He remembered all the Apostles, and described their personal appearance, their clothes, and their peculiarities. It represents a circle containing a cross, the angles between the arms occupied by a chevron. He who was awake saw a bee come out of the mouth of the sleeper, cross a stream of water on a straw, run into a hole, and then return and disappear into the mouth of his friend. The Finn ethnologist Castrn obtained the following tale in the Finnish village of Uhtuwa:. Open, lock,To the Dead Mans knock!Fly, bolt, and bar, and band!Nor move, nor swerve, Joint, muscle, or nerve,At the spell of the Dead Mans hand!Sleep, all who sleep!Wake, all who wake!But be as the dead for the Dead Mans sake! De Legende, vn hystorie der XI dusent jon-feren, s. 1. et a. (circ. The North-American Indians relate that they were conducted from Northern Asia by a man-fish. The refulgent heaven above,Which all men call, unanimously, Jove[119],, has for its essential attributes the cloud and its bolt, and when the aether was represented under human form, the cloud was given shape as a bird. However, a similar course of experimentsover water led him to attribute to the rod the power of indicating subterranean springs and water-courses; I would not affirm it, he says, unless I had established the fact by my own experience., Dechales, another Jesuit, author of a treatise on natural springs, and of a huge tome entitled Mundus Mathematicus, declared in the latter work, that no means of discovering sources is equal to the divining rod; and he quotes a friend of his who, with a hazel rod in his hand, could discover springs with the utmost precision and facility, and could trace on the surface of the ground the course of a subterranean conduit. According to an ancient fable preserved by Berosus, a creature half man and half fish came out of11that part of the Erythraean sea which borders upon Babylonia, where he taught men the arts of life, to construct cities, to found temples, to compile laws, and, in short, instructed them in all things that tend to soften manners and humanize their lives and he adds that a representation of this animal Oannes was preserved in his day. Hanover, 1854. The early martyrology of Jerome, published by dAchery, makes no mention of S. Ursula; neither does that of the Venerable Bede, who was born in 672. 25. And the silver comb fell, the golden shuttle dropped, and the threads of their tissue were broken. He had been taken senseless from a wreck drifting about the ocean. Observe, the Persian ttar lived at the same time as the Danish Saxo, and long before the birth of Tell. Next day he was given poison to drink without its affecting him. He attributes it to monkish greed; but I have no hesitation in asserting that it is an example of the persistency of heathen myths, colouring and influencing Mediaeval Christianity. 'Twas a piteous sight to see all aroundThe corn lie rotting on the ground.Every day the starving poorCrowded around Bishop Hattos door,For he had a plentiful last years store;And all the neighbourhood could tellHis granaries were furnishd well.. Jacobus Sarugiensis, a Mesopotamian bishop, in the fifth or sixth century, is said to have been the first to commit it to writing. So he approched upon the brinke: and whan they sawe him nere them, they came lightli fawning and flickering about him making him chere, and he playned lovingly their fethers. The belief in the Moon-man seems to exist among the natives of British Columbia; for I read in one of Mr. Duncans letters to the Church Missionary Society, One very dark night I was told that there was a moon to see on the beach. But a less justifiable adaptation of the figure was that of the mediaeval hagiologists, when they took from Orpheus his lyre, and robbed him of his song, and split him into S. Francis and S. Anthony, the former with his preaching attracting the birds, the latter learnedly propounding scriptural types to the fishes. He beheld a fountain, clear as crystal, sparkling like silver dust, playing in the midst of the garden, and gushing forth in four living streams. The translation is for the most part from the. Epimenides was reckoned one of the seven sages by those who exclude Periander. A monster is seen also near Greenland, which people call the Margygr. The composition exhibits a strange mixture of Christianity and Heathenism, whence it would seem that the poets own religion was in a transition state:. Some years after, he was made use of by the Marchal Montrevel, in his cruel pursuit of the Camisards. Auld Lang Syne Classic New Years Eve party song. Asbjorn was fallen upon by rats, and eaten up. And thei that duellen there and drynken often of that welle, thei nevere han sykenesse, and thei semen alle weys yonge. The air was fragrant with the breath of the fir-woods and the luscious exhalations of the flowery acacias. He had their parents brought before him,and threatened them with death if they did not reveal the place of concealment; but they could only answer that the seven young men had distributed