A day after the election, the countyreportedthat Biden was ahead of Trump by about 3,000 votes, with 98% of votes counted results that surprised many, since the county is reliably Republican. Reprinted with Permission from - Epoch Times by - Gary Miliefsky. Services included machines, equipment repair, election services, ballot marking printers, vote tabulators and ballot boxes, modem cell services contracts, election coding, and voting machine coding. Voting machine engineer Eric Coomer was falsely accused of rigging the election against former President Donald Trump by the conservative cable network. Editors note: FactCheck.org is one of several organizations, to debunk misinformation shared on social media. The audit, conducted by state and local officials and representatives of both political parties, involved a hand tally of all the votes cast for president in the county. Shasta County has become a hotbed for unproven conspiracy theories about rigged voting, fueled by former . And, as we said, the audit has now affirmed that the systems used didnt change the outcome. The Congress and the Supreme Court have rejected the TRUTH!!! CLAIM: A report released this week in Michigan shows Dominion Voting Systems machines in Antrim County, Michigan, were "intentionally designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results." . Rebuttal to ASOG Antrim Report. WEC commissioner Bob Spindell, a Republican appointee, requested a full statewide audit of all Dominion Voting Systems machines but was denied. In a legal brief made public Thursday, the news outlet cited information obtained from Dominion through discovery. It worked. The Arizona audit has come under widespread criticism and is now under investigation by the House Oversight Committee, but has nevertheless spurred a new nationwide effort by Republican state lawmakers to launch their own election probes. During the ASOG audit, they also discovered internet connections were live on this equipment. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA: People cheer at a rally on December 04, 2020 in Savannah, Georgia. machines to the Senate's audit site at Veterans . The audit will not change the results of the election. Phone interview with FactCheck.org. An Antrim County judge dismissed an election fraud lawsuit Tuesday that has served as a vehicle to advance the unfounded conspiracy theory that tabulators manufactured by Dominion Voting Systems . Last week, former Arizona Republican Secretary of State Ken Bennett, who has served as the Senate's liaison to the audit, said he was planning to step down because of transparency issues. Raffensperger awarded Dominion a $100 million contract for their voting system last year. The net . The machine was purchased by a cybersecurity expert in. Arizonas Maricopa County announced Monday that it plans to replace all of the voting machines that were turned over to the state Senate and other officials overseeing the audit of 2020 presidential election results. "They trashed votes. $25,000. Dominion Voting Systems has also said the issue with election results reporting in Antrim County was due to user-error.. Becker was retweeting a Nov. 10 post by Twitter user DataDude316, an open source intelligence investigator, according to a Twitter bio. "Oh, and here is the link to their manual," the claim states. They couldnt wait to certify the votes and move on. Phone interview with FactCheck.org. Jacobson, Louis and Noah Kim. But there wasnt in Antrim County. Acting Secretary of State Veronica Degraffenreid said in a Tuesday letter that after a software company called Wake TSI looked over the Dominion . So, the truth does come out one way or another does it? Pennsylvania election officials have decertified voting machines in Fulton County after Republican lawmakers had them audited following the state's controversial handling of the 2020 election. So I wont repeat myself here. Former acting director, Voting System Testing and Certification Program, U.S. Election Assistance Commission. This opened the door for nation-state interference, especially when boxes of pristine ballots with only one name marked could show up in the wee hours of the night after one candidate was in the lead to reclaim another four years in office. Earlier this year, Maricopa County turned over 2.1 million ballots, hundreds of tabulating machines and a trove of election data after a judge ruled that a subpoena from Fann requesting the equipment was valid. He faced death threats and has been in hiding. 17 Dec 2020. The "laggards" were Hancock County at 99.95% and Wayne County 99.94%. Dominion is suing Fox News for $1.6 billion for defamation after becoming a target of alleged conspiracy theories regarding its voting machines being hacked and flipping election results. I did point out before how democrats were constantly saying that the machines were not . But state officials and Dominion which has been the subject of conspiracy theories following the election said the report was flawed and spreading misinformation. Antrim vote glitch: Expert shares how county mistakenly flipped from red to blue. Detroit Free Press. A Dec. 17 audit of ballots cast in Antrim County, Michigan, affirmed the outcome of the presidential election there refuting viral claims that the election software used by the county, and elsewhere, had facilitated massive fraud. Herrell, whose stage name is"The Hip Hop Patriot," is a musician and podcaster who supports President Donald Trump, according to a profile page on Anchor.fm. Refuse the Steal!!!! Im sure that with more Dominion equipment being audited, it would cast a dark shadow across 30 state elections. The audit is being led by Cyber Ninjas, a firm with no prior experience in official election audits and. According to. A team of cybersecurity and computer forensic experts at Allied Security Operations Group (ASOG) performed an independent forensic audit of Dominion Voting System in how it performed in just one county, Antrim County, Michigan, for the 2020 election. As such, these systems are sometimes referred to as receipt . Multiple countries contributed to the results of our election. Texas refused to purchase this equipment when they found it too vulnerable and risky because it could easily be tampered with to change election results. Dominion's voting machines were used in the Maricopa election and the company has been the subject of many far-right conspiracy theories; . 