Yeah, he has. In an attempt to gain some amount of authority back, Quill begins to talk in a deeper Thor-esque voice, which the Guardians immediately notice and call him out for. : Thank you for signing up to CinemaBlend. Steve and Thor finally reunite, and Thor. Worlds collided on Titan as Iron Man, Doctor Strange, and Spider-Man met Star-Lord, Drax, and Mantis. What? The rabbit is correct and clearly the smartest among you. The universe, lies within your grasp. : asks Spider-Man (who was on point with his pop culture references). Its alright, you cant hurt me. Banner: (laughing) You guys are so screwed now! : Ebony Maw Why did he grab his old hammer when he's got his fancy new axe, Stormbreaker? Gamora: Im not your daughter. Groot Thanos The 79-year-old Hungarian-Canadian Holocaust survivor has also defended Palestinian rocket fire at Israeli civilians and once branded the Israeli government 'terrorists'. Loki: [ to Thanos as he is dying] You will never be a god. Knowhere. Ironman/Stark: Ill do you one better, whos Gamora? Raccoons have always been endemic to North America, living throughout the continent from Vancouver Island to Panama. To feel so desperately that you're right yet to fail, nonetheless. Marvel Studios AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR..L to R: Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Star-Lord/Peter Quill (Chris Pratt) and Gamora (Zoe Saldana), b/g Drax (Dave Bautista)..Photo: Film Frame..Marvel Studios 2018. The mechanism is crippled. You really are the worst brother. Its been a while. Probably even harder than having to kill a sister. Marvel Studios AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR..L to R: Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff (Lizzie Olsen) and Vision (Paul Bettany)..Photo: Film Frame..Marvel Studios 2018. I snuck into his room later that night and stole his eye. Everything about the following exchange is great. Thanos RELATED: VIDEO: How Gamora REALLY Found the Soul Stone in Avengers: Infinity War. Thanos clutches Gamora and Quill leaps out to save her. Thor [to Loki while holding Thor by the head] Eitri Rocket Raccoon When he meets the Guardians, he instantly connects with Rocket. Loki Steve Rogers The other is that Captain America never actually chose Bucky as his successor in the comics. Gamora: No, no, we were happy on my home planet. It sucks. : No copyright infringement intended. Eitri: Yes, thats what killing you means. : You have been warned. We don't have the Tesseract. Knowhere? | You failed. When the Hulk goes to get it from her, she knocks the soul out of the Hulk and tries to go about her business. By the way, this is a friend of mine, the tree. Quill: I feel your pain as well. Stark: Im sorry, you giving out tickets or something? Thanos: It was. At least Im the only who the will to act on it. Run from it? Let him have his fun. : That's a great way to end a fight, but the scepter also has mind control powers, thanks to the Mind Stone. Tony: Really good. Rocket: [to Quill] Who are you kidding, youre one sandwich away from fat. Okoye: The Olympics. That's suicide. As the group heads into space to hunt down Thanos, Rocket turns and asks who hasn't been in space. As for his intricate arm tattoo, well, we're not sure we can answer why that exists. : : Thor Birthdate? Dont forget, Im half human. It's a synthesis of a few different stories in the Marvel Universe. Thor isn't exactly pleased with the impression, but he ends up leaving with a pod, tree, and raccoon all the same. Thor I dont want to tell you again. Stark: Wong, youre invited to my wedding. Titan was like most planets, 20 miles, not enough to go around. Keep an eye on your inbox for updates. Rocket Raccoon Spider-man: You cant be a friendly-neighborhood Spider-man if theres no neighborhood. Bruce: I think you look great. Thor Asgard was supposed to protect us! Don't read this until you've seen the movie! Thor is at his lowest point that he's been in any of the films. It is salvation. He lost father Odin, friends the Warriors Three, and ultimately his home of Asgard, obliterated in the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy. : I told you, you'd die for that. Loki: I assure you brother, the sun will shine on us again. "To take ass and kick names," Mantis replies, with zero disagreements from Drax. : Cinemablend is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. The Thor rocket was the first member of the Delta rocket family of space launch vehicles. Nidavellir is real? Why was the scene so long? Thanos: I do. I have never once in my life thought that I'd see a scene where Captain America meets Groot in Wakanda, but this is the time we live in. : Now unified, the team of Tony, Steve, Natasha, Thor, Banner and Barton go forth to confront Loki. Without missing a beat, Ned screams, "We're all gonna die!" And every one of them would have rather killed me than not succeeded. He's the toughest there is. Thor Its a paradise. KEEP READING: How Jane Foster Became the Mighty Thor - and What It Could Mean for the MCU. She's certainly a candidate for the throne, since she's both a trusted