their goods to the poor, and that they were quite ignorant as to their whereabouts. Noon, replied the shepherd lad. Achilles, a humanized sun-god, was vulnerable in his heel, just as the Teutonic Sigfried could only be wounded in his back: this represents the sun as retiring from the heavens with his back turned, struck by the weapon of darkness, just as Ares, the blind God, with his tusk slew Adonis, or sightless Hodr with his mistletoe shaft smote Baldur. A somewhat similar story is told, in the Katha Sarit Sagara (Book iii. A Spanish version, Historia de la linda Melosyna; Tolosa, 1489. The hoopoe finding that she could not get to her young, flew away in quest of a plant (Greek), which she brought, and applied to the plaster, which at once gave way, and admitted her to her young. The final development of this extraordinary story, under the delicate fingers of the German and French Protestant controversialists, may not prove uninteresting. As soon as one of the tribe dies, his relations, instead of burying him, cut him up and regale themselves upon his remains; consequently there are no cemeteries in this land. A MORE interesting task for the comparative mythologist can hardly be found, than the analysis of the legends attaching to this celebrated soldier-martyr;interesting, because these legends contain almost unaltered representative myths of the Semitic and Aryan peoples, and myths which may be traced with certainty to their respective roots. He replied Swana. Then, said she, let me be henceforth called by that name, lest, if I keep my former name, I be recognized and parted from thee.. A Polish version occurs in old historical writers. I ascertained that these effects could only have rise from the deception of those holding the rod or the pendulum, or, may be, from some diabolic impulsion, or, more likely still, because imagination sets the hand in motion., The Sieur le Royer, a lawyer of Rouen, in 1674, published his Trait du Bton universel, in which he gives an account of a trial made with the rod in the presence of Father Jean Franois, who had ridiculed the operation in his treatise on the science of waters, published at Rennes in 1655, and which succeeded in convincing the blasphemer of the divine Rod. The keeper himself was absent, but arrived late at night, and, on hearing what was said, he roused Aymar from his bed, insisting on having his innocence vindicated. p. 777; and in the pages of the Lutheran Huemann, Sylloge Diss. I was the man in th moon when time was. . In a bloody fight he had broken the power of the Mussulmans, and was ready to come to the assistance of the Crusaders. I differ from him, however, as to its origin. Beowulf awakes, fights . Centenarii xvi. Lambertus Floridus, in a MS. of the twelfth century, preserved in the Imperial Library in Paris, describes it as Paradisus insula in oceano in oriente: and in the map accompanying it, Paradise is represented as an island, a little south-east of Asia, surrounded by rays, and at some distance from the main land; and in another MS. of the same library,a medival encyclopdia,under the word Paradisus is a passage which states thatin the centre of Paradise is a fountain which waters the gardenthat in fact described by Prester John, and that of which story-telling Sir John Mandeville declared he had dronken 3 or 4 sithes. Close to this fountain is the Tree of Life. The foal changes himself into a maiden, and comes singing to the tomb such bewitching strains that, All the creatures of the forest,All the wingd fowl of the air,Come and breathless to her listen.. That it is not the invention of the romancer is evident from the variations in the tale, some of which we must now consider. Charles, Duke of Cleves, attempted, in 1615, to revive the order of the swan. Malchus, having escaped from the town, fled, full of fear, to his comrades, and told them of the emperors fury. In Portugal it is believed that Sebastian, the chivalrous young monarch who did his best to ruin his country by his rash invasion of Morocco, is sleeping somewhere; but he will wake again to be his countrys deliverer in the hour of need. [58] Leben Abrahams nach Ausfassung der Judischen Sage, v. Dr. B. She refused, and returned to her mother. In the eleventh century the legend was versified by Marbodus, Bishop of Rennes. His version appears in the film Waking Ned Devine. Believing these vaporous piles to contain resplendent treasures of which partial glimpse was obtained by mortals in a momentary gleam, tales were speedily formed, relating the adventures of some who had succeeded in entering these treasure-mountains. "Shouting Hymn" in Jeremiah Ingalls's Christian Harmony (1805) is a related tune. All said that this was amost astonishing feat of dexterity. At this the piper waxed wrath, and vowed vengeance. But it is sad that the Church should have lent herself to establish this fable by the aid of fictitious miracles and feigned revelations. Pheredur signifies, according to M. de la Ville-marque[217], The Companion of the Basin, and