The final camp here I am aware of is back inside the castle area on the way to the back of the zone. Giving out the daily HA tasks? There is another soldier camp down here in the dead center south of the zone, by the Sarith zoneline. I also feel that depending on which set of hot zones is available at the moment, there are faster places to level through certain levels. The money here is ridiculous. The north wall of the citadel is a combination of giants, undead, drolvargs, and cockatrice. It's also a hot zone and that makes it really worth it. Everything is pretty spread out and it's dead simple to pull singles or just wander and kill. The difficulty comes in finding a safe spot to set up camp, thanks to terrible pathing and wandering mobs. This room is very popular as it has access to 4 nameds (3 goblins in or very close two the big room and 1 beetle down a side corridor) and if you get lucky can very quickly have you loaded down with a full set of tier 2 EoK visible gear as well as a bunch of really good nonvis items and augs. Fire, it depends, the stronger DS doesn't outbalance it's weak tankage. These Mercenaries are much more weak than a Journeyman Mercenary however I guess one plus is they cost a lot less every 15 minutes! I hope this just expands on his already awesome work. They have low HP and don't hit very hard. A: When you shroud the mercenary is suspended, when you have enough money to pay for the mercenary you may unsuspend him. You never have to upgrade your Mercenary, he will level with you. Too many HP, pain in the ass abilities. These things are amazing exp up to 62, at which point you need to go to the back and drop down into the froglok slave tunnels. Leveling up in Everquest 2 is very quick these days compared to before, but . Inside the hut talk to Mercenary Mdjal to hire a mercenary. Burn AE (On some): This stance causes your mercenary to focus primarily on damage with AE spells, Always assisting the main assist, Passive: Your merc will not attack anything. 1. Inside the city, the Alarans come in groups of two or three or solo. Welcome to EverQuest! Here is a quick run down of everything. How do I fix this? The Dead Hills Gribble HA's have been removed from rotation, though they are still the easiest and most reliable way to get through the levels. I will lay out a few spots to hit in this range. You can do 2 pathings in this patch (13.1B): i.e. (25% was in Overthere when it was a hot zone.) Frontier Mountain (BEST AREA FOR 100-108) - The giant fort has one named who drops a ring that is pretty in demand. This expansion introduced Mercenaries and basically completely changed the way you level in Everquest. EverQuest Leveling Zones - 1-15 See the New Player FAQ for more detailed information. But the real advantage is when you want to grind out AAs while also leveling from 65 to 80. Also during spell cooldowns they will use agro reducing abilities. Once you reach the wasps that are over there, start killing the wasps. You can come here a little earlier if you want, but ensure you have some form of crowd control handy. For an AFK camp, 100 AA a day isnt too bad. Also see the alphabetical command list or emotes . If you aren't saving for something in particular, consider taking these. That said, some of the zones have been made hot zones. Everything has changed with the Seeds of Destruction expansion. Or will he take it out of my bank? Some are also scattered amongst the buildings, just use "Find" to locate them. AFK/Mercenary Leveling Guide for Everquest Levels 1-85 This is a guide dedicated to leveling your character automatically while either fully AFK or partially AFK. They don't hit excessively hard and are very good exp from 68-74. Use mostly water pet in Classic era. You also must be out of combat. Note: This guide is based primarily on the Hot Zone Wall of Slaughter. I updated that page so that it has a link to almost every single EQ guide I have written; laid out for you by expansion & easily navigateable with Ctrl + F. It'll provide a better alternative to people who just want information about a specific zone rather than a leveling guide. The gear starts becoming available at 75 and is bought with Marks of Valor from Ethernere Tainted West Karana. ALTERNATIVE: I really think City of Mist is the single best spot for this level range. I believe the camp is called Library Camp commonly. That's all I have for now folks. Also the mercenary will cost the same amount he would to the level that you shrouded to. As soon as you hit 85, do this questline. Set Active: Set the current stance you have selected, Set Owner: Set your current target to your Mercs new owner, Info: Gives you the information