advisor to T'Challa and someone whose sway in the kingdom clearly carries some weight. asks Quill. Yes, they taught it on Asgard. Keep it up and Im going to smash that thing to pieces. The other reason is that the Reality Stone has to be returned to exactly the moment it was taken in order for the timeline to continue normally. He's about to do another snap to destroy the entire universe when Tony Stark blasts over, grabs the Gauntlet, and somehow steals the Stones. Find them my children, bring them to me on Titan. Well, hes never fought me twice. Since then, they have spread throughout the continent and as far as Japan, where the success of the animated show Rascal the Raccoon made raccoon ownership popular. : Peter Quill Too much to one side then the other you try. Before my father died, he told me I had a half-sister that he imprisoned in hell. I bid you farewell and good luck, morons. So dead brother, huh? {referring to the other Avengers as he swoops to pick them up from their loss to Thanos}. Theres something we need to discuss, Little One. All except me. Your powers are inconsequential compared to mine. The biggest movie event of the year has finally dropped, and fans are yelling, crying, and cheering as the credits roll on Avengers: Endgame. By Cameron Bonomolo All-fathers, let the dark magic flow through me one last time. Thor Mantis Quill: Step-father, technically. You understand, boy, you're about to take the full force of a star. Quill tries to take the insults in stride and makes plans to invest in a Bowflex, get a few dumbells. Your hands are mine alone.". So it would be child's play to zap Past Cap's memories, so that when the past Avengers arrive to check on Past Cap, all they'll see is the aftermath of a fight and assume that Loki did what Loki does best. Rocket will soon come to understand Thor's momentous losses: he watched "son" Groot fade away to dust, wiped out by Thanos' snap, and will later learn he and Nebula are the last-surviving members of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Thanos : Stark: [to Dr. Now, reality can be whatever I want. They called me a madman. Eitri Marvel Studios AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR..Thor (Chris Hemsworth)..Photo: Film Frame..Marvel Studios 2018. : Their relationship is definitely a highlight of the film, but there's a different relationship that was turned on its head: Bruce Banner and the Hulk. : If you were too busy sobbing your eyes out as nearly all the MCU heroes gathered to pay homage to Tony Stark's life and death at the end of Endgame, you might not have noticed a familiar-looking boy wearing a suit at the funeral. Release Dates And now, it's here. : Thor Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. Strange: [ discussion about Thanos getting all the stones] he could destroy life on a scale, heitherto undreamt of. Shh. Wake him up. Thanos: [ to Stark] You have my respect, Stark. Loki He must be going somewhere. In a clever twist, Banner is the one who wants to transform while the Hulk doesn't. Rocket Raccoon Thor Turns the legs to jelly. Thor They make the most powerful and horrific weapons to ever torment the universe. Dr. It sucks. "It never was," Peter answers without missing a beat. After all, we know that the Soul Stone only appears when someone gives up someone they truly love: "A soul for a soul." [chuckles] Find the best quotes from Avengers: Infinity War, including great one-liners, insightful thoughts, quotes from Thanos, and all of the funny dialogue found in the movie. Thor Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for \"fair use\" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. And watch the sunrise on a grateful universe. The sparks that fly often result in some of the funniest moments of the films and Infinity War is filled with big personalities and egos that are bouncing off of each other for the first time. The hardest choices, requires the strongest will. Thanos Pointing his blaster, Quill tells Thanos to let her go or else he'll blast Thanos' nutsack of a chin right off his face. Much of the conversation about Avengers: Infinity War has revolved around how big it is, how epic it is, and how dark it is -- especially when it comes to the ending. Company Credits [Groot impales several Outriders with his arm]. When Rocket is pursued by Asgardian guards, they also call him "rabbit," proving Thor isn't the only individual from Asgard who makes this mistake. Scrounging for scraps. - August 4, 2018 04:19 pm EDT. Because I was thinking about hanging a couple on my belt right here. : You're very perceptive. Stark: Hes more than that, hes evolving. : : : Vision: We both made promises, but not to each other. This is mentioned by Smart Hulk to the Ancient One in the initial conversation. Banner: I dont know, were sorta having a thing. Red Skull: To ensure that whoever possesses it, understand its power. Eitri : Gamora: [ to Quill] Not him. It'll kill you. As does what you fear. And for another, we have the Hulk! You're going to die for that! You never onced use your greatest weapon. Ebony Maw That is, it was. Rocket: [ to