is a synonym of Perceval; Per being a basin, and Keval and Kedur having alike the meaning of companion. The first day, he was thrust with spears to prison, one of the spears snapped like straw when it touched him. . This too represents the course of the Sun, which assumes its greatest power in the South, but after the spring equinox seeks to reach the North; and after athree monthsmarch towards the boreal regions, is driven back upon his traces following the sign of Cancer, a signgiven to represent the retrogression of the sun in that portion of the sphere. At the very first note of that tune the brogues began shaking upon the feet of all who heard it, old or young; then the feet began going, going from under them, and at last up and away with them, dancing like mad, whisking here, there, and every where, like a straw in a storm:there was no halting while the music lasted. At Castione, not far from the station of Borgo S. Donino, on the line between Parma and Piacenza, is a convent built on a mound. This Flath Innis, the Noble Island, is the Gaelic name for the western paradise. He recommenced his pursuit, and descended the Rhone again as far as Beaucaire. Bunting the man was called, after his dress. and also by the ravening harpies. But having taken a fancy to one of the cardinals, by him she became pregnant. lfaith, tis an excellent bonfire! quoth he,And the country is greatly obliged to meFor ridding it, in these times forlorn,Of rats that only consume the corn? We must leave the knights to start upon their quest, and turn, for the history of the Grail, to the romance of the San Greal, the Perceval of Chretien de Troyes, written at the close of the twelfth century, and the Titurel and Parcival of Wolfram von Eschenbach, translated into German from romances older than that of Chretien de Troyes. If the Catholic Church abroad would only purge herself of these, her grand eternal doctrines would be embraced by thousands. By the fountain stood a beautiful maiden, extending to him a golden crown wreathed with blossoms. Now when Doctor Paul v. Eitzen heard this with profound astonishment, on account of its incredible novelty, he inquired further, in order that he might obtain more accurate information. Oxford and Cambridge sent professors to question him, and to discover the imposition, if any. Remain, and M. de Puget, to detect whether there was imposture in the man. This animal, after having been exposed about a week on the shore, was again thrown into the sea[170].. 371. That was all; not another word about him. 1647, fol., with three maps, is interesting as containing documentary evidence; but it is disfigured by the superstition of the writer. It offered no resistance, nor attempted to bite, but uttered a low, plaintive sound. Christ at last will descend to earth, and in a great battle will destroy the Man-devil. for auld lang syne. they whisper!Angels say,Sister spirit, come away!. He dwells in one or other divisions of Armenia, and in divers Eastern countries, passing his time amongst the bishops and other prelates of the Church; he is a man of holy conversation, and religious; a man of few words, and very circumspect in his behavior; for he does not speak at all unless when questioned by the bishops and religious; and then he relates the events of olden times, and speaks of things which occurred at the suffering and resurrection of our Lord, and of the witnesses of the resurrection, namely, of those who rose with Christ, and went into the holy city, andappeared unto men. The circumstances of the death of Tammuz vary in the different Semitic creeds. . S. Jerome in the Vulgate rendered the passage in Ezekiel (viii. Livy tells us that a bloody head of an enemy was a national Keltic symbol (xxiii. . In the British Museum is a volume of French romances, containing, among others, LYstoire du Chevalier au Signe, told in not less than 3000 lines. The women bewail him, because his Lord had him so cruelly martyred, his bones being ground in a mill, and scattered to the winds[57].. There, in radiant halls, dwelt the spirits of the departed, ever blooming and beautiful, ever laughing and gay. Now, if the pressure of the balls of the digits be in the least relaxed, the stalk of the rodwill naturally fall. pag. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. In 1387, Jean dArras, secretary to the Duke of Berry, received orders from his master to collect all information attainable with reference to Melusina, probably for the entertainment of the sister of the duke, the Countess de Bar. For some time they lived together happily. Rufinus says,. iii. Consequently in the land of light, George was with the widow; in that of gloom, with Alexandra: just as Osiris spent his year between Isis and Nepthys, and Adonis between Aphrodite and Persephone. HAMELN town was infested with rats, in the year 1384. The bibliography of the legend must be briefly discussed. Lit. 4758. It was bordered by an exquisite running pattern of vines and grape bunches, springing from four drinking vessels