Its last representatives Enrico (died September 12, 1643) and Francesco (1592 - September 21, 1650) sold Monterotondo to the Barberini in 1641. He made his attempt through the power of one man on earth. Mars family Mars $90 billion. There is no one more powerful than this figure who is reallythe Grey Pope. Rev 17:4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: The Catholic faith is again represented in these paintings as a woman holding a golden cup of wine with the round wafer of the Eucharist. Count Carlo (died after 1485), son of another Napoleone (died October 3, 1480), was Papal Gonfaloniere. In addition, the family included 34 cardinals, numerous condottieri, and . Thanks to the strategic positions of their fiefs, and to their famous castle built in Bracciano in 1426, they were the most powerful Orsini line in the Lazio. The Rothschild dynasty is unquestionably the most powerful - visible - bloodline on Earth and their estimated wealth is around $500 trillions . Marchioness of Apiro, Countess of Visso . Countess / Graefin Joanna Nicole Steinhurst von der Steinhorst , (Baron of The Holy Roman Empire), CASTELBARCO ALBANI VISCONTI SIMONETTA H.E. Not all of them, however, were partisans of Boniface. Both are tied to the Papal bloodline Orsini family a most powerful family in complete control of the conspiracy. Their Guelf allegiance also brought them land and lordships in the Angevin kingdom of Naples, where several long-lived lines of the family took root among the nobility. These are the Khazarian-controlled Illuminati mafia families who secretly run the world. After his death, his two sons divided his fiefs, forming the Pitigliano and the second southern line. Baron / Freiherr Giuseppe Guidobono Cavalchini Garofoli. His successor raised Benedict XIIIs nephew, Prince Beroaldo Orsini, to the dignity of Prince Assistants to the Papal Throne (title held until 1958), after the emperor Charles VI had already, in 1724, made him a prince of the Holy Roman Empire. . Corrections? Count / Graf Frederico Bossi Fedigrotti. They first became important in the late 12th century with the election of Giacinto Orsini as Pope Celestine III (1191-98), whose generosity to his nephews founded the . H.S.H. For this reason and this reason alone The Names We commonly know Them by in the Main Stream are merely monikers of much Older and more Powerful Names. Prince / Furst Don Nicola Pignatelli Aragona Cortes. Catastrophic Covid Vax Mandates Shutting Down Hospitals, Medical Centers and Healthcare Systems Like This?! H.Ill.H. (King in The Holy Roman Empire), DUCHY OF LOMBARDY And, lo, I perceived that God had not sent him; but that he pronounced this prophecy against me: for Tobiah and Sanballat had hired him. Relationships with the royal family remained cold under Joan II; however, when Raimondellos son Giannantonio (1386-1453) sent his troops to help her against the usurpation attempt of James of Bourbon, he received in exchange the Principality of Taranto. Prince / Furst Don Aaron Alonzo di Ancona . H.S.H. Countess / Graefin Gisella de Conti. The family recovered this setback under the more friendly Medici popes of the early 16th century. (Count of The Holy Roman Empire), COZZARELLI His brother Alessandro was cardinal and Papal legate, and another brother, Ferdinando (died March 4, 1660) acquired the assets of the other line of San Gemini. H.S.H. portrayed by Lorenzo Sabbatini and his assistants. He is the most powerful man on Earth, who rules over Maritime Laws (business) . More specifically Sion is the name given to a hill of Judea on which the city of Jerusalem is built. But there is another relationship that is not as readily apparent. The fourth duke, Francesco, was part of a conspiracy along with his brothers Giulio and Paolo against Cesare Borgia but were found out, and Francesco was strangled to death on 18 January 1503 along with his brother Paolo. H.E. Count / Graf Alessandro dalla Fratta Pasini. The fifth duke, Ferdinando (died December 6, 1549) had all his fiefs confiscated by the Spaniards, but regained it