"DNA testing produces no end of surprises but I seriously doubt that parts of human remains are incorporated into even the cheapest sausages. But there were plenty of impartial meat academics happy to weigh in. The study comes from Clear Labsa food analytics startup based in Menlo Park, CA which used "genomic technology" to investigate hot dogs on a molecular level. If you can stomach it, take a look at this video demonstrating how hot dogs are made. A report by California startup Clear Food. Researchers found issues with 14.4 percent of analyzed samples. Actually, such items as feces, maggots and rodent hair in processed foods are allowed by the FDA because food growing and manufacturing processes cannot be totally free of non-hazardous, naturally occurring defects. Nobody knows what's in a hot dog. I would imagine if you used the same technology to discover what was on cereal boxes in the grocery store aisle, you might no longer trust what is in other food products as well, Campbell says. During these very stressful times, it can be challenging to fall asleep or stay asleep. " Report: Human DNA Found in Hot Dogs " said USA Today, in a typical example. Other ingredients such as chicken, lamb, turkey and beef showed up in samples that were not listed on the product's packaging, according to Clear Food, which did note that no pork was found in the "100% Kosher" products it tested. Substitution issues are much more problematic. It also found human DNA in 2 percent of its hot dog samples and two-thirds of the vegetarian samples. "That could very well leave skin cells or other DNA sources on equipment," Campbell says. DNA is not on the FDA's list of product defects, so the agency would likely decide what action needs to be taken on a "case-by-case basis" if it confirmed the report's findings. Even more disturbing, 66 percent of those cases were found in vegetarian-labeled products. "I have been in numerous plants that make hot dogs and other processed meat products across this country," he told us. about Take The Gallon Of Water Challenge! Wake up to the day's most important news. MORE: The 26 Hot Dogs Every Man Must Devour. The Hot Dog Report, Clear Food web site; http://www.clearfood.com/food_reports/2015/the_hotdog_report, last accessed October 30, 2015. In response to The Hot Dog Report's findings, Janet Riley, president of the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council stated that Clear Food "has said very little about its sample collection procedure . The hot dog and sausage report was self-funded, according to Clear Food. want to find out," Clear Labs Cofounder Mahni Ghorashi told Huffington Post. Julie Fidler has written hundreds of articles on key world topics such as health, drugs, and law. Beef, chicken, pork, and lamb were all found as unlisted ingredients. As for specialty picks, the study suggested Taverrite's pork sausages and vegetarian option Gardien. Initial attempts by USA TODAY Network to reach out to the company independently have proved unsuccessful. "Skin is not allowed as it has no muscle tissue and thus does not qualify as a muscle trimming. Two percent of the samples tested positive for human DNA, and a whopping 66 percent of vegetarian hot dogs contained evidence of such contamination. Schulte, B., Harvard neuroscientist: Meditation not only reduces stress, heres how it changes your brain, The Washington Post web site, May 26, 2015; https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/inspired-life/wp/2015/05/26/harvard-neuroscientist-meditation-not-only-reduces-stress-it-literally-changes-your-brain/. It's been a bad press week for meat. Last year, scientists were able to extract the DNA of Denisovans - a little-known human population for. Clear Foods also analyzed vegetarian hot dogs and sausages. What is DNA? Altogether, 75 different hot dog brands from 10 different retailers were studied. The National Hot Dog and Sausage Council estimates that in this country alone, we consume around 20 billion hot dogs annuallyor 70 hot dogs per person every year. While researchers from Clear Food state that human DNA is unlikely to pose any health threats, they believe the information should be made available to the public and that people should be able to decide for themselves whether they are comfortable eating hot dogs given these findings. Especially when it comes to hot dogs. The other other white meat. People who don't eat pork might want to stay away from chicken dogs and sausages, as some of these brands commingled pork products. But the good news from the report (yes, there is some!) Does anyone leave a hotdog plant without taking a Silkwood shower? The products came from 75. This publicity stunt changes nothing about the fundamental safety of Americas carefully regulated and inspected hot dogs.. For the record, no, hot dogs dont contain anus. Unless you also want to give up eating fruits and vegetables. How did actual human DNA end up in hotdogs? Remember the last time you were in the produce section of a grocery store? Likely more than 2%. How did actual human DNA end up in hotdogs? Remember the first time a friend told you the horrible truth about hot dogs; that theyre actually made from lips and hooves and pigs anus? If you crunched the numbers, it was admittedly alarming. "It is unlikely that human DNA is harmful to consumer health. It's a theory echoed by Gregg Rentfrow, Ph.D., a