18 Dec 2020. FILE - A headline about President Donald Trump is displayed outside Fox News studios in New York on Nov. 28, 2018. Dominion Voting Systems has stated thatallegations made by Powellare false. the Michigan Bureau of Elections will complete a risk-limiting audit of all ballots there this Thursday, according . The article headlined "BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Dominion Voting Machines Have the Ability to Create Ballots!" With unfounded fraud claims swirling, red California county dumps Dominion voting machines. (Dominion is a private company and, therefore, is not required to disclose financials. Their licences to broadcast should be revoked. During a Nov. 19 press conference, Powell made several unfounded claims against Dominion. Mastriano has issued requests to York, Tioga and Philadelphia counties asking for them to voluntarily turn over their voting machines and election materialswith other counties potentially to followby July 31, so that a third-party company can examine them as part of a so-called forensic investigation. York and Tioga counties have already said theyre unwilling to cooperate with Mastrianos request because it could result in them being decertified. Co-founder and chief technology officer, Open Source Elections Technology Institute. (Photo by [+] Spencer Platt/Getty Images). The Dominion Voting machines have the ability to create ballots!" The matter came down to the fact that the county clerk accidentally did not update the software used to collect voting machine data, the Michigan Department of State, which oversees the states elections, said in a Nov. 6 statement. The disclosures did not list the services purchased. This fact check is available at IFCNs 2020 US Elections FactChat #Chatbot on WhatsApp. A claim posted to the Facebook page of Jeremy Herrellsuggests Dominion Voting Systems' fraud capabilities are featured in the user manual for the machines. The federal government and election experts discovered no election fraud on the part of Dominion Voting Systems or its voting machines. While you need an ID to buy alcohol, buy cigarettes, buy lottery tickets, enter a nightclub, get on an airplane, buy a house or rent an apartment, buy a car and get car insurance, we dont require an ID to choose who will be our next President? (Biden ultimately beat Trump in the state by more than 154,000 votes.). 2021 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. A core issue driving the allegations in Antrim County was an error that occurred in the reporting of the immediate, unofficial election results which weve explained before. Dominion Voting Systems was paid $118.3 million to provide election services during the past three years, according to public records. This past week, Georgia has experienced more of the same issues. "In some cases, a user may want to discard a batch," the instructions read. San Franciscos 2019 contract covers five-years for an amount not to exceed $12.7 million. "Anyone with sufficient knowledge and understanding of elections is able to confirm, through a review of these logs or through an inspection of the tabulators, that the equipment was not connected to the internet and had no wifi devices installed," Liddy wrote. In December, Arizona Senate . Antrim County Clerk Sheryl Guy,a Republican who has been with the office for 41 years, said in a phone interview with us that the error was her own. Macias, Ryan. Dominion Voting Systems, whose machines were used in Antrim County and in other places across the country, has vociferously denied the allegations about the company being involved in a. Yes. 13 Dec 2020. (Dec. 21), Fact check: Hugo Chvez's family does not own Dominion Voting Systems, Fact check: Dominion voting machines didn't delete votes from Trump, switch them to Biden, Fact check: False claim that electronic voting software companies Dominion and Smartmatic have closed, "BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Dominion Voting Machines Have the Ability to Create Ballots! And then, the FRAUD reversed the true results!!! Antrim Michigan Forensics Report | REVISED PRELIMINARY SUMMARY, v2. Allied Security Operations Group. Top spending local governments included Detroit ($457,880); Livonia ($65,310); Saginaw ($53,314); Dearborn ($22,975) and Antrim County ($20,056). Fann and Bennett said in a statement on Friday that Bennett "will continue serving as the Senate's Liaison to the audit.". In the large counties of Dane and Milwaukee, ES&S machines are used. But that is based on a lack of understanding of the voting system, Macias wrote. She stands in good company, right along with Trump lawyers Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani . A Pennsylvania county's voting machines were decertified after they were subjected to an audit. Here are the top five counties: Suffolk ($1.1 million), Niagara ($539,334), Orange ($336,480), Monroe ($301,435), and Madison ($300,884). We rate the claim that Dominion Votings machine manuals outline fraud capabilities is PARTLY FALSE, based on our research.
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