after a 40,000 scudi payment. The first members had in fact always doubled surname of Boboni-Orsini. The Roman Monarch of the World, The King of Jerusalem and SMOM Military Navigator. Marquess / Margrave Giorgio Doria , Princess Maria Pia of Savoy . H.R.H. Bertoldo (died 1417) managed to keep only Pitigliano, while his grandson Orso (died July 5, 1479) was count of Nola and fought as condottiere under the Duke of Milan and the Republic of Venice. This article acts as an introductory discussion for you to familiarize yourself with humanities consistent true enemy; the Jesuits. (Baron of The Holy Roman Empire), H.Ill.H. Count / Graf Ferrante Mercurino Benvenuti. Marjorie Taylor Greene blasts Twitter for . (Count of The Holy Roman Empire), COZZARELLI H.M.S.H. Origin Story. Count / Graf Don Francisco Acedo Fernndez Pereira , It is significant to note that Herod received his office from the Roman Empire. Marchioness of Apiro, Countess of Visso . He obtained the city of Manoppello, later a countship, and was gonfaloniere of the Papal States. The Real 13 Zoroastrian Bloodlines of The Illuminati BRITISH RIOT PHOTOS: The Brits Finally Begin to Take Back Their PowerBIG TIME! Ive named the most powerful families on the planet. In the 17th century the Dukes of Bracciano moved their residence to Rome. Bertoldo (died 1417) managed to keep only Pitigliano, while his grandson Orso (died July 5, 1479) was count of Nola and fought as condottiero under the Duke of Milan and the Republic of Venice. 10th Marquis of Oliveto, 8th Marquis of Capriglia, The Orsini were related to the Boboni family existing in Rome in the 11th century. This animosity toward the Spanish was further aggravated by the Sack of Rome in 1527 in order to prevent the divorce of Henry VIII from Catherine of Aragon. In reality, the name Zion refers to Sion, meaning Sun. Paolo Giordano was created first Duke of Bracciano in 1560. Part of the Imperial Patrimony of the Emperor. The Rosicrucian Order is also called the Order of the Rosy Cross. Its last representatives Enrico (died September 12, 1643) and Francesco (1592 September 21, 1650) sold Monterotondo to the Barberini in 1641. Ugo Vittorio. Sinclair (St. Clair) Warburg (del Banco) Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gothe) (Personally, I suspect that this may not be the complete list and some very powerful lineages are still unknown to us). Romanos stance was markedly Guelph. These powerful bloodlines are the Breakspear, Somaglia, Orsini, Farnese & (Prince of The Holy Roman Empire), GUIDOBONO CAVALCHINI GAROFOLI Francesco in 1370 took part to the war of Florence against the Visconti of Milan. As above so below on the vault of the First Sala dei Foconi, the Vatican. The House of Orsini has held prominence in the world dating back many years, so it's no wonder that many people have a fascination with its members. Mat 2:13 And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. H.E. legislazione scolastica riassunto pdf; segnaposto comunione da stampare; punto cist integratore; donna significato treccani; orario messe comelico superiore Bette was part of a water skiing marathon trip that went from St. Petersburg to New York in 1964. . Rev 17:2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. He was succeeded by Virginio, whose heir Paolo Giordano II married the princess of Piombino and was created Prince of the Holy Roman Empire. The former was the founder of the first southern line, which died out with Camillo Pardo in 1553. (Duke of The Holy Roman Empire), LUPIS MACEDONIO PALERMO de jure Prince of Tournai , (Sovereign Duke and Count of The Holy Roman Empire), VALVASONE (Princess of The Holy Roman Empire), H.R.H. FIDES portrayed over the pulpit of the Benedictine Melk Monastery on the Danube in Austria, built in the early 18th century. Raimondo Claricini di Dornpacher. Duke and Prince of Lombardy , what to bring to get level 3 license. He only serves and works with the shadow Jesuits being the Papal Bloodline Orsinis, Breakspears, Aldobrandinis, Farneses, Somalgias. Maria Camilla Pallavicini is far more powerful than Queen Elizabeth II. H.E. Le grandi famiglie di Roma. Duke / Herzog and Count / Graf of Turin. H.I.