professor in Animal and Food Science at the University of Kentucky. "In most cases, a lot of humans are employed in the meat industry, and their DNA is throughout the building. The human DNA found in the dogs is largely the result of hair and broken fingernails. "Most consumers would be pleased and surprised to find out how clean and sanitary these plants are. Initial attempts by USA TODAY Network to. Human DNA was found in 2 percent of the samples, which doesn't mean that there were traces of human meat in the sausages, but simply that there was some kind of contamination, so that could be through a stray hair or skin cells, or potentially even saliva. Americans eat 20 billion hot dogs and 14 billion servings of sausages each year, according to the council. "It is unlikely that human DNA is harmful to consumer health. The human DNA found in the dogs is largely the result of hair and broken fingernails. She is also the author of Adventures in Holy Matrimony: For Better or the Absolute Worst. Oaklander, M., This Could Cut Your Health Costs by $25,000 a Year, Study Finds, Time web site,October 13, 2015; http://time.com/4071897/stress-relief-healthcare-costs/. So, it's true that human DNA was found in hot dog samples - but that doesn't mean that consumers are cannibals as some of the more hysterical posts have claimed after the study was reported widely on media such as ABC News and USA Today. And, yep, 10 percent of them contained meat. Hot dogs were found to contain different types of meat than what was listed on the label. Hot dogs are considered one of the most American foods. Vegetarian hot dogs were also found to contain traces of meat, suggesting that they may not be as meat-free as advertised. Difficult economy and loneliness forces some retirees to move in with family, New drug could slow one type of vision loss, 20,000 people may have been exposed to measles at Asbury University revival. But pig anus may seem like a more appetizing option when compared with the latest hot dog accusation. Imagine how many apples could test positive after being handled by half the people shopping in the grocery store, he says. In a story that seems more appropriate in a Syfy original movie, Clear Food, a Bay Area-based food analytics lab, recently revealed that an in-depth DNA analysis on 75 major hot dog brands found traces of human DNA in 2 percent of all hot dogs and in around two-thirds of all vegetarian options. So what are we missing? It happens. In other words, yes, your hot dogs are going to have a little human DNA on them. "We found chicken in a vegetarian breakfast sausage and pork in a vegetarian hot dog," the report explains. Who are Really the Top Shareholders of Monsanto? What is it? The researchers found that there were issues with more than 14% of the samples analyzed. "I would imagine if you used the same technology to discover what was on cereal boxes in the grocery store aisle, you might no longer 'trust' what is in other food products as well," Campbell says. Unless you also want to give up eating fruits and vegetables. As in, homo sapiens. The U.S. does not allow blood, he says. Clear Food analyzed 345 hot dogs and sausages from 75 different brands sold at 10retailers and found that 14% had hygienic or substitution issues, according to thereport. Concession stand worker Janice Towns checks on the hot dogs she is making July 23, 2013, on National Hot Dog Day at Busch Stadium in St. Louis. — -- The food that's a staple of American cookouts is getting some scrutiny for some unexpected ingredients. "Oh yeah, sometimes a worker loses a finger or two in the goop vats. Found ten per cent of vegetarian hot dogs and sausages contained meat. BDO understands that the uniqueness of Black culture - our heritage and our traditions - plays a role in our health. In 2014 Americans spent $2.5 billion on hot dogs, another $2.74 billion on dinner sausages, and over half a billion on breakfast sausages. And if this new research is in any way factual, 1.4 of your yearly hot dogs have bits of people in them. Additionally, 10 percent of all vegetarian products appeared to contain meat. Clear Food study found 14.4 per cent of hot dogs or . But thats not all. Nearly every cell in a person's body has the same DNA. First published on October 25, 2015 / 10:20 AM. What Are These Tiny Red Spots on My Skin (Petechiae)? While some of these substitutions, hygienic issues, other variances, or off-label ingredients may be permitted by the FDA [Food and Drug Administration], our scientific disclosure allows you, as the consumer, to decide whether the variance or problems meet your personal standard in your buying decision," Clear Food explains. Well, it is true that human DNA was found in about 2 percent of hot dogs that were analyzed in one study, TruthOrFiction.com reported. Occasionally human workers are involved in the process, but they're wearing so much protective gear you'd think they were handling plutonium. What is a Detox Bath and How do You take One? Yes, humans work at meat processing establishments, he says. If you can stomach it, take a look at this video demonstrating how hot dogs are made. The Clear Labs hot dog study found human DNA samples in 2 percent of the 345 hot dogs and sausages. While, Before you gulp that daily glass of OJ, check out these 9 other surprising foods packed with vitamin C, an essential nutrient required for the development