included: Lester Young and Herschel Evans (tenor sax), Freddie Green (guitar), Jo Jones (drums), Walter Page (bass), Earle Warren (alto sax), Buck Clayton and Harry Edison (trumpet), Benny Morton and Dickie Wells (trombone). When William James Count Basie died of cancer in 1984, he left his $1.5 million fortune in a trust to provide for his only child. Eventually, Moten generously let Basie sit in on piano. band's achievements was its fifty-year survival in a culture that Some time around 1964, Basie adopted his trademark yachting cap.[71]. His wife, Catherine, had died in 1983. expensive blunder in Basie's history," said Mr. Hammond) that included hit after hit--"Swingin' the Blues," "Jumpin' at the Woodside," "One O'Clock What pianist and his orchestra were really popular in the big band era? He finished junior high school[7] but spent much of his time at the Palace Theater in Red Bank, where doing occasional chores gained him free admission to performances. [75], Basie also recorded with Tony Bennett in the late 1950s. Basie changed the jazz landscape and shaped mid-20th century popular music, duly earning the title King of Swing because he made the world want to dance. By 1937 Basie's band was, with the possible exception of Duke The band survived Basie's death, Most swing musicians know what the Count Basie ending is: three rhythmically-spaced chords followed by a low, emphatic exclamation point. The word Splank for Basie was coined by Sinatra a good onomatopoeic description of the lick. For the next two years he led small bands between six and nine pieces. Later that year, Basie appeared on a television special with Fred Astaire, featuring a dance solo to "Sweet Georgia Brown", followed in January 1961 by Basie performing at one of the five John F. Kennedy Inaugural Balls. The Barons of Rhythm were regulars at the Reno Club and often performed for a live radio broadcast. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Everything We Know about the Music Legends Love Life, Rich Man Leaves Older Son $2.8 Million, Younger Son Gets Only $1 Story of the Day, Hank Williams Jr Lost 'Drop-Dead Gorgeous' Wife of 31 Years in March Inside Their Marriage, Loretta Lynn Fought for Her Beloved Husband Though He Called Other Women into Their Bed. the personnel, and formed the first Count Basie Orchestra. Their "Moten Swing", which Basie claimed credit for,[23] was an invaluable contribution to the development of swing music, and at one performance at the Pearl Theatre in Philadelphia in December 1932, the theatre opened its door to allow anybody in who wanted to hear the band perform. Hammond introduced Helen Humes, whom Basie hired; she stayed with Basie for four years. Here is all you want to know, and more! The award was received by Aaron Woodward. cushion. On July 21, 1930, Basie married Vivian Lee Winn, in Kansas City, Missouri. There was a memorable concert at Town Hall several Hollywood, Florida The pianist in the combo gave up his seat to Mr. Basie who sat down, tinkled a few experienced so many changes in musical fashion, especially after the After Moten died in 1935, Basie took what was left of the band, expanded "I wanted 13 men to think and play the same way. Their only child, Diane, was born February 6, 1944. His mother, a piano player who gave Basie his first piano lessons, took in laundry and baked cakes for sale and paid 25 cents a lesson for piano instruction for him. Today, Charlie Yardbird Parker is considered one of the great musical innovators of the 20th century. She was 67 years old. [12][13] His touring took him to Kansas City, St. Louis, New Orleans, and Chicago. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. He flicked out tightly economical, single-finger It was during this time that he was given the nickname Provide Feedback Form. Count Basie is considered one of the greatest bandleaders of all times. How did the bands of Count Basie and Duke Ellington differ? [50] In 1939, Basie and his band made a major cross-country tour, including their first West Coast dates. Basie led his jazz orchestra almost continuously for nearly 50 years. The new band included: Paul Campbell, Tommy Turrentine, Johnny Letman, Idrees Sulieman, and Joe Newman (trumpet); Jimmy Wilkins, Benny Powell, Matthew Gee (trombone); Paul Quinichette and Floyd "Candy" Johnson (tenor sax); Marshal Royal and Ernie Wilkins (alto sax); and Charlie Fowlkes (baritone sax). factor in popularizing it was a series of repetitions of the final few bars when, as the orchestra seemingly came to the end of the piece, Mr. Basie held up a finger and called out, "One mo' What pianist lead the most successful band in Kansas City? Diane died peacefully on October 15 after suffering a heart attack a few days before. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Basie had Holiday, and Webb countered with the singer Ella Fitzgerald. Teaches Jazz. Diane died peacefully on October 15 after suffering a heart attack a few days before. [74], Count Basie died of pancreatic cancer in Hollywood, Florida, on April 26, 1984, at the age of 79.[1]. In 1949, the Basie family moved one of the premier neighborhoods open to African American families Addsleigh Park in St. Albans, Queens, New York. 'No,' I said, 'but I'd A few months later, Basie quit MCA and signed with the William Morris Agency, who got them better fees.[51]. ***** All concert dates after Count Basie's death are for The Count Basie Orchestra ***** Discography. Count Basie, the jazz pianist whose spare, economic keyboard style and supple rhythmic drive made his orchestra one of the most influential groups of the Big Band era, died of cancer yesterday morning When Basie took his orchestra to New York in 1937, they made the Woodside Hotel in Harlem their base (they often rehearsed in its basement). hired him. [42] The band's first appearance at the Apollo Theater followed, with the vocalists Holiday and Jimmy Rushing getting the most attention. [65], In 1958, the band made its first European tour. In 1950, when big bands were falling apart, Mr. Basie cut down to an eight-piece group but by 1952 he was leading a big band once again. Then he joined a touring show headed by one Gonzel White, playing piano in a four-piece band. He is credited for creating the use of the two split tenor saxophone, emphasizing the rhythm section, riffing with a big band, using arrangers to broaden their sound, and beautifully layering masterful vocalists. the Basie band. In 1976 Basie suffered a heart attack, but he returned to the bandstand band a permanent place in jazz history. "Big Name Bands, Singers in 'Cavalcade of Music' Sept. 23", Basie, Jordan, Prado Top Jazz Cavalcade Article, "Sugar Chile" Robinson, Billie Holiday, Count Basie and His Sextet, National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, Count Basie Presents Eddie Davis Trio + Joe Newman, Count Basie Jam Session at the Montreux Jazz Festival 1975, Count Basie Meets Oscar Peterson The Timekeepers, The Famous 1938 Carnegie Hall Jazz Concert, Solo Flight: The Genius of Charlie Christian, Sugar Chile Robinson, Billie Holiday, Count Basie and His Sextet, "On This Day: Count Basie, 79, Band Leader And Master of Swing, Dead", "Jackie Wilson & Count Basie Manufacturers Of Soul at Discogs", "Manufacturers of Soul by Jackie Wilson: Reviews and Ratings", "Horacio "El Negro" Hernandez To Be Awarded Honorary Doctor of Music Degree From Berklee College of Music", "Count Basie, Jack Nicholson, Les Paul make New Jersey Hall of Fame", "2005 National Recording Registry choices", The Count Basie Orchestra official website, International Jose Guillermo Carrillo Foundation. Died: April 26, 1984 Hollywood, Florida African American bandleader and musician Count Basie was an extremely popular figure in the jazz world for half a century. She was married to Count Basie since August 21, 1942 until her death in 1983.
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