&.R.H. H.E. The most powerful man in this grand conspiracy suppressing the people of our planet, is the Grey Pope named PEPE ORSINI, who is a descendant of the powerful ancient Roman Papal Bloodline family Maximus. Loyola was commissioned by Alessandro Cardinal Farnese. (Duke of The Holy Roman Empire), PRINCIPALITY OF LOMBARDY This first known members is one Bobone, in the early 11th century, father of Pietro, in turn father of Giacinto dei Boboni (1110-1198), who in 1191 became pope as Celestine III. Improve this listing. Giangiorgio Barbasetti di Prun. (Kingdom in the Holy Roman Empire), H.R.H. H.S.H. Source: Incredible Book of Vatican Facts and Papal Curiosities, by Nino Lo Bello 1998. The Orsini family of Rome, Orsini-Rosenberg family of Austria, and the Roseneberg family of Bohemia created and manage Rosicrucianism or the Order of the Rosy Cross which is a secret society of alchemists. Vanguard and BlackRock are the top two owners of Time Warner, Comcast, Disney and News Corp, four of the six media companies that control more than 90% of the U.S. media landscape. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Get Ready For The First Pluto Return in American History, OPERATION JAB INDIA: A Slow Motion Genocide, JOHN POULOS: LIAR-IN-CHIEF FOR DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS, MEDICIDE: How American Hospitals and Doctors Methodically Murdered Covid Patients. After the heirless death of Duke Michele Antonio (January 26, 1627), his lands passed to his cousin Pietro Orsini, count of Muro Lucano (died 1641). Saturnalian Brotherhood The Real 13 Zoroastrian Bloodlines of the Illuminati. As for the sun-cult adepts, hills symbolize the way to get closer to theirGod, due to the fact that at the top of them one is closer to the sun, symbolizing theirGod. Edmond de Rothschild . 1981), whose mother is Princess Khetevan Bagration-Mukhransky. 1106 - 8 January 1198), born Giacinto Bobone, was elected Pope on 21 March 1191 and reigned until his death. (Count of The Holy Roman Empire), PRINCELY HOUSE OF di PORCIA e BRUGNERA The descendants of the family live in Rome, Torino, Singapore and in the United States. Above the Rothschilds and Rockefellers but in line and of equal stature to the Breakspear, Aldobrandini, and other Papal Bloodlines. Countess / Graefin Rebecca Johnson di Santa Croce , Count / Graf Don Alberto Carlo Giovanelli. See: Count and Baron von Reinheim and (Noble of The Holy Roman Empire), BUFFA H.E. Kingdom of Westphalia, Prince Electorship of Westphalia Reviews (962) We perform checks on reviews. The Cecil family were controlled by the powerful Jesuit family known as the Pallavicini. (Prince of The Holy Roman Empire), IMPELLIZZERI While this is not an exact family tree, it does show a list of many popular members of the House of Orsini. However, the Orsini changed side when Alfonso V of Aragon started his conquest of the Kingdom of Naples. This line was founded by Rinaldo, third son of Matteo Rosso the Great. Don Francis Borgia was the great-grandson of Pope Alexander VI, and co-founder of the Jesuits. His son Romano (1268-1327), called Romanello, was Royal Vicar of Rome in 1326, and inherited the countship of Soana through his marriage with Anastace de Montfort. Roberto (12951345), Gentile II's grandson, married Sibilla del Balzo, daughter of the Great Senechal of the Kingdom of Naples. H.E. Duke / Herzog of Filottrano and of Monte Conero , Archduke Sigismund von Habsburg of Austria, Therefore, vaticanus collis or vaticanus mons mean the prophetic hill or mountain, which can be rephrased as the hill or mountain of prophecy. (Noble of The Holy Roman Empire), DUCHY AND COUNTY OF FRIULI (Princess of The Holy Roman Empire), H.R.H. Gianfranco Mach Di Palmstein. Ptolemaic Papal bloodlines: All controlled through the Jesuit Order and theirKnights of Malta& Teutonic Knights all based in missile protected Borgo Santo Spirito in Rome. H.E. As we observed in Matthew, So