and maintenance of scar tissue, blood vessels, cartilage and more. Check out the full report for more information about the brands in the US that did well on the test. In particular, two percent of the hot dog samples contained human DNA. Lawsuits claim it wrecked their teeth. What are they going to tell us? I have been in numerous plants that make hot dogs and other processed meat products across this country, he told us. Researchers highlighted the pork, which was found in beef and turkey hot dogs, as a particularly problematic result, given that some religions forbid the consumption of pork. "Theres the old saying, 'You dont want to know how the sausage get made.' The Absolute Best Crackers for Healthy Snacking, Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. Around 3% of hot dogs and sausages analyzed contained pork where it wasn't listed, ten percent of vegetarian dogs included animal DNA, and most shocking of all 2% of samples contained. There were also issues with the nutritional content listed . "DNA is not a food safety hazard," says Jonathan A. Campbell, Ph.D., a Meat Specialist and Assistant Professor at Penn State University. It could have come from the person doing the analysis in the lab, says Rentfrow. Clear Food says the best retailers for hot dogs and sausage products are Target, Walmart and Safeway, and the top brands (in order) are Butterball, McCormick, Ekrich, and Hebrew National, all of which received a Clear Score of 96. Related: The 26 Hot Dogs Every Man Must Devour. The study, conducted by Clear Food, found human DNA in hot dog sausage from 75 different brands, besides also finding that 10 percent of vegetarian sausage have meat in them. Clear Food Labs, a food analytics start-up found that 10% of vegetarian hot . Or lips. Interestingly, two-thirds of the samples with human DNA were from vegetarian hot dogs, indicating that the meat-free options had more hygiene issues than the regular sausages. In other words, yes, your hot dogs are going to have a little human DNA on them. How is anything from the bodies of a hotdog worker getting into the mix? What You Should Know: There's a concept that'll haunt you if you think about it too much. A new study has just revealed that hot dogs might, if research is to be believed, have a little human DNA in it. "Any organs or edible by-products must be explicitly labeled in the ingredient line and the product name must have a qualifier 'made with variety meats'. That's right, human DNA. Three percent of samples contained a pork substitution, which is particularly troubling for people who do not eat pork for religious reasons. Pork was found in 3% of samples, mostly in products advertised as chicken- or turkey-only, a discovery that is likely very disturbing to those who avoid pork due to religious reasons. While some of these substitutions, hygienic issues, other variances, or off-label ingredients may be permitted by the FDA, our scientific disclosure allows you, as the consumer, to decide whether the variance or problems meet your personal standard in your buying decision, Clear Food says in their study. Well, as you hopefully already knew, hot dogs aren't something you should be eating at every meal. U.S. And so does most food that was processed, cooked, boxed, or placed on a supermarket shelf by another human being. The DNA found in the samples likely came from "hair, skin, finger nail or saliva that was accidentally mixed in during the manufacturing process," according to Clear Food. The report comes amid unrelated research released by theWorld Health Organization on Monday that finds eating hot dogs, ham and other processed meat can cause colorectal cancer. Clear Foods is a company that translates quantifiable molecular tests into actionable food data insights, according to its website. Well, we did want to find out," Clear Labs Cofounder Mahni Ghorashi told Huffington Post. Some Hot Dogs, Sausages Studied Contain Human DNA, Says New Report Clear Foods also analyzed vegetarian hot dogs and sausages. CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story mistakenly listed the Taverrite's brand as vegetarian. And they're not wholly unwarranted," the report said. At least not enough to worry about. Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed*** and may vary from person to person***. Well, it is true that human DNA was found in about 2 percent of hot dogs that were analyzed in one study, TruthOrFiction.com reported. It happens. 2023 - All Rights Reserved. Biden was treated for basal cell carcinoma. They analyzed 345 hot dogs. Pork substitution was an issue in products across the price spectrum being sold at a wide variety of retailers.". But "people" is an ingredient most would expect limited to Soylent Green. And most of our top guys have seriously dry skin. There were also issues with the nutritional content listed on labels, with the analysis showing that protein content could be exaggerated up to 2.5 times. 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Butterball, McCormick, Eckrich and Hebrew National received the top scores for quality hot dogs among major brands. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. We talked to actual experts in meat science, and got the real story. Well, as you hopefully already knew, hot dogs arent something you should be eating at every meal.
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