in the centres of the north, south, east, and west sides. The Swedes therefore gathered together troops, made an expedition against King Olaf, surrounded his house, and burnt him in it, giving him to Odin as a sacrifice for good crops.. $23.96, $29.95 The plant of life, brought by weasel or serpent, restores life to one who was dead. . Preller supposes Orpheus to come from the same root as (greek)and to signify gloom (Griechische Myth. Orpheus with his strains allured birds and beasts around him, and made the trees and herbs to grow. One, Freimund, entered the Church, and became a pious monk, in the abbey of Malliers. In 1187, a merman was fished up off the coast of Suffolk. The hero won his well-earnd placeAmid the saints, in deaths dread hour;And still the peasant seeks his grace,And next to God, reveres his power.In many a church his form is seenWith sword, and shield, and helmet sheen:Ye know him by his steed of pride,And by the dragon at his side.. Paludanus relates in his Thesaurus Novus, of course on incontrovertible authority, that Alexander the Great was full of desire to see the terrestrial Paradise, and that he undertook his wars in the East for the express purpose of reaching it, and obtaining admission into it. your mood change from the haunting start to the more hopeful finish. She lived there in the midst of her numerous troop of damsels, to assist the laborious farmer and bless faithful lovers, or to allure to herself those souls which still clung to the ancient faith. Thus David speaks of Thy rod and Thy staff comforting me; and Moses works his miracles before Pharaoh with the rod as emblem of Divine commission. It occurs as the reverse of a silver coin supposed to be of Cyprus, on several Cilician coins: it is placed beneath the throne of Baal of Tarsus, on a Phoenician coin of that town, bearing the legend (Baal Tharz). [39] Girald. He was famous for his performance on the national instrument, the Irish harp, and for his hospitable reception and entertainment of the poor harpers who travelled from house to house about the country; and in his granary were deposited fifteen harps, bequeathed to him by the last members, of a race which has now ceased to exist. The spread of geographical knowledge has contracted the area of his dominions, and a critical acquaintance with history has exploded the myth which invested Unk-Khan, the nomad chief, with all the attributes of a demigod, uniting in one the utmost pretensions of a Pope and the proudest claims of a monarch. The story appears in Egypt under a whimsical form. When every one save the beggar was out of the room, she observed the man draw himself up from the floor, seat himself at the table, extract a brown withered human hand from his pocket, and set it upright in the candlestick; he then anointed the fingers, and, applying a match to them, they began to flame. This was the doom of swearers. Her rosy cheeks and ruby lips, This month is called Tammuz, according to what the Nabathaeans say, as I have found it in their books, and is named after a man of whom a strange long story is told, and who was put to death, they relate, several times in succession in a most cruel manner. [116] Cassel, Ueber Schamir, in Denkschrift d. Konigl. Thereupon Hemingr took his arrows. Konigshofen was priest of Strasbourg (b. Night came on, and the two huntsmen lost their way. [99] Adv. Nyerup, Morskabslasning, p.90. Long was it believed in France that the unfortunate Melusina appeared in the air, wailing over the ramparts of Lusignan before the death of one of its lords; and that, on the extinction of the family, she was seen whenever a king of France was to depart this life. Beyond this bridge was a wall of glass, in which opened a beautiful gate, which conducted into Paradise. The list of representations might be greatly extended. The story is somewhat different in the Perceval of Chretien de Troyes. Yet this was the tenet of our Keltic forefathers, and it has maintained itself in English Protestantism, so as to divest the doctrine of the resurrection of the body of its grasp on the popular mind. A tyrannical husband locked the door against his wife, who was out having tea with a neighbor, gossiping and scandal-mongering; when she applied for admittance, he pretended not to know her. Among the heathen, flows through a certain province the River Indus; encircling Paradise, it spreads its arms in manifold windings through the entire province. His head was small in proportion to his body, and had short, curled black hair, which did not reach below his ears; his eyes lay deep in his head, and he had a meagre face, with a black beard; about the body downwards, this merman was quite pointed like a fish[168]. Consequently the Prince of Canino is an impersonification of winter;winter whose reign begins when the kingdoms of the three fine seasons are passed from them, and when the sun is driven from his power by the children of the North, as the poets call the boreal winds. Dromm siedma no jetz an ma im mo inna, wenns wedel ist. It