in Rev 13:2 we can possibly substitute, Therefore the name Zionism is actually referring to the sun-cult, the Babylon cult, and f.i. Principality of Fulda, Marquisate of Auvergne, *Cadet Line . They received the ducal title from Pius IV in 1560 and held Bracciano into the 17th century and Gravina to 1807. There is no one more powerful than this figure who is really the Grey Pope. (Kingdom in the Holy Roman Empire), FIORIO Prince Ralph of Etruria, Count of The Holy Roman Empire , He married to Clarice Ruffo, daughter of the counts of Catanzaro, forming an alliance of the most powerful Calabrian dynasty. The list you're viewing contains family members like Pope Nicholas III and Fulvio Orsini. (Prince of The Holy Roman Empire), SARCHI H.E. It includes also a palace, designed by Baldassarre Peruzzi, begun in 1525 by Gian Corrado Orsini and finished by his son Vicino. This, along with a general economical decadence, damaged the dukedom, and last Duke and Prince, Flavio (March 4, 1620 April 5, 1698) was forced by the huge debts to sell it to Livio Odescalchi. In 1571, the heads of both families married nieces of Pope Sixtus V as an act of reconciliation. Count / Graf Pieralvise di Serego Alighieri. H.S.H. The Orsini intermarried with the Boboni family in the 11th century, giving them a doubled surname of Boboni-Orsini. (Noble of The Holy Roman Empire), BLANCHETTI REVELLI Their origins, when stripped of legend, can be traced back to a certain Ursus de Paro, recorded at Rome in 998. Vincent Jackson. H.E. Fearlessness and athleticism run together in the Orsini family. (Countess and Baroness of The Holy Roman Empire), H.E. In 1259 he was Senator of Rome. Little is known about their genealogy or history, but it's suspected that they wield enormous power within the Cabal, with extensive connections to New England Satanists, meaning they are key to the Cabal's Satanic rituals and worship. Members of the Orsini family include five popes:[1] Stephen II (752757), Paul I (757767), Celestine III (11911198), Nicholas III (12771280),[2] and Benedict XIII (17241730). Two of his sons and Napoleone were also Senators. Here is the list of the top 10 richest families in the world: Walton family Walmart $152 billion. H.E. Princess Marina of Savoy, Princess of Naples . Under his son Giovan Francesco (died May 8, 1567) the county enter in the orbit of the Grand Duke of Tuscany. (See: The Kingdom of Westphalia). Relationships with the royal family remained cold under Joan II; However, when Raimondello's son Giannantonio (13861453) sent his troops to help her against the usurpation attempt of James of Bourbon, he received in exchange the Principality of Taranto. 0.8 miles from Hyde Park. In addition, the family included 34 cardinals, numerous condottieri, and other significant political and religious figures.[3]. If you find our videos helpful you can support us by buying something from amazon. family=======Image-Copyrigh. (Prince Elector of The Holy Roman Empire), KINGDOM OF ITALY / LOMBARDY The Cecil family were controlled by the powerful Jesuit family known as the Pallavicini. Ceiling panel painting of FIDES by Francesco Podesti, His nephew Virginio was a famous admiral for the Papal States and France, but in 1539 he had his fiefs confiscated under the charge of treason. He had some ten sons, which divided the fiefs after his deaths: Gentile (died 1246) originated the Pitigliano line and the second southern line, Rinaldo that of Monterotondo, Napoleone (died 1267) that of Bracciano and another Matteo Rosso that of Montegiordano, from the name of the district in Rome housing the familys fortress. TheseEgyptian Ptolemaic Dynasty Rulersare in Full Control of the. It descends from Francesco (died 1456), a son of Count Carlo of Bracciano. Herzog von Swabia, Herzog von Saxe-Altenburg, This sculpture is on the left side of the tomb of Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits. Here is a verse from the Latin Vulgate Bible and King James as an example of the use of vatic (emphasis is mine): Et intellexi quod Deus non misisset