about your merc. They are a must going forward. THIS GUIDE ASSUMES YOU ARE PAY TO PLAY. That is how GMs check. Q: Mercs sound great, but I'm just coming back to the game and they sound expensive. From PoK>Gulf of Gunthak>Dulak's Harbor, Board the ship Stormwave or talk to the teleporter guy if it's all broken>Dead Hills. Watch out for the clerics if you don't have a solid interrupt. For everyone else, exp kinda tapers off around 82. per mob. The orcs hit a little harder and stun more and as you push back, there are higher level drakkin. At 70 though, it starts to seriously lose it's luster. Everquest AFK Leveling Missions. Don't fight the ones in the fields as the majority of them are cleric mobs with big heals and a resistance to stuns. There is a little city area as well on the far side of the canyon that is a good place to set up as well. Kill everything here until 68ish. I just dislike this place in total. Healing mercs heal and tanking mercs tank pretty simplistic. I don't know personally, just putting it here on their recommendation. ALTERNATIVES: Anything in Underfoot (83-90)(Guild Hall>Buy Unrefined Brellium Ore>TP to Brell's Rest>Pellucid/Underquarry/Cooling Chamber/Kernagir) - I seriously dislike Underfoot. Doesn't apply to certain AAs, like tradeskills, etc, but its plenty sufficient for leveling. Rengar is an aggressive early jungler, with really good skirmish potential during early game, so you want to get as many opportunities to take over the game in the first 10 minutes of the game. This place isn't bad for everyone else in general and is much easier to get to than Ashengate, so it might be a good alternative. You dont really explain where things are/how to get there. I would recommend this place only if you have a group of actual people. 13-28 Estate of Unrest (PoK>Butcherblock Mountains>Dagnor's Cauldron>Unrest) - This is a good place for undead killers, but in my opinion the run out to it is too far and the exp is better in Blightfire. PL ALTERNATIVE: 'Hatching a Plan' mission next to PoK standalone bank. With an 85 druid can pl 20-65 in about 6 hours with the druid un-grouped and DS'ing whilst PL'd toon does at least of one point of dmg. 46-67 Veksar (PoK>Firiona Vie>Lake of Ill Omen>Veksar) - If you're a paladin, you really should consider living here through these levels, as most everything is undead. The amount of experience you get varies upon level, but I know in the level 100 range, you get around 8-10% of a level per completion, as well at 1-2% for kills. This place is almost nothing but undead. Make sure you clear both the left and right sides of the first courtyard. Pretty much everything is undead and the zone is very easy to get to. They aren't that hard and only require a group to do, below is a table of the lines you have to complete and the mercenary tier they unlock. You can push to 86-87 here by going into the west corridors, but the exp falls off a cliff at 83. Nameds drop a pretty good belt and necklace. Multiple mercs with heals, buffs, and DPS and you can soar through here. Playing live has a few benefits. Very simple. I will edit that stuff in. ALTERNATIVES: Argath (88-92)(Guild Hall>Buy Chunk of Argathian Steel>TP to Argath, Bastion of Illdaera) - I only put this here because it is a hotzone and because of that, isn't bad. The money is amazeballs though, so if you have a group or are comfortable with your box setup, murder giants. These levels will go by in a flash, but watch out for the spiders. At 8-9 go to the last cave that is next to the little paddle thing on the lake and kill bears. The easiest armor sets to get will probably be the sets from Hardcore Heritage. These are also really nice for Rangers to headshot since they are rootable and don't summon. However I think the mercenary's could be a little more mercenary, The other better thread on this!!!11!!!111111111111!! There are numerous groups in Empires of Kunark, but lets say you're not feeling up to that yet. This is due to the way parties divide up exp. Rangers and rogues used to like to come Headshot/Assassinate grind here. 85% of the zone is undead. It's accessible at level 75, so you can have J5 mercs 10 levels early. Just be kind and patient. With a group of three actual players though, you can steamroll this place for GOBS of experience. The shades there are the highest level normal mobs in the zone. There are better places to go. So much so that I don't even include information on gear until then. When you complete an HA you are given a three hour lockout timer for THAT PARTICULAR HA. I've separated all of them by expansion pack that way people playing on any TLP can easily access a leveling guide relevant to