is told of Lohengrin, Loherangrin, Salvius, and Gerhard the Swan, whilst the lady is Beatrice of Cleves, or Else of Brabant. [142] Afzelius, Sagohafder (2nd ed. The squares in the first, third, and fifth rows were filled with a graceful pattern composed of curves, In the second and fourth rows, however, every fourth square contained a distinctly characterized red cross on white ground, with a delicate white spine down the middle. ii. Isa. What these white vapours were, the ancient Aryans could not understand; therefore, because they bore a more or less remote resemblance to swans floating on blue waters, they supposed them to be divine beings partaking of the nature and appearance of these beautiful birds. At his first interrogation he told his tale precisely as he had related it before, with these additions: the murderers spoke patois, and had purchased two bills. And we'll take a cup o kindness yet, From his wallet drew a human hand,Shrivelld, and dry, and black;And fitting, as he spake,A taper in his hold,Pursued: A murderer on the stake had died;I drove the vulture from his limbs, and loptThe hand that did the murder, and drew upThe tendon strings to close its grasp;And in the sun and wind Parchd it, nine weeks exposed.The taper . Both wandered on in the cave, hearing faintly the chanting of the monks in the church, till the sound died away. The valleys were open and free to the ocean; trees loaded with leaves, which scarcely waved to the light breeze, were scattered on the green declivities and rising ground; all was calm and bright; the pure sun of autumn shone from his blue sky on the fields; he hastened not to the west for repose, nor was he seen to rise in the east, but hung as a golden lamp, ever illumining the Fortunate Isle. According to another version, the dragon guards the spring of water, and the country is languishing for want of water; S. George restores to the land the use of the spring by slaying the dragon. There bubbles up the fountain of perpetual youth, which will restore to bloom and vigour all who bathe in it, be they ever so old and ugly. On the second day of Creation were created the well by which Jacob met Rebecca, the manna which fed the Israelites, the wonder-working rod of Moses, the ass which spake to Balaam, and schamir, the means whereby without iron tool Solomon was to build the House of God. John the Divine slept at Ephesus, untouched by corruption, with the ground heaving over his breast as he breathed, waiting the summons to come forth and witness against Antichrist. The sorcerer enchants with the tones of his guzla, and all is hushed,that is, the winter god sends the earth to sleep at the sound of his frozen gale; but, with the notes of the spring zephyr, the sun-god, golden-haired, revives creation, overcoming the charm[132]. It seems to me probable that this head, if there were truth in the charge, was revered because it was part of an ancient druidic rite to produce a head upon a vessel, though for what purposes we do not know. Unde quidam vulgariter loquens ait:, Rusticus in Luna,Quem sarcina deprimit unaMonstrat per opinasNulli prodesse rapinas,, which may be translated thus: Do you know what they call the rustic in the moon, who carries the fagot of sticks? So that one vulgarly speaking says,, See the rustic in the Moon,How his bundle weighs him down;Thus his sticks the truth reveal,It never profits man to steal., Shakspeare refers to the same individual in his Midsummer Nights Dream. Quince the carpenter, giving directions for the performance of the play of Pyramus and Thisbe, orders: One mustcome in with a bush of thorns and a lantern, and say he comes in to disfigure, or to present, the person of Moonshine. And the enacter of this part says, All I have to say is, to tell you that the lantern is the moon; I the man in the moon; this thorn-bush my thorn-bush; and this dog my dog.. Pope Innocent IV. As Solomon, thus ran the tale, was about to build the temple without the use of iron, his wise men drew his attention to the stones of the high priests breastplate, which had been cut and polished by something harder than themselves. Immediately enthusiasm was aroused, and the cemetery was examined. Then he saw another fire, where the fiends were putting out peoples eyes, and pouring molten brass and lead into the sockets, and tearing off their arms, and the nails of their feet and hands, and soldering them on again. They came to the tent, and the man secreted himself, but the damsel became invisible. In some household tales a wicked step-mother throws white skirts over her step-children, and they are at once transformed into swans. when using it to accompany his Masonic lyric "The Farewell. But the heart of the eldest he did not kill. [88] Dognee, Les Symboles Antiques, LCEuf. Bells were rung in the Middle Ages to drive away thunder. It was hardly to be expected that such a charming and innocent myth as that of Orpheus should have been allowed to drop by the early Christians.
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