eum sed quasi vaticinans locutus esset ad me et Tobia et Sanaballat conduxissent eum. The current head is Domenico Napoleone Orsini, a name summing to 119, like 'Vatican'. Giovanni Gramatica. Duke / Herzog of Florence , The last cardinal from the family was Domenico. They were often involved in the baronal struggles of the Late Middle Ages Rome, at least three members of the family being elected as Senators, while others foughts as condottieri. His sons Giacomo (died 1482) and Lorenzo (1452) battled for the Papal States, Naples and Florence. Baron / Freiherr Guido Buffa. Countess of Statte, Baroness of Ardgour . H.E. Baroness / Freifrau di Santa Croce , Members of the Orsini family include five popes: Stephen II (752-757), Paul I (757-767), Celestine III (1191-1198), Nicholas III (1277-1280), and Benedict XIII (1724-1730). He used his money to help create and fund the Federal Reserve along with the Rothschilds, which gave these families the ability to print money out of thin air. Adolfo is not of Papal Bloodline, some Black Popes have been. The leader of the Jesuits is called the . Their principal fiefs were Bracciano (near Rome), acquired in the 14th century, and Gravina (near Bari), acquired in the 15th century. Matteo Rosso, called the Great, was the effective lord of Rome from 1241, when he defeated the Imperial troops to 1243, holding the title of Senator. H.S.H. de jure Princess of Tournai , Matteo ousted the traditional rivals, the Colonna, from Rome and extended the Orsini territories southwards up to Avellino and northwards to Pitigliano. By his marriage with a Francesca Orsini of Monterotondo was born Gentile Virginio Orsini, one of the most prominent figures of Italian politics in the late 15th century. Matteo Rosso, called the Great, was the effective lord of Rome from 1241, when he defeated the Imperial troops, until 1243, holding the title of Senator. This line was founded by Rinaldo, third son of Matteo Rosso the Great. (The Millennium Report) According to their family lore, the Orsini are descended from the Julio-Claudian family of ancient Rome. Count / Graf Kyrill di Gerasa , H.E. This branch of the family was often involved in the baronial struggles of the Late Middle Ages Rome, at least three members of the family being elected as Senators, while others fought as condottieri. Count / Graf Marulli. Count / Graf and Knight / Ritter of the Holy Roman Empire . Felice Orsini, (born December 10, 1819, Meldola, Papal States [now in Italy]died March 13, 1858, Paris, France), Italian nationalist revolutionary and conspirator who tried to assassinate the French emperor Napoleon III. Herod the Great conquered Jerusalem with the aid of Roman armies and made himself king. Last edited on 18 February 2023, at 13:24, County palatine of Cephalonia and Zakynthos, Count palatine of Cephalonia and Zakynthos, Italian Genealogical Society: Enciclopedia genealogica del Mediterraneo: Libro d'Oro della Nobilita Mediterranea: ORSINI, Orsini family papers, ca. (Noble of The Holy Roman Empire), PRINCELY HOUSE OF dAQUINO Duchess of Filottrano and of Monte Conero , (Prince of The Holy Roman Empire), HOUSE OF JOHNSON DI SANTA CROCE He married Clarice Ruffo, daughter of the counts of Catanzaro, forming an alliance of the most powerful Calabrian dynasty. (Count of The Holy Roman Empire), TAXIS BORDOGNA VALNIGRA Count / Graf Charles Daniel III Johnson di Santa Croce , - Franco Orsini Bonacassi of the ancient Orsini Black Nobility that traces its lineage to an ancient Roman senator of the same name - the Alba family whose lineage dates back to the great Duke of Alba - Baron Pierre Lambert, a cousin of the Belgian Rothschild family. Baron / Freiherr Vittorio Emanuele Salvadori di Wiesenhof. (Baron of The Holy Roman Empire), CAPPONI (Princess of The Holy Roman Empire), PRINCIPALITY OF SEBORGA Count / Graf Antonio Sciortino . Margrave and Prince / Furst of Verona. His second son, Raimondello Orsini del Balzo, supported Charles III' coup d'tat in Naples against Queen Joan I.
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