their expansion at any time! The boost they provide isn't significant but it is really nice and certainly speeds up the lower levels. There is a fortress full of soldier type Alerans. If not, stay outside. He will very likely murder you if you do. The run to it is also very short. So I will continue making changes as I see what works best and for who. After about 12 though, you can speed things up immensely if you're fighting with your tank merc and he can hold aggro way better after 10. If water and earth are camped because this zone is a hotzone sometimes, then run to the back of each wing and take the teleporter down to the bees. He will eventually spawn a named which will very likely take you 30 minutes to kill, but isn't really hard otherwise. Do the research on your own on Allakhazam. Any necro will out dps a merc by a factor of 2 at least and up to a factor of 6 or 7. If you went to another zone first and are coming here after 55, then just zone in by dropping into the big hole and coming up at the very back of the zone. The north camp is the three rooms near Muramite Proving Grounds. Still do! Resplendent Temple is awful in my opinion, with it being nearly impossible to pull singles, and Pillars of Alra is hard to get to (you have to run through a lot of angry Alarins who can see invis in Resplendent Temple) and easy to get yourself killed in, for much the same reason. Killing mass numbers of light blue mobs is particularly easy with this merc setup and a player toon. Once you're around 96, head toward the big building in the center or the Sepulcar of Order zoneline to kill higher level guys. I honestly think it's kinda trash because either you're killing "relatively weak" classified mobs or the creatures just have too many HP, but from 30-35 it's ok. You should be able to clear through here without too much hastle. They complete heal and can do it 7 or 8 times in a row. Brother Island (Guild Hall>Deluge>Tempest Temple>Brother Island) - This zone is great because there are almost no Kill on Sight mobs, allowing you to wander freely. They are pretty well all headshotable by 63. The good news is money is now weightless! (On Test Server, these free additional accounts come with Gold subscription status versus the Silver status on a Live server.) IF YOU'RE BRAND NEW OR VERY CASUAL: 1-10 Mines of Gloomingdeep (You start the game here) - This is the tutorial area. Don't ask me for how you do each HA. So I will fix that. EQ Test Server: Play for Free as a Gold Member, A Site Dedicated to EverQuest (EQ) and the upcoming EverQuest Next (EQN), Phinigel TLP Server Leveling for Human Paladin @, EverQuest AFK Leveling (and AA) Guide: Its all about 3Boxing, Camp Info AC: 25 Aug Flameshield Stone Pyrilen Riftseeker @, Camp Info AC: 20 Aug Ground Murkglider Eyes Blind Hunter Rekamu MPG Expansion: OOW . When first starting out a healer merc may seem logical, well it's not. Currently, most returning players are forced to molo (solo with a merc) from level 1 to 80+. How does it help with boxing? Also during cooldowns they will use agro reducing abilities. Also assuming you don't have access to a Druid or Wizard. Erillion, City of Bronze (95-100)(Guild Hall, Buy a Stone of the Shard's Fall>TP to Shard's Landing>Erillion) - This place is pretty easy and is the easiest option here by far. In comparison to their equivalent in Underfoot, the mobs are vastly easier. Everything is gnomes, constructs, slimes, minotaurs, and elementals. At 6-7 go into the middle cave and kill pumas. Set Hotkey: Set the current stance you have selected as a Hot Key. Blightfire Moors is also a hotzone sometimes, so this could go even faster if you're lucky. Right click anywhere on this box and select "Puller" as your Main Roll. All of the nameds are completely unlinked from the other mobs. Fortress itself is a very popular zone for Damage Shield leveling due to the density and fast respawn times, so there is a pretty good chance that a high level player will be here doing that for box toons or guildies. Leveling/Setup This guide covers zones up to Omens of War. Create a free website or blog at All the gear that levels up with you from 75 to 105 makes life hugely easier. Once inside, just follow your map and keep heading back until mobs start getting close to your level. If you hit "M" you can see your map. The burynai camp to the south of the bottom sarnak fort is also really good as the Orechomper drops a good shoulder and the group level tank face item, Mask of Dust. Usually you can kill 5 or more mobs in the 15 minutes it takes between Upkeep's. With fire. Each time I go back I wander for 5 minutes lost until I log again. As of the Terror of Luclin