Bucky] how much for the gun? In other words, like with Thor's journey in Thor, Steve has put aside ego to be the hero he always could be. : Rocket: Okay, time to be the Captain. Instead, Thor pretty quickly goes off the rails, becoming more focused on having one last chat with his mother, Frigga. : Once she hears that giving up the Time Stone is part of his plan, she's willing to gamble her own version of the Time Stone to a similarly massive being. Thor: Absolutely! [as Thanos strangles him to death] But, as Banner points out while looking at the gauntlet that Tony's built, the Stones give off gamma radiation and that's what created the Hulk. : Please refresh the page and try again. Or should I say: I am. But there's one more emotion that most fans are feeling as they head home from their local movieplex: confusion. The Tesseract. Thor: He gave you his eyes? Thor The Earth's mightiest heroes. Dread it? A few minutes, maybe more. Well, for one thing, I'm not Asgardian. Seriously? So Im good to go. Matt has been covering the entertainment industry for over two years and will fight to his dying breath that Hulk and Black Widow make a good couple. "Damn it?" Strange: Im sorry. A handsome, muscular man. Its weird. This is.. this is a man. Cap's Mjolnir upgrade can't keep up with Thanos, and even Captain Marvel's strength isn't enough to take down Thanos when he cheats and uses the Power Stone to knock her away. Banner: Tony, youre okay? Thanos: Today I lost more than you can know. Thor He then lands a blow to Hulk's neck, causing him to cry out in pain. "Dude, how long have you been standing there?" Quill: What Master do I serve? : Thor (rocket family) Thor was a US space launch vehicle derived from the PGM-17 Thor intermediate-range ballistic missile. For even in death, you have become children of Thanos. But now, you kill, and torture and you call it mercy. My father killed my mother. It's a stand-up-and-shout moment in a movie filled with them, a moment as appealing to diehard Marvel comic book fans as it is to the average moviegoer. The Avengers broke up. Arriving on a seemingly normal looking Knowhere, the Guardians confront Thanos, only to learn he's already acquired the Reality Stone and has decimate the place. : You were supposed to protect us. So I had to kill her. Rocket: I could lose a lot. Shhh. You're going to die for that. So when they needed us, we could fight the battles Natasha Romanoff I assume you have a preference. Thanos: I counted on it. As soon as he touched Thanos' gloved hand, it was all over for the Mad Titan. Instead, Bucky took over for Cap more as necessity when Steve Rogers died (and was unstuck through time). Well, the easy answer is that the Soul Stone demands a sacrifice of the person who is receiving the Soul Stone. As soon as Natasha and Clint head off to get the Soul Stone from Vormir, audience members who remembered Avengers: Infinity War were likely squirming in their seats. Thor tells Rocket about the death of his family and friends and how he will kill ThanosAbout the film:Avengers: Infinity Waris a 2018 Americansuperhero filmbased on theMarvel Comicssuperhero team theAvengers, produced byMarvel Studiosand distributed byWalt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. : Ebony Maw Ironman/Stark: [referring to Stranges cloak] Wow youre a serious loyal piece of outerwear. He casts the power around the Hulk, lifting him off the ground and teleporting him away and safe from harm. So let me do the plan and that way it might be really good. He came here to steal a necklace from a Wizard. Strange: Congratulations, youre a prophet. "Tonally, [it's] one of our favorite scenes in the movie. Spider-man: Have you ever seen this really old movie, Aliens? Thor: [ after Loki presents the Tesseract] You really are the worst brother. : [to Thanos] Thor Smile. Thor Quill: [ changing his voice to match Thors] No youre not. So, what actually are the rules of time travel. New haircut? This is only made funnier by the fact that Quill also calls Thanos Grimace, the purple McDonald's nightmare. It'll kill you. Steve and Thor finally reunite, and Thor introduces Steve to his new friend, a tree. Stark: Im sorry. Marvel Studios AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR..L to R: Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Rocket (voiced by Bradley Cooper) and Groot (voiced by Vin Diesel).Photo: Film Frame..Marvel Studios 2018. : Captain America: Im not looking for forgiveness. That was a mistake. Thor [approaches Thanos] Thanos: If you consider failure experience Stark: If Thanos needs all six, what dont we just stick this one down the garbage disposal? [being overwhelmed by Outriders] : When Thor and Rocket go back to Asgard during the events of Thor: The Dark World, they're there for one reason only: to get the Reality Stone from Jane's body and return to the present. Once he flew over and grabbed the Gauntlet, he could reshape the oversized glove to transfer the stones to his own wrist in a moment. (referring to the children of Thanos after Thor arrived with his new ax).
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