expansion, the best mercenary equipment is "Vigilant", which is obtained in The Burning Lands zones. He made a name for himself with his amazing storytelling and music all featured in his videos of his train-hopping travels across North America. There is a stupid questline that autostarts the first time you go into the zone. Where it says "Type" select Journeyman (Paying players only) and then select Tier I of which ever you want Healer or Tank. Stay near the zone lines until 85, then push out. Your toon classes are irrelevant. A properly set up box group can do everything but the final mission easily. You can pull the first floor starting about level 20 and move into the second floor about 24. Also keep in mind that if you hire a mercenary from a female Mercenary Liaison then your mercenary will be a female. Try and kill at least one Captain of the Guard. So there is a level 75 vendor, 80, 85, 90 and so on. This will net you boatloads of exp from achievements and the HAs and some amazing augments along the way. There are also a ton of really good twink weapons to be had here, which can sell for tons of plat depending on what server you're on. Then go and start slaughtering crows, scarecrows, and doombugs. When you first zone in, the closest mobs are farmers and tired farmers. Q: What happens if I don't have the money to pay for my merc? If you have a reliable interrupt though, pull like a madman and just prioritize those. South of the citadel are the drachnid tunnels. Passive: Your merc will not attack or heal anything. BEST IF GROUPED WITH HUMANS: 48-58 - Plane of Hate (Teleport from Guild Hall. Find something else. There are only a small handful of places where you have to fight more than one mob if you don't want to. The mobs in four of these level boosted zones drop Glowing Athlai and Othni armor pieces, which can be turned in for armor that is great from 71-80. It's some kinda Gnomish backpack thing. Everquest 2 Leveling Guide 1-125. This is a picture of the window you'll see when first purchasing a Mercenary. everquest afk mercenary leveling guide. You can conceivably go to 80, but it slows down and there is better exp to be had elsewhere. BACK TO ACTUAL ZONES THAT CHANGE!! The area is populated by honored citizens, exalted citizens, respected morticians, and dutiful cleaners. It isn't the fastest ever, but the money is pretty great and there is rarely anyone here on live. House of Thule armor is pretty damn good for it's level. Then drop down via the waterways near the entrance to get to the tunnels and kill there until about 56. It's cheap and easy to get and you probably can get large amounts of it just as you level. 1; 2; Next. From where you zone in, drop down and kill everything in and around that structure that DOES NOT SAY "WOULD TAKE AN ARMY TO DEFEAT". In both places, just clear the zone. That said, the HAs are the only thing that scale. The final reward is Journeyman Rank 5 mercenaries. Efficient: This stance causes your Mercenary to focus primarily on efficiency and preservation of resources. Fun times. Healers have a chance of actually rezzing you! Just pick that one and level there. Riftseeker's Sanctum(69-78)(Guild Hall>Buy Chipped Shard of Slaughter>TP to Wall of Slaughter>Muramite Proving Grounds>Riftseeker's) - The mobs here hit hard, have lots of HP, heal, and resist spells, but the experience is awesome. Edited in general directions to each zone and a blurb about the benefits of being on a live server. It will have HP, Mana, and Endurance on par with characters that do not have the gear to acquire rank 2 spells and abilities. To top it all off, it's also a hot zone!! With hundreds and hundreds of zones to choose from, and classes with wildly different abilities and skills, there is no perfect way to level. Entire house is pretty much open at 26. The mobs are glass cannons. There are three nameds you can kill here for a good variety of loot. Inside Dead Hills, look for a gnome named Gribble Grobblenobber. Hey no time like today. You are using an out of date browser. Healer mercs also have a few extra perks, what I mean by this is rezzing and buffing! Your destination is the top right corner buildings, which contains a ton of animated hands. A mercenary's icon will show their archetype and hailing them will tell you their class. The mobs here are level 67. While you're on that sidebar, read the Returning/New Player FAQ. It is packed full of Erudites, undead, and gelatinous cubes. There are some sporali that are best left alone since this isn't a hotzone anymore and some birds/birdmen in the northwest corner, but otherwise it's undead elves and humans. To help you on your leveling journey, this EverQuest Leveling Guide has been updated for all updates and patches as of 2022. One thing you can't beat is the money though. Ah yes. A NOTE ON GEAR: If you do not go through the Mines and get your tutorial set, I recommend spending any money you can get your hands on for some Simple or Rough Defiant gear. The mobs have too many HP, hit too hard, and don't give up enough exp. Mercenaries are the answer to Everquests "grind" and Must-Group to level. Kor-Sha Laboratory (105-110) - Only really worked 2 camps in this zone. Camp Info AC: 20 Aug Ground Murkglider Eyes Blind Hunter Rekamu MPG, Camp Info AC: 25 Aug Flameshield Stone Pyrilen Riftseeker RSS, EverQuest AFK Leveling (and AA) Guide: Its all about 3 Boxing, Phinigel TLP Server Leveling for Human Paladin Freeport, EverQuest Next Landmark: Alpha First Impressions. It was something I have wanted to do for a while but never had the time to do. If you haven't done the others, they are still accessible. They will be indifferent to you to start. I have masochistic friends who swear by it though. There is also a pair of undead graveyards here that can offer some decent exp in this range for Paladins, but the mob density is all that and you're better off in another zone. I'M NOT QUITE READY FOR EOK/ROS (100-105) - This is very much dependent on gear and group. There is a big open courtyard almost as soon as you zone in. Field of Scale theme - Journeyman Rank IV. The Serpent's Spine Everquest Leveling Guide, Seeds of Destruction Everquest Leveling Guide, Call of the Forsaken Everquest Leveling Guide, The Darkened Sea Everquest Leveling Guide, The Broken Mirror Everquest Leveling Guide, Empires of Kunark Everquest Leveling Guide. Once level 4-5, go over the bridge to the north and kill young pumas, bears, and more drakes. Q: I'm the puller for my group but my merc won't stop attacking it when its all the way out in the middle of no where. Lots of undead for your friendly neighborhood paladins as well. The exp is ludicrously fast thanks to low HP mobs and repeatable quests. Just be careful about aggro. I will provide some quick ideas if that's not the direction you wanna go. At 12, all start killing gnolls or skeletal ogres. They are kinda tough to pull single, but normally are no more than 2-3 at a time. This is Tier 4 for Veil so things hit hard, but not that hard. The mobs here are level 62-64. Mob HP is ridiculously low since this is a vanilla zone and these levels go by without much attention having to be paid. A: You must be carrying the plat on you in order to pay your merc. Get invisibility on a character who can rez or has a healer merc at least. Mobs run on live side so ignore it. Q: Can I bring my merc on a LDoN or my guilds CoA raid? When it isn't, it's a nice place for a change of pace, but I think exp is better elsewhere. Hardest part of this zone is not dying in the fields. Moving on, on the right hand side it will show you his Race, Type, Confidence and Proficiency. This repop time is significantly faster than Doomfire, the Burning Lands (Plane of Fire) which is 36 minutes. 38-44 especially will come in a matter of hours. you will only be able to select an Apprentice Mercenary. Two paid accounts gives you a tank and healer you don't every really have to pay attention to. Suspend/Revive/Unsuspend: Suspend will temporarily get rid of this mercenary. They respawn pretty quick and are higher level than most of the zone, so better exp longer. RUN EVERYONE INDIVIDUALLY OR CALL OF HERO THEM IF YOU HAVE A MAGE. Prince Nightclub Minneapolis, Most Hat Tricks By Nhl Defenseman, Breaux Bridge Baseball, Panettone Trifle Recipe Jamie Oliver, Affirmed Housing San Jose, Horoscope Balance Surlendemain, Is Shoresy Wayne In Letterkenny, How To Get Bright Dust Vermintide 2, I recently did another playthrough and used this zone and realized I had forgotten entirely about the bottom half of the zone with the fungus men and golems. Great post. You can get a little more life out of the zone by acquiring one of the temporary keys that let you teleport up to Grieg's spawn point. (Test server people should average 37%.) This zone is very confusing to get into from the "front door", but if you're coming here at 48 then it's the best place to go. At 46 you can fight the goblins at the zone in or move up the ramp to the left side of their courtyard and kill the crusaders and sentry's. If you need to learn more about your class, see our Class Guides for builds and info. And no, fire pet is not the best dps pet in classic, it's water (and no, it's nuke is not stronger than the water pet's one . Let the mercenary do all the work for you. Don't know how popular that still is, but it's still not hard to get anything done. Reactive: Your merc will react better depending on the situation. The very best stuff is random world drops from Empires of Kunark mobs, with nameds dropping them more frequently. You can get yourself a mercenary for free to help in your leveling. Make sure you break the room and kill the first wave of mobs slowly. They hit like Mack trucks but aren't very durable. Along the way, most players are going to need to grind a few thousand AAs in order to be effective at 80+ when playing their character. Your Mercenary can come in two skill levels Skill Levels Apprentice - on par with single group geared players, on spells and abilities that have a rank, it will have rank 1. He will assist the main assist of the group, or you if its just you and him. Special mercenaries are unlocked via other means, usually involving an expenditure of real money. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Lots of nameds spawn here, so be careful if you don't have a good group or a good box team. The west is a mess and quickly drops away forcing you to gate out one way or another. Kill everything. Unless you're 4 boxing or uber twinked, killing these will take some time, but about 3 kills will take you from 20 to 21. Bastion of Thunder (62-68)(PoK>Plane of Tranquility>Torden, Bastion of Thunder) - The giants and bees of Thunder are excellent exp. Once you get going quickly with the HAs from Gribble, you can throw in some of the HAs from Skulk. Velkator's castle houses the highest level guys, mostly golems and gargoyles and you should come here around 52 and stay until about 55. They tank for you, heal for you, or dps for you. So max out at lvl 82 and grind all your final AAs here. You can stay here until you reach level 77. Let the mercenary do all the work for you. Available types are Tanks, Healers, Melee DPS, Caster DPS, and Support mercenaries. Honestly feel like it's impossible to beat the exp you can get here from 30-35. Level 5 Unlocked AA: Origin. This zone is a lot better when you factor those in. Llux's guide to warrior swarming v3. You can very easily start pulling groups of 4-5 by 70 and by 72 can straight swarm pull and still not see your mercs mana fluctuate. These can quickly take you to 64-65. When the mob starts to run, you want enough space for your merc team to finalize the kill before aggroing the mobs across the hall in the other room. You get access to mercenaries, which are hireable AI controlled party members. I don't like them and only do them if guildmates beg me to. One or two nameds are easily accessed from here. IF YOU'RE NOT BRAND NEW AND KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING/NEW PLAYERS AFTER YOU FINISH MINES: 1-(14-18) Crescent Reach (You zone out of Mines and are automatically transported here. I came back and my toons went from level 3 to level 10!!! The first vendor is level 75, and each vendor after that is available every 5 levels. Their levels and abilities will scale appropriately and they will think and act for themselves with limited player guidance. The higher the mercenaries confidence level the less chance he has of running away. All EverQuest servers, and all website pages and services, will be taken offline for scheduled extended maintenance and game updates on Wednesday, February 15, 2023 at 6:00 a.m. PST*. Q: What level do Mercs start charging me money? Sarith, City of the Tides (94-98) Sarith is probably the best place to farm nameds ever. You can hire a Mercenary at any Mercenary Liaison. Go through a little valley into the south side of the zone though and it becomes Tier 2. AFK/Mercenary Leveling Guide for Everquest Levels 1-85. Your tank merc can solo any reds from levels 1-60. Pretty much every single thing in The Grounds wants to eat your face, so there is less confusion and thus it's more popular. Read More! HEROIC ADVENTURES BEGIN AKA THE MOST REPETITIVE THING TO DO IN A GAME THAT IS ALREADY REPETITIVE ENOUGH(75-110)(BOX/GROUP REQUIRED): You can begin doing HAs at 75 IF YOU BOX OR HAVE A GROUP (Yes some classes can solo them, but thats the exception rather than the rule and requires a lot of know how). I prefer to stay out of the fields if at all possible. !1111, (You must log in or sign up to reply here. Can I keep him when I shroud? Pathing will get you killed. K. kyle123 New member. BEST (90-96): Valley of Lunanyn (Guild Hall>Buy Chunk of Argathian Steel>TP to Argath, Bastion of Illdaera>Valley of Lunanyn) - I sincerely hate that this is still true, but the Valley is still hard to beat in this range mostly because of the unique way the zone is setup. A: Where it shows your vitals aka Health, Mana, Energy.
Richard Kahn Nz, Articles E